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Contents. The general features of the Verbals



The general features of the Verbals. The double nature of the Verbals 5

The general features, forms and categories of the Infinitive. 6

1. The forms and categories of the Infinitive. The use of ‘to’-Infinitive and the Bare Infinitive. ‘To’ without the Infinitive. 6

Exercises. 8

The functions of the Infinitive in the sentence (Subject, Predicative, Part of Compound Verbal Predicate, Object, Attribute, Adverbial Modifier and Parenthesis) 13

2. The Infinitive in the function of the Subject. 13

Exercises. 14

3. The Infinitive in the function of Part of the Predicate. 15

Exercises. 17

4. The Infinitive in the function of Object. 21

Exercises. 23

5. The Infinitive in the function of Attribute. 25

Exercises. 27

6. The Infinitive in the function of Adverbial Modifier and Parenthesis 28

Exercises. 30

Predicative Constructions with the Infinitive: the For-Complex, the Complex Object and the Complex Subject structures. 34

7. The Complex Object, the For-Complex and the Complex Subject. 34

Exercises. 39

Revision of the Infinitive. 42

Test on the Infinitive. 46


The general characteristics, forms and grammatical categories of the Gerund.. 48

8. The forms and categories of the Gerund. 48

Exercises. 50

The functions of the Gerund in the sentence. 51

9. The Gerund in the functions of Subject, Predicative, Part of Compound Verbal Predicate. 52

Exercises. 54

10. The Gerund in the function of Object. 56

Exercises. 58

11. The Gerund in the function of Attribute. 60

Exercises. 61

12. The Gerund in the function of Adverbial Modifier. 62

Exercises. 64

The alternative use of the Infinitive and the Gerund. The Gerund and the Verbal Noun. 67

13. The choice between the Gerund and the Infinitive after some Verbs. 68

Exercises. 73

14. The Gerund and the Verbal Noun compared. 75

Exercise. 78

Revision of the Gerund. 78

Test on the Gerund. 84


The general characteristics, forms and grammatical categories of the Participles. 86

15. The forms and categories of the Participles. 86

Exercises. 88

The functions of the Participles in the sentence. 91

16. Participles in the functions of Attribute, Predicative, and Parenthesis. 92

17. Participles in the Functions of Adverbial Modifier. 94

Exercises. 96

18. Participle I and the Gerund compared. 103

Exercises. 105

Predicative constructions with the Participles. 106

19. Complex Object with the Participles. 106

20. Complex Subject with the Participles. 108

21. Absolute Participial Constructions. 108

Exercises. 110

Revision of the Participles. 116

Test on Participles. 118

Revision of the Verbals. 120

Keys. 125


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