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Generation Gap

Some people often talk about ‘generation gap’ – gap between the views of the younger generations of teenagers and the views of their parents. But talks about a generation gap are sometimes exaggerated.

When parents and teenagers argue, usually it is about simple things. The most common reason for their arguments is the teenagers’ attitude towards other family members. One more common reason is that parents want their children to help more about the house. The third most common basis for arguments is the quality of teenagers’ schoolwork.

Some other traditional disagreements are over such things as curfew, the friends with whom the young people spend their leisure time (peer pressure).

Task 1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is ‘generation gap’?

2. Do you feel ‘generation gap’ in your family?

3. What are the most common disagreements between parents and children?

4. What can children-parent disagreement lead to?

Task 2. Discuss the parent-child relationship using the following patterns and phrases:


  Parents want their children expect their children ask like     to be polite to be intelligent to be kind to be friendly to be honest to be hardworking to be punctual to come home in time to go in for sports not to be rude not to be lazy not to be forgetful not to smoke not to drink strong drinks not to stay up late not to listen to pop music all day long


    Children want their parents     to understand them to give them pocket money to buy them all they want to leave them alone to help them with their problems

Task 3. Comment on the proverbs and sayings.

As the tree, so the fruit.

As you sow, you shall mow.

Seven baby sitters can’t say why their only baby lost her eye.

Don’t teach your granny to suck eggs.

Part 2

Date: 2015-09-18; view: 445; Нарушение авторских прав

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