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Ali Goes to University

1. Complete the following sentences with the words given in boxes.


studious sigh campus
arrogant overseas superficial


1. A …, or shallow, person always shows a lack of deep feelings or serious thinking.

2. A … is the grounds and buildings of a university or college.

3. Jane spends all her free time in the library; she’s such a … young lady!

4. Are there any … students in your group? – Yes, two girls from Korea and a boy from Argentina.

5. Having discovered his wallet under the bed, he … with relief.

6. Is Ann always looking down at everybody? – Yes, she’s quite …, no doubt.


2. Listen to the story by Chris Rose. Find the English for:

- сдавать выпускные экзамены - успешно сдать экзамен - сделать научную карьеру - стать взрослым - его руки дрожали - недалеко от чего-либо - общежитие - до этого было еще далеко - стирать свои вещи самому - глупо выглядеть - выполнять задания - провалить первый курс - исполнить свою мечту - выиграть грант - зевать - глубокий, основательный - быть тронутым - невежество - изменить мир к лучшему


3. Answer the following questions:

1) Why was Ali so eager to go to university?

2) What was Ali’s hometown like? Was Rummidge any different for him?

3) How did Ali spend most of his time at college? Was he good at college?

4) How did Ali meet Katia first? Did she impress him?

5) Had Ali’s life changed after he met Katia?

6) What was Femi’s story? Why did she tell Ali about her life?

7) Had Ali’s attitude to Katia and her lifestyle changed after that?


4. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences using the patterns in bold type:

a) Some students complained about the halls of residence.

b) He made sure he washed his clothes regularly.

c) Why don’t you come with me?


5. Some of the statements below are true and some are false. Choose the false statements and tell why they are incorrect.

1. In July Ali is waiting for his exam results.

2. Ali wants to change his life.

3. Ali lives in a big city.

4. He thinks his life is boring.

5. Ali does very well in his school-leaving exams.

6. Ali doesn’t study very hard at university.

7. Ali feels free and independent.

8. Ali is fascinated by Katia.

9. Katia isn’t interested in Ali.

10. Femi changes the way Ali thinks.

11. Finally, Ali feels disillusioned with Katia.


6. Choose the right word from the box to complete each of the sentences from the story.

ashamed shaming bored boring boring
disgusted disgusting dressed dressing embarrassed
embarrassing surprised surprising


1. Ali’s home town was small and ….

2. Katia always … in black.

3. When Ali cooked, the food was ….

4. At first, Ali felt … in front of Katia.

5. Ali was … by Katia.

6. Katia always looked …..

7. Katia thought everything was....

8. When he spoke to Femi, Ali felt ….

9. Ali was … about how little he missed Katia.

7. Make up a dialogue between: a) Ali and Femi discussing the difference in their lives; b) Ali and his friend with Ali describing his first year at college.

8. Reproduce the story in writing.

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