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A Small Family Business

1. Complete the following sentences with the words given in boxes.

retire arthritis silencer
car park corrupt 4x4


1) Are you going to the … …? You’ve drunk too much; you’d better take a taxi.

2) Let me take your …. The road we’re taking is rocky and difficult, so a four-wheel drive will be the best.

3) The newspapers said the senator was … and took money from large multinational companies.

4) What is there? - A medicine for my grandma. She has painful knees and wrists - …, the doctors say.

5) John Smith was 65 years old, but he wasn’t going to … as he thought he could still do his job well.

6) The criminal used a … not to be heard by anybody in the neighborhood.

2. Listen to the story by Chris Rose. Find the English for:

- получать пенсию - удостовериться

- последние научно-технические - деловое соглашение

достижения - приблизительно

- забросить, позабыть о ком-л., - шлагбаум

чем-л. - время от времени

- далекий, отдаленный - оставалось еще

- винтовка примерно полчаса

- кобура - защищать

- зарядить пистолет - цель

- багажник автомобиля

3. Answer the following questions:

1) Why was Jack Robino going to retire?

2) How did he plan to spend his time when retired?

3) What did you learn about Jack Robino’s family?

4) How did Jack Robino feel about his job?

5) How did his last working day begin? Was it as usual as always?

6) What happened in the car park of the Seadale Building?

7) What do you think was Jack Robino Junior’s occupation?


4. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences using the patterns in bold type:

a) He was looking forward to spending his retirement there.

b) Now he earned nearly ten times what he earned when he started.

c)Nobody expected a respectable 65 year-old man to be a killer.

5. Put the 7 lines from the story into the correct category.

1. I’ll finally retire.

2. He’d been doing this job for a long time now.

3. He was getting too old.

4. It’ll be nice to have the grandchildren up at my big house.

5. I’ll be able to spend lots of time with them when I retire.

6. He’ll be driving a black Mercedes sports car.

7. What are you doing here?


1. A prediction for the future.
  An action happening now.
3. An action taking place around the time of speaking.
4. Looking forward to an action taking place in the future.
5. Something which began in the past and continues up to the present.


6. Make up a dialogue between Jack Robino and Jack Robino Jr discussing the incident in the car park.


7. Reproduce the story in writing.

Tommaso Argento in London (part I)

1. Listen to the story by Chris Rose about Tommaso Argento and find the English for:

- чувство меланхолии - вдали, на расстоянии - сесть на корабль - отправиться на корабле в Гаагу - путешествовать верхом - мрачный - познакомиться с полезными людьми - центр новой торговой империи - продуктивный - с другой стороны - швырять деньгами - по этой причине - осознать - на борту одного из кораблей - дать согласие - коммерция - взволнованно говорить - его словно громом поразило - о нем ходили слухи - радикальные идеи - его обвиняли в ереси - он всегда шутил или врал - доставить письмо - лабиринт узких улочек - они выглядели ненадежными - он собрался с духом - убил жену из ревности - он не видел большого сходства - насмехались над его провинциальным акцентом - они выглядели как обычные воры - зловещий - он был арестован по обвинению в ереси - ему грозила смертная казнь - во весь голос


2. Answer the following questions:

1) What did Tommaso Argento come to Britain for? What was he supposed to study?

2) Why did his father want him back?

3) Whom did Tommaso meet in Oxford?

4) How did the young Italian come to meet Kit Marlowe?

5) What was Marlowe’s opinion of Tommaso’s sonnets?

6) Why did people say that Tommaso and the playwright looked alike?

7) Why was Marlowe getting more desperate and drunk?

8) What do you know about Christopher Marlowe and Giordano Bruno?


3. Some of the statements below are true and some are false. Choose the false statements and tell why they are incorrect.

1. Tommasso was looking forward to going back home.

2. Tommaso made a lot of important acquaintances in London.

3. Bruno was not a friendly man and didn’t speak very much.

4. Kit was always telling jokes or telling lies.

5. Tommaso gave Kit the letter and went away.

6. Tommaso told the young playwright a lot of stories about Venice.

7. Kit admired the young playwright’s accent.

8. Marlow’s friends looked like common thieves and criminals.

9. Tommaso thought that a poet’s life was dangerous.

10. Bruno was arrested for murder.


4.Describe London through Tommaso’s eyes. What is the difference between London and Venice?

5. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) During his stay in London, this had been one of his favourite places to come when he wanted to be alone.

b) It wasn’t the long journey that worried him, it was simply the fact that he now had to leave London.

c) Tommaso thought there was something sinister about these people.

6. Make up a dialogue between: a) Tommaso and his father discussing his life in England; b) Tommaso and Kit Marlowe discussing Bruno’s fate.

Tommaso Argento in London (part II)

1. Listen to the continuation of the story about Tommaso Argento. Find the English for:

- он отправился прямо в «Русалку» - выглядеть озабоченным - обвинение в ереси - отрицай все - он плакал от ярости - выйти из тюрьмы под залог - предстать перед судом - под арестом - ни один из планов не казался выполнимым - это было неотвратимо - подняться на холм - попрощаться с другом - он швырнул в него тарелку - попытка остановить ссору - остальные его совершенно игнорировали - быть в ярости - он попытался ударить его кинжалом - нам придется и от них избавиться - он не колебался - выпрыгнул из окна и побежал изо всех сил - вдали от любой опасности - решение - исчезнуть без следа

2. Answer the following questions:

1) What were the important pieces of news Tommaso received on May 20th?

2) What was Marlowe charged with? What was Tommaso’s idea of this arrest?

3) How did Tommaso feel about going back to Italy?

4) What happened during the dinner in Depford?

5) How did Tommaso manage to escape?

6) What solution did Tommaso finally come to at the port?

7) How do you find the end of the story? Do you believe that Shakespeare could be an Italian?What do you know about William Shakespeare?


3. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) “The Mermaid” was empty apart from the barman and the young playwright who wanted to write about Venice and Verona.

b) If I were you, my boy, I’d just go straight home!

c) The obvious thing to do was to leave as quickly as possible.


4. Make up a dialogue between: a) Tommaso and the barman at the “Mermaid” discussing Marlowe’s arrest; b) Tommaso and his friend discussing the reasons for taking on the identity of another playwright.

5. Reproduce the story in writing.



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