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What you hear on board the plane

· Can I see your boarding card, please?

· Would you like me to look after that bag for you?

· Please make sure your seat belts are fully-fastened?

· This is the captain speaking

· Cabin staff prepare for take-off.

· Please fasten your seat belts, fold your trays, and put your seat backs in the upright position.

· Please remain seated until the lights are switched off.

· Please switch off all mobile phones.

· What would you like to drink?

· Would you like any ice with that?

· Would you like any duty-free goods?

· Ladies and Gentlemen, we hope you’ve had a pleasant flight.

Conversation 2

In this conversation, Mr. Fleet is travelling abroad. He’s in the airport and he’s just checking in his baggage. Listen to the conversation, answer these questions and act out the dialogue.

1. What is the problem with his bag?

2. What live creature does he have in his bag?

3. What did the passenger do?

Stewardess: Good morning, sir, may I see your ticket and passport, please?

Mr. Fleet: Yes, certainly. Here you are.

Stewardess: Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

Mr. Fleet: Oh, a window seat, please.

Stewardess: Could you place your bag on the luggage belt, please.

Mr. Fleet: Oh, yes, (Mr. Fleet drags the bag onto the luggage belt). There.

Stewardess: Did you pack the bag yourself, sir?

Mr. Fleet: Yes, I did.

Stewardess: Has anyone interfered with your bag, or asked you to take anything on board the plane?

Mr. Fleet: Certainly not.

Stewardess: Do you have any firearms, hazardous material or sharp instruments in your bag.

Mr. Fleet: No.

Stewardess: (the stewardess looks at the scales) Oh dear, sir. I’m afraid you’re overweight.

Mr. Fleet: I know I’m a bit fat, but there's no need to get personal.

Stewardess: No, I mean you have exceeded the maximum baggage allowance of 20kg.

Mr. Fleet: What?

Stewardess: You are only allowed to take 20kg. Your bag weighs 200kg. Your bag is too heavy.

Stewardess: Yes, and (chicken noise comes out of the bag)...what? What’s that noise?

Mr. Fleet: What noise? (more chicken noises)

Stewardess: Do you have a chicken in that bag?

Mr. Fleet: No, I have no chickens.

Stewardess: Mr. Fleet, may I remind you that no livestock may be taken on board our aircraft.

Mr. Fleet: Oh, why didn’t you tell me before? And besides, he’s only a little chicken.

Stewardess: No, no chickens.

Mr. Fleet: Not even a very special chicken.

Stewardess: No, no chickens whatsoever!

Mr. Fleet: Oh, well, I’ll just leave my bag full of heavy bricks and one chicken here then.

Stewardess: No, you can’t leave a live chicken here.

Mr. Fleet: Oh, yes, I’ll let the chicken out. (sound of very excited chicken) Look, there he goes. Such a lovely bird.

Stewardess: I would just like to warn you that any unattended luggage will be removed and may be destroyed.

Mr. Fleet: Destroyed? How do you destroy a bag?

Stewardess: To tell you the truth I don’t really know. They just tell us to say that stuff. Anyway, here’s your boarding card. You need to check in at gate 23 in about half an hour. Have a nice flight.

Mr. Fleet: Oh, thank you very much. And take care of my chicken for me, would you?

Stewardess: Yes, of course, (more chicken noises) It’ll be a pleasure.


Conversation 3

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