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Full Circle

1. Below are words from the story and their definitions. Match the words with their definitions.

freeway annoy false numberplate witness
realize solve chase unconscious ambulance
  (adj): in the state of not being awake, especially as the result of a head injury.
  (n): a wide road built for fast moving traffic travelling long distances.
  (adj.): not real, but made to look or seem real.
  (v): to find the answer to something.
  (v): to make someone angry.
  (n): a vehicle that takes people to hospital when they are ill or hurt.
  (n): a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident.
  (n): an official metal sign with numbers and letters on the front and back of a car.
  (v): to run after someone or something in order to catch them.
  (v): to notice or understand something that you did not notice or understand before.

2. Listen to the story by Sue Grafton. Find the English for:

- распутать сложное дело - сбавить скорость - потерять управление - остановиться - без особой причины - хорошо знать свое дело - расследовать смерть Кэролайн - разыскиваться полицией - связаться с кем-либо - сильно заинтересоваться делом - быстро обыскать машину - направляясь на юг - кровь застыла в жилах - привести в исполнение план

3. Answer the following questions:

1) What happened on the freeway on Friday afternoon?

2) Why did Mrs. Spurrier ask the detective to investigate her daughter’s death?

3) Who was the main suspect in the case? Why?

4) How did the detective manage to find the Toyota? Was it of any help?

5) Whom did she decide to question again? Why?

6) Why is the story called “The Full Circle”?

7) What famous detectives do you know? What do you think a good detective is?


4. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences using the pattern in bold type:

a) Coming up on my right was a dark blue Toyota.

b) My office in town was being painted, so I worked at home that next week.

c) I didn’t seem to be making any progress.


5. There are ten mistakes in Lieutenant Dolan’s report on the death of Caroline Spurrier. Find and correct them.

Personal details: first-year student at the University of Colorado. Friendly, popular. Worked in a restaurant.

She was killed by a gunshot while driving her car on the freeway behind Private Detective Kinsey Millhone’s Volkswagen. Caroline’s car moved into the fast lane and was hit by a red Porsche.

The murderer was Benny Deco. His sister worked in a restaurant with Caroline Spurrier, who he fell in love with. He decided to kill her because she refused to go out with him. He stole a car from a man called Ron Cagle and shot Caroline on the freeway.

I recognized the car in the photograph of the accident. The murderer died before we could catch him. He crashed his car into a new freeway sign while I was chasing him.


6. Make the following direct questions indirect. Use the following patters:

a) Why doesn’t she live at home? Kinsey asked Mrs. Spurrier why she didn’t live at home. b) “Did Caroline have a job?” Kinsey asked Mrs. Spurrier if Caroline had had a job.

1. “Why was she on the freeway?”

Mrs. Spurrier asked Kinsey….

2. “Did anybody see where the shot was fired from?”

Kinsey asked Emerald ….

3. “Can I talk to the other witnesses?”

Kinsey asked Lieutenant Dolan ….

4. “What else can you tell me?”

Kinsey asked the restaurant manager ….

5. “How long did you know Caroline?”

Kinsey asked Judy Layton ….


7. Make up a dialogue between Mrs. Spurrier and Kinsey Millhone reporting the results of her investigation of Caroline’s murder.


8. Reproduce the story in writing.

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