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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Ex.4. SAY what meanings are distinguished in the pairs of sentences below with the help of the form of the Infinitive

Example: He couldn’t understand what we wanted (Non-Perfect Inf. + Could

à past capability);

He couldn’t have misunderstood us; we explained everything in detail (Perfect Inf. + Could à present strong probability).

A. 1. a) But she says she must find a lawyer. b) Where did this simple small-town Mississippi guy find a thousand dollars? He must have borrowed it from his brother.

2. a) “I should've talked to him before I left.” b) “I don't plan to report it,” he said. “I think you should do so the first thing tomorrow.”

3. a) “He may be waiting for us outside, let’s hurry.” b) It appeared, at least from the record, that the kid’s father may have been hiding some cash, but nothing serious.

4. a) A candidate must pass oral and practical exams, as well as a written test at the direction of the Board. b) “I don't suppose you’d be interested in – ” “You must be kidding!” Jake yelled.

5. a) “ May I talk to you later?” “Yes, make an appointment, please.” b) I don’t have any judgment about what may have happened. That’s not my concern or my interest.

6. a) Jake looked at the small man with the red hair and green eyes, and said, “You must be Sheldon Roark.” “I am.” b) He must have sensed my awakening, my movements, but he did not look at me.

7. a) “If it is to be done, then it must be done properly, decisively, and speedily.” b) Perhaps they had not understood the way in which I was to have been useful.

8. a) “I’m traveling too much. We ought to spend more time together.” b) You ought to have spared his feelings. c) He ought to be able to remember his card number, but he couldn’t.

9. a) Their cottage has been empty for about a week – they must have gone to their mansion in Tinsley. b) Their mother must now find a job to support them.

10. a) He was the sort of man who was to be obeyed, immediately and perfectly. b) It was to have been a nice trip, just the two of them.

11. a) “You scared, Jake?” “Why should I be scared? I’m not facing the gas chamber.” b) “He cannot oppose a request until it is made. He should’ve learned that in law school.”


B. 1. a) He did not want to think about what might have happened to Gaunt, but he dreamed about the possibilities when he went to sleep at night. b)They’re supposed to have an eyewitness and he might testify.

2. a) “I have no plans really. I may travel. Spend some money.”
b) “Thank you, Mrs. Malone. “There’s a good chance the money may have disappeared.

3. a) You may return to your seat in the courtroom.” b) “When Tom first suggested a meeting at the end of the day, and when he suggested that we have some wine, and talk over old times, I’m afraid I may have unconsciously responded to him in a way that he might not have intended.

4. a) How could a hardware store run out of paint? b) “You could have called. Why’d you come up in person?”

5. a) “Look Stan, all you should worry about is whether or not I can repay the money in ninety days. It may take a long time, but I’ll pay you. Trust me.” b) He should have called, but he was not going to apologize.

6. a) “Knowing he is so touchy, you should’ve done better – you shouldn’t have told him all the truth.” b) Where are you staying tonight?” “Where do you think I should stay?” “I think you should stay at your apartment at Ole Miss.”

7. a) “He is to be your personal guard”, he said. b) “What was to have been done is hardly important now,” he said sadly.

8. a) “We must now wait for the grand jury – he may not be indicted. If he is, we’ll start planning his defense.” b) “I’m simply trying to prepare for what may happen tomorrow.” c) You may have noticed that we have a minimum of personnel on the island.



Ex.5. AVOID repeating the Infinitive: LEAVE only to of the Infinitive phrase OR DELETE both to and the Infinitive from the sentence.


Model: Would you like to have a swim? – I’d love to (have a swim).

She allowed me to borrow whatever book I wanted (to borrow).


1. – You are not going to tell the manager about this small accident, are you? – I’m afraid I will have to do so. I simply must tell the manager.

2. – Why didn’t you come to see Nick off? – I didn’t know I should come.

3. Mark likes Mozart’s music or seems to like it.

4. Thank you for the time you were with us, you can come whenever you want to come.

5. – Why don’t you dance with him? – He hasn’t invited me to dance.

6. – Did you tell him why I was late for the celebration? – I wasn’t supposed to tell him, was I?

7. – Have you posted the letters? – I haven’t had time yet to post them. Will you do it for me, please?

8. – Why didn’t Susan go to the picnic with us? – I don’t know, maybe she didn’t want to go with us.

9. Everything in this building is at your disposal – you are free to see what you want to see.

10. – Do you think Joe loves Alice? – Well, he seems to love her.

11. – Shall we all go out for dinner? – I don’t think the children would like to eat out. Let’s have a family dinner at home.

12. Do what you like to do, only don’t leave this room until I am back.

13. – Why didn’t you talk to his father? – My parents advised me not to talk to him.



Ex.6. INSERT TO where necessary.

I. 1. I like … play the piano. 2. We had… put on our overcoats because it was cold. 3. My brother can … write poems. 4. I wanted … speak to Nick, but could not … find his telephone number 5. They heard the girl … cry out with joy. 6. Would you like … go to England? 7. I would rather … stay at home today. 8. It is high time for you … go to bed. 9. He did not want … play in the yard anymore. 10. May I … use your telephone? 11. You look tired. You had better … go home. 12. They wanted … cross the river. 13. It is time … get up. 14. Let me … help you with your homework. 15. I was planning … do a lot of things yesterday. 16. I’d like … speak to you. 17. I’d like … dance. 18. I like … dance. 19. What makes you … think you are right? 20. I shall … do all I can … help you.


II. 1. He would sooner … die than … betray his friends. 2. You’ll be better to-morrow. You may … come and … dine with us. 3. Why not … start out now? We cannot wait for the rain … stop. 4. The boy helped us … find the way to the railway station. 5. Don’t let us … get worried. 6. There are a hundred things … be done. 7. “Thanks,” Andrew answered, “ I’d rather … see the cases myself.” 8. We had better … make haste. 9. What made you … think so? 10. He was made … obey the rules. 11. I thought I would rather … get to the gallery alone, but I was obliged … accept his company. 12. You ought not … speak to the Dean like that. 13. Get them … come as early as possible. 14. There is hardly anything … do but … work out an alternative plan. 15. … have gone through what you have gone through is the lot of very few. 16. I think I shall be able … solve this problem. 17. That funny scene made me … laugh. 18. She did not let her mother … go away. 19. Do you like … listen to good music? 20. She made me … repeat my words several times.



Ex.7. TRANSLATE the sentences using the phrases:


Let/make/have smb. do smth., had better (best), would rather (sooner), may/might just as well, cannot but do, can’t do anything but (can do nothing but), why do, why not do (why don’t smb. do)

I. 1. Не заставляйте меня лгать. 2. Родители не разрешают мне ездить на велосипеде за город. 3. Вам лучше остаться дома – на улице ливень. 4. Не смешите меня. 5. «Лучше я пойду прогуляюсь», - решила мисс Роуз. 6. Заставь его выпить лекарство. 7. Скажите им написать диктант еще раз. 8. Дайте мне подумать. 9. Он не мог не согласиться с моими выводами. 10. Теперь ясно, что мы могли бы вполне и не ходить туда. 11. Почему бы не присесть, если места свободны? 12. Позвольте мне помочь вам. 13. Мы вполне можем решить этот вопрос сами. 14. Не давайте ему есть столько сладкого. 15. Распорядитесь, чтобы кто-нибудь принес мел. 16. Дайте мне знать, когда она придет.


II. 1. «Лучше бы тебе сознаться самому в том, что произошло», - горестно сказал Тедди. 2. Почему бы вам не посоветоваться со своим наставником? 3. Не давай ей носить тяжелые вещи. 4. Лучше бы вам уйти – здесь сейчас будет много народу. 5. Пусть он остается здесь, уже поздно ехать домой. 6. Мы не могли понять, что заставило его солгать нам. 7. Мы не могли не восторгаться успехом нашего совместного проекта. 8. Зачем ссориться? Ведь все можно уладить спокойно. 9. Он заставил нас сделать работу снова. 10. «Ты вполне можешь справиться с работой без чьей-либо помощи», - сказала мне директор. 11. Он сказал, что ничто не заставит его изменить свое решение. 12. Все, что я могу сейчас делать, - это думать о завтрашнем матче с командой технического университета. 13. Не позволяй ей смотреть телевизор, лежа в постели.



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