Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным
Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
Как сделать то, что делать не хочется?
Как сделать погремушку
Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
Как сделать идею коммерческой
Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям
Как сделать свидание интересным?
АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
I. Пояснювальна записка
Програма курсу англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням базується на комунікативному підході до навчання мови і належить до нового типу навчальних програм. На перший план висувається завдання практичного активного оволодіння англійською мовою. В основі розробки програми такого типу – теорія комунікативного навчання мові (Communicative Language Teaching), вичерпно представлена в працях Холідея, Хаймса, Манбі, Брамфіта, Ріверо та інших. “Програма курсу з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням” розрахована на 36 годин в 2д семестрі; 52 години в 3 семестрі; 52 години в 4 семестрі; 36 годин в 4д семестрі. Програма орієнтована на розвиток спеціалізованих мовних навичок та вмінь фахового спрямування та вироблення комунікативної компетенції студентів на рівні, що умовно називається “вищесередній” (“upper - intermediate”) на основі активізації та розвитку чотирьох основних навичок (skills), необхідних для успішного спілкування, а саме: § сприйняття на слух та розуміння мови загального та фахового спрямування; § усне мовлення з урахуванням спеціалізованої лексики; § розвиток академічного письма різних типів; § володіння ефективними методами читання та аналізу текстів загального характеру та за професійним спрямуванням. З цією метою “Програма курсу з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням ” починається з вступного курсу до спеціальності, який консолідує набуті навички, вміння та знання програми курсу “General English” та готує студентів до поглибленого розвитку академічних навичок, а саме: summary writing, note–taking, the structure of the essay, listening for gist, listening for details, analytical reading of special texts. Протягом основного курсу 3, 4, 4д семестрів студентами вивчаються теми, на основі яких відпрацьовується необхідна для вільного, фахового спілкування лексика та виробляються комунікативні навички, включають: § для ФСНСТ Education; Work and Employment; Politics; Globalization; Ethical Values and Religion; Life in the Society; Nature and Ecology; The Arts; § для ФІ Education; Work and Employment; Computing I; Globalization; Ethical Values; Computing II; Nature and Ecology; Computers as Entertainment; § для ФГН Education; Work and Employment; Literature; Globalization; Ethical Values; The Arts (Theatre and Music); Cultural heritage and Trends; § для ФЕН Education; Work and Employment; Economic Considerations; Globalization; Ethical Values; Accounting and Finance; Nature and Ecology; Culture and Business; § для ФПвН Education; Work and Employment; Crime and Punishment; Law.Order.Society; Ethical Values; Globalization; Nature and Ecology; Arts and Entertanment; § для ФПрН Education; Work and Employment; Science and Technology; Globalization; Ethical Values; Interfering with Nature; Nature and Ecology; Culture and Environment. Граматичні теми програми є спільними для студентів всіх факультетів: у 3 семестрі – вторинні функції модальних дієслів, умовні речення, означальні речення; у 4 семестрі – інфінітив і герундій, дієприкметник і дієприслівник; у 4 д семестрі – сполучні слова і вирази в тексті, інверсія та емфатичні структури. Програма передбачає системне і комплексне застосування технічних засобів навчання (аудіо-, теле- і відеоапаратури), а також інші методичні засоби і прийоми, що сприяють вирішенню проблем навчаня курсу англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням. Мета “ Програми курсу з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням ” є виведення студентів на “вищийсередній “ рівень і підготовка до наступного етапу вивчення мови за програмами ESP та продовження навчання на магістерських програмах.
ЗМІСТ ПРАКТИЧНИХ ЗАНЯТЬ - розгляд і обговорення граматичного матеріалу за переліком контрольних питань по відповідних темах; - розгляд і опрацювання лексичного матеріалу,визначеного програмою курсу; - проведення дискусій в міні-групах - проведення презентацій,виступів з доповідями відповідно до тематик програми курсу; - розгляд і обговорення структури есе різних типів; - аналіз письмових робіт студентів; - аудіювання з різними типами завдань; - розв’язання тестів відповідно до тематики практичного завдання; - проведення ділових ігор та обговорення практичних ситуацій (кейсів); - виконання поточних контрольних робіт; - виконання підсумкових контрольних робіт; - перевірка практичних завдань, виконаних студентами самостійно; - проведення консультацій з дисципліни; Поурочний план Вказана навчально-методична література подається в скороченому вигляді. Повні бібліографічні данні вказані в списку основної та додаткової літератури.
Topic # 1. Education Lesson 1: Aims of education. Reading: Aims of education. Headway adv. p.19. Is university worth it? Language Leader Intermediate. Unit 8.3, p.84 Speaking: Aims of education. Is it worth going to university to become a scientist (biologist, physicist, chemist, ecologist)? Problems that students of natural sciences faculty might face adjusting to higher education. Listening: Trouble at Lakeside. Language Leader Int. T. 2.8,p.87. Watching: The aim of Education. Writing: Essay organization. Mosaic. A Content-Based Writing II. P.18-19 Grammar: Reproach and criticism of the past: should have/ought to have. Polite expression of thanks on receiving a gift or a favour: shouldn’t have. Annoyance of someone’s failure to do smth: might have. Azar. Ch.9.7-9.8 English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises. Louise Hashemi with R. Murphy. P.34-45. The Heinemann English Grammar. p.74-75
Topic # 1. Education Lesson 2: Educational attitudes. Reading: Educational attitudes in the USA. Beyond Language. Ch. 6, p.109-115, The State Education System in England. Headway (adv.) Unit 1. Speaking: Educational attitudes in the USA. Differences between the state educational system in England, the USA and Ukraine. What makes a good teacher? (Should teachers try to establish personal relationships with their students? Why or why not? Should the teacher always be an authority figure or should the teacher try to establish egalitarian relationships with students? Should teachers be strict or lenient with students? Should teachers encourage students to ask questions? Should a student be free to express an opinion that differs from the teacher's one?) Plagiarism/ Cheating: how to avoid/ combat it? Listening: Plagiarism. Language Leader. U-I. T.3.23, 3.24, p.130 Watching: What makes a teacher great. Writing: Essay organization: Introduction; Thesis statement; Mosaic. A Content-Based Writing II. P.12-16 Grammar: Expectations: to be supposed to, be to, be expected to, should/should have (ought to/ought to have) Azar. (II edition). Ch. 2.10 p.83-85, The Heinemann English Grammar. P.79-80
Topic # 1. Education Lesson 3: Alternative Education/ Diversity in Education. Reading: The idea of Summerhill. Headway adv. Unit 1, p.18-19; Maria Montessori. Language Leader. Int. Unit 8.2, p.82-83: Lifelong learning. Language Leader. Int. Unit 8.5 p.88. Speaking: Alternative education. Private education. Home schooling. For and against. Should children who want to become scientists be educated at home? What kind of education can provide successful scientists? Listening: Interview with Mr. Ian Beer, Head Master of Harrow School. Headway (adv.) T. la. Radio programme on independent schools. Headway (adv.) T. Ib. Educating Children at home. Headway (int.) T.29. Watching: Negative effects of homeschooling, Imagine a school…Summerhill, Why send your kids to an alternative school? Writing: Essay organization: Developmental paragraphs. Mosaic. A Content-Based Writing II. P.12-16 Grammar: Expressing certainty and uncertainty (present, future): must/can’t/couldn’t;may/may not; might/might not; could First Certificate Language Practice ex. 1,2,4 p. 84-86; Azar. (II edition). Ch.2.13-2.14 p.89-94
Topic # 1. Education Lesson 4: Ecological education. Reading: Environment education is an essential part of every pupil’s education. (package). Education. More than words. Book 2. Unit 9. Speaking: Is ecological education important? How do you feel schoolchildren can best be introduced to nature and the natural sciences? What’s a green school? Watching: Is environmental education important? Balis green school. Writing: Essay organization: Conclusion. Mosaic. A Content-Based Writing II. P.12-16 Grammar: Expressing certainty and uncertainty (past): must have/can’t have/couldn’t have; may have/may not have; might have/might not have; could have; Azar.(II edition) Ch.2.15-2.16 p.95-99 Ch.9 p.84-85 First Certificate Language Practice p.88-93
Topic # 1. Education Lesson 5: Memory Reading: The Mystery of Memory. Landmark (adv) SB p.82-83; 10 ways to improve your memory. New Cutting Edge Int.p.20-23; Tricks of memory. Attitudes 5, P.6; Speaking: How many different kinds of memory are known? How do our memories work? What methods can be used to improve one’s memory? Making mind maps (presentations and the general idea). Is it a good idea to “cram” for an exam, i.e. to try and learn a lot in short time just before the Big Day? Listening: Tricks of memory. Attitudes 5, P.6; Interview with an expert on memory. Attitudes 5 (SB) p.7; Interview with Jake Chandler – World Memory Champion. Attitudes 5 (WB) p.5; Mind map presentation Attitudes 5 SB p.13;; The Forgetful Generation. New Headway Intermediate. T.83; Writing: Using linking words. Grammar: Habitual actions, states, situations: used to, would, be used to, be accustomed to, get/become accustomed to Azar (II edition) Ch.2.18-2.19 p.101-104
Topic # 1. Education Lesson 6: IQ Intelligence. Reading: Intelligence tests. Pros and Cons. p.103-104; I.Q. Attitudes 4, p.92-93What is Intelligence, Anyway? Patterns Plus p.322-324; Multiple Intelligence. Attitudes 4,, 96-97; Intelligence test. Discussions (adv) p.43; Speaking: What is intelligence? Is there a difference between being educated and being smart? Do you think that the puzzles are more difficult for you than for a native speaker of English? What does this tell you about IQ tests? Describe your styles of learning. Listening: Type of intelligence and learning styles. Attitudes 4 (SB) p.97; IQ tests. Attitudes (WB) p.54; A head start. Discussions (adv) p.41; (How to use the brain more effectively. Headway Adv. T.25, T 26.; Logic Problems. First Certificate Avenues. Unit 12.1) Writing: Generating and organizing ideas for writing. Grammar: Preference: I would rather do/I would sooner do; I’d rather have done, I’d rather you did Azar Ch. 2.20 p.106-107 Topic # 1. Education Lesson 7: Genius. Born genius? Reading: A born genius? Discussions (adv) p.41; Genius. Attitudes 5, p.82. Speaking: Is talk of genius elitist? Are not all children equally important? Why do you think mental problems are often found among the famous and talented? What is the difference between genius and talent? Listening: Radio show about the connection between madness and genius. Attitudes 5 (SB) p.83 Writing: Describe the person who you consider to be the genius. Grammar: Other ways of expressing possibility, probability and certainty (likelihood):verbal phrases: be bound/ certain/sure to do; to be (highly) likely/ (un) likely to do; adverbs of probability: certainly, definitely, obviously, probably. FCE Use of English (2) p.41-45 Topic # 1. Education Lesson 8: Current test # 1
Topic # 2. Work and Employment Lesson 1: Work attitudes. Reading: Work attitudes. Beyond Language. Ch.7 Work and Employment. More than Words. Book 2. Unit 11. Speaking: Work values in the USA. Work values in Ukraine. How did you choose your profession? What do you look for in a job? Listening: My first job. Headway (upper - interm).T. 7.; A dream comes true. Headway (upper - interm). T. 8.; First Job. First Certificate Avenues. Unit 9. A retired man. Headway (interm). T. 20. Watching: Work values. Writing: Describe your future profession. Grammar: True in the present or future. Untrue (contrary to fact) in the present/ future. Azar.Ch.10-1,10-2, 10-3 Topic # 2. Work and Employment Lesson 2: Factors contributing to success at work. Reading: A satisfying job. New Cambridge Advanced. Unit 20; Aid worker. (Rainforest protection agency). Straightforward (U-I) p. 100-101 Speaking: What jobs do you find the most/the least appealing for you? Why? What factors contribute to success at work? What things can give you job satisfaction? Listening: Jobs: Likes and dislikes. Headway (interm).T. 4. Watching: Steve Jobs – Keys to success. Why people quit their jobs. Writing: Writing a cover letter. Analyzing letter organization and its purpose. Grammar: Mixed-type conditional sentences. Using could, might, should. Azar. 10-4, 10-6, 10-7 Topic # 2. Work and Employment Lesson 3: Qualities required to be a successful scientist. Job interview. Reading: Work. Headway U-I. Unit 3; Killer questions. Language Leader Int. p.30-35 Speaking: Why do you think you would be well-suited to your future job? What are the qualities of a good scientist? Job interview. Listening: Situation vacant. Writing CVs. Language Leader Int. Unit 3.4, 3.5.T. 1.16, 1.17,1.18,1.19. Watching: I am a scientist. Job interview. Writing: Writing a cover letter. Using standard phrases in formal letters. Grammar: Other ways of expressing conditions: omitting if, implied conditions. Using wish /if only to express regrets about the present/past.Azar. 10-8, 10-9
Topic # 2. Work and Employment Lesson 4: Suffering for science. Reading: Advice to budding scientists. Link U-I p.56-57; Suffering for science. New English File U-I. p.94. A very long-term experiment. Science and Technology Words. Unit 1 Lesson 5 p.18; Speaking: What factors can make young people good inventors? How scientists may suffer to make their discoveries? Watching: How to be a scientist. On being a scientist from the National Academies. Writing: Writing a CV. Grammar: Using wish /if only to express regrets about the present/past. Azar. Ch.10-10;10-11 Topic # 2. Work and Employment Lesson 5: Stress management. Reading: Information Overload Syndrome. Matters adv. P.82-84; Stress management. Focus on Advanced English CAE Unit 3; Alternative approach to fighting stress. Straightforward U-I p.80-81; Stress test. Attitudes 5 p.50-51 Speaking: What physical symptoms does “information overload” cause? How could we deal more effectively with a large amount of information? How do you handle everyday stress? Listening: Student’s talk about being stressed. Attitudes 5 p.50-51 Stress management. Causes of stress. Focus on Advanced English CAE, Un. 4, p.54 A story about an alternative therapist. Straightforward (U-I) p. 81 Writing: Writing a summary. Following the procedure of summary writing. Understanding the text to be summarized. Grammar: Using would to make wishes about the future. Azar. Ch.10-10;10-11
Topic # 2. Work and Employment Lesson 6: A man’s world? Reading: From engines to engineers. Language Leader Int. Unit 9.1 p.90; Sexual discrimination. Straightforward adv. p. 52-53.More Men Infiltrating Professions Historically Dominated by Women. Headlines. Ch. 7. Speaking: Why do you think there are fewer female engineers than male engineers? Should there be more women in engineering? Why (not)? Is there discrimination in the workplace against women in our country? In what sort of professions do women face sexual discrimination? Listening: Interview with L. Barone. Language Leader Int. Un.9.1, T.2.10, p.91; Sexual discrimination. Starightforward adv. t.2.9-2.13. Writing: Writing a summary. Distinguishing general and specific points. Paraphrasing main points from the text. Grammar: Using as if/ as though to make comparison. Azar. Ch. 10-12 Topic # 2. Work and Employment Lesson 7: The workplace of the future. Reading: The workplace of the future. New Proficiency Gold. p.148; Working from home. Upstream U-I (SB) p.200-201;Working from home. Language Leader Int. p.28-29. Speaking: What do you thinkthe future workplace will be like? What in your opinion are the main advantages and disadvantages of working at home? Could you do your job at home if you had the right equipment? Listening: Working from home. Headway (interm). T. 36. Working from home. Language Leader Int.p.29. Watching: Flexible working. Writing: Write a summary of the text: Working from home. Language Leader Int. p.28-29. Grammar: Expressing conditions in adverb clauses (if; whether or not; even if; in case; unless; only if; providing/provided that; suppose/supposing; otherwise; or else) Azar. Ch.9-5;9-7;9-8;9-9
Topic # 2. Work and Employment Lesson 8: Current test # 2
Topic # 3. Science and Technology Lesson 1: How much do you know about science? Talk about science. Reading: What does technology mean to you? Advanced skills. p.49-51. Living without technology. Language Leader U-I. p.124 – 125. Speaking: How much do you know about science? Talk about science. (Quiz. New English File U-I P.93, 95). What does technology mean to you? Is it possible to live without technology? Listening: Technological equipment. Language Leader U-I T.3.20 P.121; What does technology mean to you? Advanced Skills. p. 49-51. Track 3. Writing: Problem solution essay. Purpose of the essay. Grammar: Adjective clauses. Using subject pronouns: who, which, that. Using object pronouns who(m), which, that. Azar (III ed.) Ch. 13.1-13.5 p.267-273 Topic # 3. Science and Technology Lesson 2: Pro or anti? Technology. Reading: Pro or anti? No going back to nature. Language Leader U-I U12.p. 126- 127. Technology – always a force for good? Language Leader U-I U12.p. 131. Speaking: Technical innovation is frightening and goes against human nature. The technological rate of change is different now from 40 years ago. Technological innovation is good news for human development. The rapid rate of technological development has improved our lives. Listening: Living without technology. Language leader U-I. WB. U. 12.2, p.83. Track 2.28. Writing: Problem solution essay. Introduction paragraph. Thesis statement. Grammar: Using whose, where, when. Using adjective clauses to modify pronouns. Azar (III ed.) Ch. 13.6-13.9 p.274-280 Topic # 3. Science and Technology Lesson 3: Price of progress. Reading: The price of progress. Focus on Proficiency. Unit 9 p. 157-162; Science: is it a menace to civilization? Pros and Cons p.191 Speaking: “Computers breed laziness and discontent” (Bel Mooney). How true is this of modern technological innovations in general? Science: is it a menace to civilization? Listening: Opinions about technology and its effects. Speaking of values p.92 Watching: Negative effects of technology. Writing: Problem solution essay. Organizing body paragraphs. Grammar: Punctuation of adjective clauses. Azar (III ed.) Ch. 13.10 p.281-285 Topic # 3. Science and Technology Lesson 4: Devices and gadgets. How things get invented. Reading: Devices and gadgets. Language Leader U-I U12.p. 122 – 123. Wearable technology. Sport technology. Straightforward (adv) p.118-121 Wireless technology. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/ocr_gateway/energy_home/4_wireless_signals1.shtml Speaking: What inventions have changed our lifestyle in important ways? Describe an invention/ a gadget. Invent a gadget which you think will be useful to you or other members of your society. There is too much technology in the home. Listening: Describing an invention. Attitudes 4. P.55; Sport technology. Straightforward Adv. T. 3.40-3.42 p.120; Important discoveries/inventions. Total adv SB p.58 Writing: Problem solution essay. Usage of linking words. Grammar: Using expressions of quantity in adjective clauses. Using noun + of which. Using which to modify a whole sentence. Azar (III ed.) Ch. 13.11-13.13 p.285-290
Topic # 3. Science and Technology Lesson 5: Ahead of their time. Inventions that changed the world. Reading: Ahead of their time. Total adv. p. 118-120. Beware technology. Advanced Skills. p.14-17. Speaking: Who of the famous inventors achieved most in your opinion? Online shopping guideline. Is it safe and convenient to buy on the Internet? Discussion – Sayings about technological progress. Speaking of values. p.100. Listening: Discoveries. Ahead of their time. Total adv. p.120. Track.9.1. Watching: Things Europeans never invented. Writing: Problem solution essay. Conclusion paragraph. Grammar: Reduction of adjective clauses. Changing an adjective clause to an adjective phrase. Azar (III ed.) Ch. 13.14-13.15 p.290-297 Topic # 3. Science and Technology Lesson 6: Changes in the world in future. Reading: 21st- century lifestyles. Cutting Edge (adv) p.86-87; Trends. Changes in the world in future. Straightforward (U-I) SB p.72-73 Speaking: Make your predictions about the social, economic and personal consequences of future inventions. Which of the innovations do you think are most likely to be developed in the next 20 years? Which do you think would be the most useful? Why? And which would be the most enjoyable? Is science an answer to the world’s problems? Should there be any restrictions to scientific research? Listening: Listening to lifestyle experts giving predictions for future. Straightforward (U-I) SB p.72; Better future. Inventions. Total adv. SB p.106; Techno-house. Focus on IELTS. Sect. 4, p.132 Writing: Problem solution essay. Grammar: Adjective clauses. Revision. FCE Use of English 2. Ch.5
Topic # 3. Science and Technology Lesson 7: Current test # 3 Lesson 8: Final test. Lesson 9: Test analysis.
Topic # 4. Globalisation. Lesson 1: Nonverbal communication. Reading: Nonverbal communication. Beyond Language. Ch. 3; New Cambridge Advanced. Unit 13; Body language and movement. More than Words 1. Unit 10 Speaking: Categories of nonverbal communication. Body language speaks louder than words. Listening: Entertaining guests in different countries.New Headway (int.) T.29. Watching: The power of the body language. Writing: Comparison and contrast essay. The purpose of the essay. Ways of its graphic organizing. Grammar: Common Verbs Followed by Infinitives. FCE Use of English 2 P.15-18 Topic # 4. Globalisation. Lesson 2: Intercultural communication. Reading: Intercultural communication. Language Leader U-I P.114-115, Beyond Language. Ch. 9, 10 Speaking: Cultural conflicts. Adjusting to a new culture. In your opinion, what area of culture create the most serious problems in intercultural communication? What is the difference between having pride in one’s identity and being ethnocentric? What factors make culture shock easier to overcome? Listening: Culture shock. Language Leader.U-I P.115 Prejudice. Streamline. Directions (English). Ch. 10. Watching: Gestures around the world. Writing: Comparison and contrast essay. Analyzing modal essays. Grammar: Infinitive of Purpose: In order to / so as to / in order not to / so as not to… FCE Use of English 2 P.19-25
Topic # 4. Globalisation. Lesson 3: Urbanization. Reading: Urbanization. Cambridge voc for IELTS 2008 p.72-74 Speaking: Causes and consequences of urbanization. What specific “challenges” will we face as world population grows? Consider economic, political and personal challenges. "There is no solitude in the world like that of the big city."—Kathleen Norris Writing: What are some of the effects of living in a crowded urban area? Listening: Sheila and Bob talking about New York. Headway Int. (New). T. 46a.; Tarry talking about London. Headway Int. (New). T. 46b. Writing: Comparison and contrast essay. Structure and mechanisms. Connectors of comparison and contrast Grammar: Adjectives Followed by Infinitives. FCE Use of English 2. P. 23-26 Topic # 4. Globalisation. Lesson 4: Netizens Reading: Netizens. Attitudes 4 p.28; The power of the Internet. Language Leader U-I. Unit 8.2 Speaking:. Internet addict or internet phobe? Why do teenagers see the world as a smaller place than their grandparents did? Do people indulge in fantasy virtual life because of the disappointments of their real lives? Should teenagers’ use of the Internet be limited? Listening: Net work. Inside Out Adv. T.37, p.76; Surfing the net. English Panorama 2. Un.6, p.44 Writing: Comparison and contrast essay. Writing sentences using connector of comparison and contrast. Grammar: Using Infinitives with too and enough. FCE Use of English 2. P. 27-31 Topic # 4. Globalisation. Lesson 5: Disappearing languages. English as a world language. Reading: Last words. Language Leader Int. Unit 4.3 p.42-43. English as a world language. Headway (upper - interm.) Unit 1. Speaking: The world would be a better place if everyone spoke the same language. Advantages and disadvantages of English as a world language. There is no reason to worry about the death of languages. Listening: Disappearing languages. Language Leader I, SB p.43; A" typical "English conversation. Cambridge Adv. 13. 2. A,B; British English and American English. Cambridge Adv. 14.3. Interview with Professor Nesbit. Headway Upper- Interm. T.2 Writing: Comparison and contrast essay. Writing the first draft. Grammar: Passive and Past Forms of Infinitives. FCE Use of English 2.P. 32-37 Topic # 4. Globalisation. Lesson 6: Tourism and environmental damage. Reading: Tourism and environmental damage. Natural English Reading and Writing. (U-I) p. 45-46 Benefits and costs of tourism in the developing world. Natural English Reading and Writing. (U-I) p. 48-49 Ecotourism Framework 4 (SB), p.64. Paradise Lost. New Headway U-I. P.20-21 Speaking: How might ecotourism benefit the environment? Tourism can harm animals and nature. What benefits and costs can tourism bring to a developing country? What are the main problems associated with the tourist industry in the world? Writing: Comparison and contrast essay. Compare cultures of two countries. Grammar: Using the simple form after let and help. Azar. Ch. 15.8 p.338 Topic # 4. Globalisation. Lesson 7: Positive and negative aspects of globalisation. Reading: Positive and negative aspects of globalisation. Language Leader.U-I P.80-81; Globalisation. Winners and losers of Globalisation. Upstream Proficiency (SB) p.175. Listening: Discussion of globalisation. Cambridge Voc. For IELTS 2008, p.75 Globalization. Cutting Edge (adv) p.7. Watching: Introduction to globalisation. Hidden face of globalisation. Speaking: Winners and losers of globalisation. Do you see globalisation as a force for good or bad? Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Why? Grammar: Using causative verbs make, have, get. Azar. Ch. 15.9 p.339
Topic # 4. Globalisation. Lesson 8: Current test # 4.
Topic # 5. Ethical Values. Lesson 1: Religion. Major religions of the world. Reading: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam - Mosaic, Gr. I, pp. 319 – 348; Religion. More than Words. Book2. Unit 10 Speaking: Freedom of religion. What do different religions have in common? Writing: Virtues that you most appreciate in people. Grammar: Common verbs followed by gerunds. Azar. Ch.14.1,14.4 p.297, 302
Topic # 5. Ethical Values. Lesson 2: The meaning of life. The problem of evil. Reading: On the brink of tranquility. Headway adv. p.126-128; The problem of evil. Velasques. Philosophy.p.106-108 Speaking: What scientific explanations of the universe do you know? Is there life after death? Evil is necessary for good. "If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to create him". Listening: Interview with Carl Sagan. Headway adv. T.27 Grammar: Go+gerund as the subjects. Using gerunds as the objects of prepositions. Using gerunds as the adverbial modifier of time and manner. Azar. Ch. 14.2, 14.5 p.298, 303
Topic # 5. Ethical Values. Lesson 3: Moral values. Euthanasia. Reading: Desiderata. Headway adv. p.130; Euthanasia-treat or let die. Mosaic II Reading p.192-201 Speaking: What makes a decent society? The message of Desiderata. If people adopt Victorian Values, it will result in an excellent society. What do you think of the idea of "living wills"? What problems can they cause for doctors and nurses today? What do you think of the hospice movement? What do the people in this movement hope to do? Are you for or against the practice of euthanasia? Explain. Listening: Desiderata. Headway Adv. T. 28 An Interview with M. Thatcher about Victorian Values. Headway (upper - int.) T. 33,34. Grammar: Passive and Past forms of gerunds. Azar. Ch. 15.4 p.331 Topic # 5. Ethical Values. Lesson 4: Crime and punishment. Hunting animals is a crime Reading: Capital punishment Pros and Cons. p..37-38, A battle Without End. Nexus. Un. 11, p.123-125 Speaking: Capital punishment: restoration or abolishment. Hunting animals is a crime. How should poachers be punished? Listening: Make the right decision. New Cutting Edge U-I. Module 11 p.122 Grammar: Using gerunds following "need". Azar. Ch. 15.5 T. 11.6 p.333 Topic # 5. Ethical Values. Lesson 5: Legislation of soft drugs. Why do we commit crimes? Reading: Why do we commit crimes? Language Leader Interm. Unit 12.2 p.124-125. Soft drugs. Legislation of. Pros and Cons. p. 207-208 Speaking: Legislation of soft drugs. Are you for or against? Why do we commit crimes? Criminals are born, not made. Grammar: Using possessive to modify a gerund. Azar. Ch. 15.6 p.334
Topic # 5. Ethical Values. Lesson 6: Vivisection. Reading: Vivisection. Pros and Cons. P.253-256. Ideas and issues (int) p.10-11 Speaking: Give some of the reasons why scientists do experiments on animals. Do you think there is a difference between using animals for testing cosmetic products and using animals for testing medicines? Could you ever do a job that involves animal experiments? Why (not)? Should animals work for people? Listening: Working animals. Interview with a trainer of guide dogs for the blind. Straightforward (U-I) SB p. 22. Grammar: Special expressions followed by the -ing form of a verb.Azar. Ch. 14.6 p.304 Topic # 5. Ethical Values. Lesson 7: Animal rights. Reading: Do animals have rights? Think First Certificate. Un. 10, P.122 Animal rights. Straightforward (U-I) SB p.18 Animal rights. Pros and Cons. p.7-10; Animals. Speaking: Zoos are cruel and unnecessary. They should be closed down and the animals should be returned to the wild. Do animals have rights? Why do people kill creatures for sport? Does the reason vary, from creature to creature? Listening: Should animals be kept in zoos? Enterprise IV p.110; Animal rights. Ideas and issues (int). p.12-13; Radio debate between a member of the resident’s association and a member of the Urban Fox Lovers movement. Straightforward (U-I) SB p.18 Writing: Is it wrong to eat meat? Grammar: Common verbs followed by either infinitives or gerunds. Azar. Ch. 14.8 p.311
Topic # 5. Ethical Values. Lesson 8: Current test # 5
Topic # 6. Interfering With Nature Lesson 1: Big questions facing modern science. Reading: Big questions facing modern science. New Cutting Edge U-I Module 11 Cloning. Solutions (adv) SB p. 14 Immortality (Cryonics) Solutions (adv) SB p.106.Cloning methods in plants and animals. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/evolution/reproductionrev1.shtml Speaking: Will we be able to live forever one day? Will we ever eliminate disease? Will it be possible to clone human beings? Will we be able to buy the perfect body? What consequences do you think cloning humans could have?What opportunities of immortality are given to us? What are the best and the worst aspects of being immortal? Grammar: Participle (- ing and - ed) adjectives. Changing an adjective clause to an adjective phrase. Azar Ch.13-14, 13-15.
Topic # 6. Interfering With Nature Lesson 2: Plastic surgery. Reading: New face: plastic surgery. Attitudes 5. P.108 Stalking cat (plastic surgery) Framework 4(SB) p. 51. Speaking: How do you feel about cosmetic surgery?Under what circumstances is cosmetic surgery acceptable, if at all? Why do you think people elect to have plastic surgery? Would you be prepared to have surgery to change any part of your body? Why? Listening: New face. Attitudes 5 p.108 Grammar: Using adverb clauses to show cause and effect relationships. Using prepositions to show cause and effect relationships. Azar. Ch 17 -2 Topic # 6. Interfering With Nature Lesson 3: Transplants. Reading: World’s first partial face transplant. Language Leader U-I Unit 4. p. 42-43; Transplants. Ideas and Issues. P.56-57 Speaking: Should people who have a better chance of survival be given priority over other people urgently needing organ transplants? Should young children be given priority for transplants? Should those whose lifestyle choices have damaged an organ be given the chance of an organ transplant? Should financial incentives be offered to encourage people to donate organs? Writing: Write an opinion article discussing the ethics of animal transplants. Grammar: Participles used as adverbial modifiers (time, reason, attendant circumstances). Expressing unexpected result using even though. Azar ch.17-3 Topic # 6. Interfering With Nature Lesson 4: Inheritance.Reproduction. Reading: Reproduction. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/evolution/reproductionrev1.shtml Inheritance. Solutions (adv) SB p. 6 What makes you? (Genetics and Environment) p.10 Nature or nurture? Framework 4 (SB) p. 34,118,123. Test-tubes babies. Ideas and Issues (adv) p.54-55 Speaking: What is more important: who you are, when are you born or the way you are brought up? Which of your personality traits were passed on your parents and which can be accounted for by your experiences? Should parents who already have children still have the right to infertility treatment? What if they remarry and have a new partner who is infertile? What problems could arise if one parent was biological but the other one wasn’t? How would you feel in these circumstances as the child? As the parent? Listening: Inheritance. Family similarities. Solutions (adv) SB p. 6 Writing: Are we more a product of our genes or our environment? Grammar: Showing opposition (adverb clauses, conjunctions, transitions, prepositions). Azar Ch 17-4
Topic # 6. Interfering With Nature Lesson 5: Genetic engineering. Vaccination. Reading: Genetic engineering. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/evolution/reproductionrev1.shtml Genetic engineering. Reading for a Reason. p.265 Genetically modified monkey. Solutions (adv) SB p. 11. Vaccination. Pros and Cons. P.248-249 Genes. Designer babies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/edexcel/genes/genesrev1.shtml What is DNA? Genetic treatment of disease. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/edexcel/genes/dnarev1.shtml Defending against infection. Vaccination. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/human/defendingagainstinfectionrev1.shtml
Speaking: Designer babies will lead to a healthier and happier population. Genetic engineering. For or against. Vaccination. Pros and cons. Listening: Genetic experiments. Solutions (adv) SB p.11 4 GM Attitudes 4 p.106 Should genetic selection be legal? Landmark (adv) p.40-41 Grammar: Using transitions to show cause and effect relationships. Punctuation.Azar. Ch. 19-2, 19-3
Topic # 6. Interfering With Nature Lesson 6: Food of the future. Nano-food. Food additives. Reading: Food of the future (Nano-food) Solutions (adv) SB p.84-85 GM foods. New plus proficiency. p.76 Food additives. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/21c/food/foodadditivesrev1.shtml Speaking: Genetically engineered food. Pros and cons. Do you think research in nano-food should be banned? Why?/Why not? Health concerns about food additives. Writing: What are advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified food crops? Grammar: Using such... that and so... that to express cause and effect. Using so that to express purpose. Azar. Ch 19 – 4, 19-5.
Topic # 6. Interfering With Nature Lesson 7: Current test # 6. Lesson 8: Final test. Lesson 9: Test analysis.
Topic # 7.Nature and Ecology. Lesson 1: Costing the Earth. Reading: Thanks God Someone’s Making Waves.Think First Certificate. Unit 7 p.83. What happens to pollutants? http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/21c/atmosphere/whathappenstopollutantsrev1.shtml
Listening: An Interview with J. Porritt, the Director of " Friends of the Earth" in the United Kingdom. Headway Upper Interm. Unit 7. T. 21 Speaking: "Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children". Ecologist Leo Talbot. Humans merely share the Earth. We can only protect the land, not own it. Grammar: Relationship between ideas. Parallel Structure. Using Paired Conjunctions:both…and, not only…but also, either… or,neither… nor. Azar. Ch.8.1-8.2 p.287-291
Topic # 7.Nature and Ecology. Lesson 2: Changing Environment. Reading: Protecting the Environment. New Cambridge Advanced English. Unit 18, p. 154. Changing Environment. Language Leader U-I. Unit 2.2 p.18-19 Listening: Johnny Morris: the animal expert. Headway Upper Interm. Unit 10, T. 28 Speaking: What animals are in danger of dying out? Discuss changes in your environment. What is being done to save endangered plants and animals? How successful are these efforts in your country? Grammar: Combining Independent Clauses With Conjunctions. Azar. Ch. 8.3 p.295-297 Topic # 7.Nature and Ecology. Lesson 3: Hothouse Earth. Greenhouse effect. Reading: Hothouse Earth,Mosaic1 Reading p. 178-181 Listening: The sea – sink or swim. First Certificate Avenues. Unit 14.1. Speaking: Explain the comparison made between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and a blanket over a sleeper's body. Exactly what is the "greenhouse effect"? Do you consider the greenhouse threat serious? What do you think should be done to prepare for the possible rise in world temperatures? Why is the term "greenhouse effect" used in a discussion of global warming? Writing: Causes and effects ofglobal warming. Grammar: Adverb Clauses. Introduction. Azar.Ch. 8.4,p. 297 Topic # 7.Nature and Ecology. Lesson 4: Fuels of the Future? Reading: Fuels of the Future? Meet the US, p. 25 - 33. Listening: Friends of the Earth. Nexus. Unit 11 p.123 Sparrow Hill wind farm. Language Leader U-I. Unit 2.4 p.22-23 Forms of energy. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/aqa/energy/heatrev4.shtml Nuclear fission and fusion. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/add_aqa/radiation/nuclearfissionrev1.shtml Speaking: What are "renewable" energy sources? What is the "human factor" associated with nuclear power plants? Nuclear power stations: for or against? Alternative sources of energy. Is the really the answer to our energy problems in the future? Writing: 'Nuclear Energy. Is there an alternative?' Grammar: Using Adverb Clauses to Show Time Relationships.Azar. Ch 8.5, p.298. Topic # 7. Nature and Ecology. Lesson 5: Deforestation. Reading: Time is running short for tropical forests.Nexus Un.11, p.129 Listening: Deforestation. Headway Interm. Unit 12, T. 34 (by David Attenborough). Speaking: In what ways are the tropical forests important? What do you think the short term economic benefits of destroying the forests are? Why are the plants in tropical rain forests important to us? Writing: People and nature both lose when the tropical forest is clumsily invaded. Grammar: Summary of patterns and punctuation.Azar. Ch.8.9, p. 307-309 Topic # 7.Nature and Ecology. Lesson 6: Extreme Environment. Reading: Yellowstone –dangerous beauty. Language Leader U-I. Unit 2.3 p.21 Listening: What do you know about volcanoes? Language Leader U-I. Unit 2.3 p.20; Acid Rains. Soundtracks. Unit 15. Speaking: What causes a volcano to erupt? What does the title “dangerous beauty” mean? Do you feel people are overreacting to the problem of acid rains? Why or why not? Grammar: Giving Examples. Azar. Ch.9.11, p.342 Topic # 7. Nature and Ecology. Lesson 7: Living together on a small planet. Reading: Living together on a small planet. Mosaic I (Grammar), p. 377- 399. Listening: Writing a questionnaire. Language Leader U-I. Unit 2.5 p.25 Speaking: What can you as an individual do to help solve the environmental problems? Prepare the questionnaire to find out respondents’ attitude to your environmental issue. Grammar: Continuing the same idea. Phrasal verbs. Azar. Ch.9.12, p.343
Topic # 7. Nature and Ecology. Lesson 8: Current test # 7
Topic # 8. Culture and Environment. Lesson 1: Our cultural and Natural Heritage.
Reading: Our cultural and Natural Heritage. Think First Certificate. Un. 11, First Certificate Expert 2008. Un.3 p.38-40 Listening: Preserving the past. Think First Certificate. Unit 11 p.134 Speaking: Cities and museums in Europe and the USA are full of objects taken from other countries. Should they ever be returned to their country of origin? Do you think they were "stolen"? Describing a treasured possession. Why is it important to preserve our natural and cultural heritage? Grammar: Inversion.After certain expressions when they are placed at the beginning of a sentence: Barely, Hardly (ever)…when, No sooner …..than, Only on this way, On no account, Only then, etc. FCE Use of English 2. Unit 12 p.198-199
Topic # 8. Culture and Environment. Lesson 2: Architecture. Reading: Monumental mysteries. Language to Go U-I p.64-65. Hotels in space. Language Leader U-I. Unit 7.2 p.72-73 Listening: An interview with Marta Gattarosa. Language Leader U-I. Unit 7.2 p.73 Speaking: Why are such sights as Stonehenge, Easter Island called monumental mysteries? What are the theories of how they were built? “Building space hotels is a waste of time and money.” To what extent do you agree with? Grammar: Inversion in conditionals (should, were, had) Grammarway 4 Unit 8 p.120-124
Topic # 8. Culture and Environment. Lesson 3: Books: electronic versus paper. Reading: Books: electronic versus paper. Language Leader U-I p.68, New Proficiency Gold. Un.14 eBooks will eventually make traditional book obsolete. Solutions (adv) SB p.110 Listening: Computers will soon make pens, paper and hand-writing obsolete. Solutions (adv) SB p.111 Speaking: Reading is to mind what exercise is to the body. eBooks will eventually make traditional book obsolete. What book(s) would you recommend reading? Substantiate your choice. Grammar: Inversion after so, such, to such a degree (in result clauses),after as, neither/nor, so. Round Up 6 Ch. 10
Topic # 8. Culture and Environment. Lesson 4: Storytelling. An up-to-date fairy story. Reading: Storytelling. Think First Certificate Un. 4, Headway adv. Un. 8. Listening: An alternative Cinderella. Think First Certificate. Unit 4. A faraway kingdom. First Certificate Avenues. Unit 15. Little Red Riding Hood. Headway Adv. T.19. Speaking: What stories were you told when you were a child? How could these stories be made more up-to-date and modern? Which people and objects would you use in a modern tale? Writing: An up-to-date fairy story. /Fairy- tale 2050 Grammar: Emphatic Structures It is/ was (not) + subject/ object + who(m)/ that. FCE Use of English 2. Unit 12 p.200-201
Topic # 8. Culture and Environment. Lesson 5: Music. Dance therapy. Art therapy. Reading: The psychology of music. New English File U-I p.68-71, The sound of music. Focus on IELTS. P.56-59; Dance therapy. Attitudes 5 (SB) p.52 Music and Muscle. Proficiency Masterclass (SB) p.13. Art therapy. Boosting Brain Power through the arts. North Star adv. Unit 9. Listening: Does music enhance Math skills? North Star adv. Unit 9. Speaking: Music is the most universal kind of the arts. Why are we touched by the sound of music? Why do people dance? Dance is an effective form of therapy. Do you agree with this? Besides art and music, what other “external” factors might boost intelligence? Games? Food? Explain. In your opinion, in addition to increasing intelligence, how else might art and musical experiences help children? Grammar: Emphatic Structures. That is/ was + question word. Question word + subject+ word + is/was Grammarway 4 Unit 8 p.118-120
Topic # 8. Culture and Environment. Lesson 6: Arts and Media. Reading: That's show business. Cambridge Adv. Unit 3 / New Cambridge Advanced English. Unit 3. What is TV doing in America. Mosaic I (read.) Ch. 6. pp. 112 -120.Types of media. Language Leader Interm. Unit 11.1 p.112-113 Listening: One of my favourite films. Cambridge Adv. 3.2 A, B, C, D. Walt Disney. Cambridge Adv. 11.3 A. Speaking: What type of TV and radio programmes, books, music and films do you like? Can you describe one of your favourites from each field? Have any documentaries recently particularly impressed you?The role of TV in people's life. Is TV force for good or evil? Government should exercise stricter control on TV output. Writing: Writing an appraisal / review of a film, TV programme Grammar: Do/does/did + bare infinitive.Question words with ever (whatever, whoever). Round Up 6 Ch. 10
Topic # 8. Culture and Environment. Lesson 7: Environment and Culture. Reading: Environment and Culture. "Never in Anger Portrait of an Eskimo Family," by Jean L. Briggs Mosaic I Writing. Ch.9 p.173-191 Speaking: Describe your region briefly and try to examine how the region itself has influenced your culture. Discuss the effects of the environmental features of a particular part of the world on the people who live there. Compare two different regions of the world. In your comparison, consider the environmental features and how they affect the inhabitants. What effect does environment have on the longevity of a group of people? Writing: How does environment affect culture? Grammar: Phrasal Verbs.Azar Ap. 26
Topic # 8. Culture and Environment. Lesson 8: Current test # 8. Lesson 9: Revision. Lesson 10: Final test.
Головна мета проведення самостійної роботи полягає у необхідності виконання домашніх завдань, що забезпечує глибоке опрацювання всіх аспектів тематики курсу та сприяє активному розвитку всіх мовленнєвих навичок. Систематична самостійна робота по виконанню домашніх завдань допомагає студентам у підготовці до поточних та фінальних тестів.
ЗМІСТ САМОСТІЙНОЇ РОБОТИ Зміст і обсяг самостійної роботи розраховується викладачем з урахуванням рівня мовленнєвої компетенції та прогресу групи, а також змісту практичного заняття за програмою курсу. ОБСЯГ САМОСТІЙНОЇ РОБОТИ
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