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Примечания. [1] Einstein A. 1950. Out of my later years


[1] Einstein A. 1950. Out of my later years. New York: Philosophical Library, p 26.

2 Manuel FE. 1974. The religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, at the Clarendon Press, p 6.

3 Westfall RS. 1993. The life of Isaac Newton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 18.

4 Westfall RS. 1980. Never at rest: A biography of Isaac Newton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5 More LT. 1934. Isaac Newton: A biography. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., p 97.

6 More LT. 1934. Isaac Newton: A biography. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., p 106.

7 Christianson GE. 1984. In the presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and his times. New York: The Free Press, p 193.

8 Christianson GE. 1984. In the presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and his times. New York: The Free Press, p 194.

9 Christianson GE. 1984. In the presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and his times. New York: The Free Press, p 197.

10 (a) Dampier WC. 1949. A History of Science: And its relations with philosophy & religion, 4th edition. Cambridge: At the University Press, p 159; (b) Westfall RS. 1993. The life of Isaac Newton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 276—286.

11 Westfall RS. 1993. The life of Isaac Newton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 134.

12 Полное название монографии: Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica.

13 Dampier WC. 1949. A History of Science: And its relations with philosophy & religion, 4th edition. Cambridge: At the University Press, p 154.

14 More LT. 1934. Isaac Newton, a biography. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., p 287.

15 Newton I. 1686, 1934. Mathematical principles of natural philosophy and His system of the world. Translated into English by Andrew Motte in 1729, revised translation by Florian Cajori. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, p 544.

16 More LT. 1934. Isaac Newton: A biography. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., p 390—391.

17 Некоторые предположения см., например: Manuel FE. 1968. A portrait of Isaac Newton. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

18 Dampier WC. 1949. A History of Science: And its relations with philosophy & religion, 4th edition. Cambridge: At the University Press, p 160.

19 Цит. по: Miller DC. 1928. Newton and optics. In: The History of Science Society: Sir Isaac Newton, 1727—1927, A bicentenary evaluation of his work. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Company, p 15.

20 Miller DC. 1928. Newton and optics. In: The History of Science Society: Sir Isaac Newton, 1727—1927, A bicentenary evaluation of his work. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Company, p 15.

21 Gray P. 1999. The most important people of the millenium. Time 154(27):139—195.

22 Brewster D. 1885. Memoirs of the life, writings, and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, Volume 2, Reprinted (1965) from the Edinburgh Edition. New York, London: Johnson Reprint Corporation, p 347.

23 (a) Christianson GE. 1984. In the presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and his times. New York: The Free Press, p 355; (b) Manuel FE. 1974. The religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, at the Clarendon Press, p 6, 61.

24 Manuel FE. 1974. The religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, at the Clarendon Press, p 116—125.

25 Newton I. 1773. Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel and the apocalypse of St. John. London: Printed by J Darby and T Browne.

26 Westfall RS. 1993. The life of Isaac Newton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p 301,303.

27 Christianson GE. 1984. In the presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and his times. New York: The Free Press, p 225.

28 Manuel FE. 1974. The religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, at the Clarendon Press, p 53.

29 Turnbull WH, editor. 1961. The correspondence of Isaac Newton, Volume III, 1688—1694. Cambridge: At the University Press, p 229—230.

30 Newton I. 1686, 1934. Mathematical principles of natural philosophy and His system of the world. Translated into English by Andrew Motte in 1729, revised translation by Florian Cajori. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, p 544.

31 Цит. по: Manuel FE. 1974. The religion of Isaac Newton: Oxford: Oxford University Press, at the Clarendon Press, p 104; from Yahuda MS. 15. 3, fol. 46r.

32 Dampier WC. 1949. A History of Science: And its relations to philosophy & religion, 4th edition. Cambridge: At the University Press, p 127.

33 Manuel FE. 1974. The religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, p 61.

34 Pascal B. 1952. Pensées. In: Pascal B. The provincial letters; Pensées; scientific treatises. Trotter WF, translator. Great Books of the Western World Series. Chicago, London: Encyclopedia Britannica, p 270.

35 Dampier WC. 1949. A History of Science: And its relations with philosophy & religion, 4th edition. Cambridge: At the University Press, p 140.

36 Manuel FE. 1974. The religion of Isaac Newton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, at the Clarendon Press, p 33.

37 Nordenskiöld E. 1928, 1942. The history of biology: A survey. Eyre LB, translator. New York: Tudor Publishing Co. p 206, 207.

38 Другие комментарии см.: Roth AA. 1983. Where has the science gone. Origins 10:48—49.

39 См.: http://www.gallup.com/poll/content/default.aspx?ci=1942. Viewed, June 2005.

40 Gould SJ. 1999. Rocks of ages. New York: The Library of Contemporary Thought.

41 Larson EJ, Witham L. 1997. Scientists are still keeping the faith. Nature 386:435—436.

42 Larson EJ, Witham L. 1998. Leading scientists still reject God. Nature 394:313.

43 Общий обзор некоторых факторов, связанных с этой проблемой, см.: Pearcey NR. 2004. Total truth: Liberating Christianity from its cultural captivity. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, p 97—121.

44 Более подробно см.: Larson EJ, Witham L. 1999. Scientists and Religion in America. Scientific American 281(3):88—93.

45 Skell PS. 2005. Why do we invoke Darwin? The Scientist 19(16):10.

46 См. главы 7, 8.

47 Наиболее важные публикации среди прочих: (a) Behe MJ. 1996. Darwin’s black box: The biochemical challenge to evolution. New York: Touchstone; (b) Dembski WA. 2004. The design revolution: Answering the toughest questions about intelligent design. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press; (c) Dembski WA. 1999. Intelligent design: The bridge between science & theology. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. (d) Johnson PE. 2000. The wedge of truth: Splitting the foundations of naturalism. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press: (e) Johnson PE. 1991. Darwin on trial. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press: (f) Wells J. 2000. Icons of evolution: Science or myth? Why much of what we teach about evolution is wrong. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc.

48 Shipman P. 2005. Being stalked by intelligent design. American Scientist 93:500—502.

49 См.: http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/evol10.htm. Viewed, June 2005.

50 Associated Press release, Topeka, KA, May 9, 2005. См.: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/05/09/national/main693896.shtml. Viewed, June 2005.

51 Исчерпывающий обзор некоторых из этих доводов см.: Dembski WA. 2004. The design revolution: Answering the toughest questions about intelligent design. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

52 Ashton JF, ed. 1999. In six days: Why 50 scientists choose to believe in creation. Sydney, London: New Holland Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd.

53 Dawkins R. 2000. Sadly, an honest creationist. Free Inquiry 21(4):7—8.

54 Gould SJ. 1999. Dorothy, it’s really Oz. Time 154(8):59.

55 Moore R. 2001. Educational malpractice: Why do so many biology teachers endorse creationism. Skeptical Inquirer 25(6):38—43.

56 Larson EJ, Witham L. 1999. Scientists and religion in America. Scientific American 281(3):88—93.

57 Larson EJ, Witham L. 1999. Scientists and religion in America. Scientific American 281(3):88—93.

58 Margenau H, Varghese RA, editors. 1992. Cosmos, bios, theos: Scientists reflect on science, God, and the origins of the universe, life, and Homo sapiens. La Salle, IL: Open Court Publishing Company.

59 Easterbrook G. 1997. Science and God: A warming trend? Science 277:890—893.

60 Brown D. 2000. Quiet agenda puts science on defense, creation debate evolves into politics. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Explorer 21(1):20—22.

61 См. десять писем: Readers’ Forum. 2000. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Explorer 21(3):32—37.

62 Davies P. 1983. God and the new physics. New York: Simon and Schuster, p ix.

63 Davies P. 1989. The cosmic blueprint: New discoveries in nature’s creative ability to order the universe. New York, London: Touchstone, p 203.

64 Davies P. 1992. The mind of God: The scientific basis for a rational world. New York, London: Simon & Schuster, p 15.

65 (a) Giberson KW. 2002. Bottom-up apologist: John Polkinghorne—particle physicist, Gifford lecturer, Templeton Prize-winner, and parish priest. Christianity Today 46(6):64—65. (b) Polkinghorne J. 1990. God's action in the world. CTNS Bulletin 10(2):1-7; см. также: (c) Polkinghorne J. 1986. One world: the interaction of science and theology. London: SPCK; (d) Polkinghorne J. 1989. Science and creation: the search for understanding. Boston: New Science Library; (e) Polkinghorne J. 1989. Science and providence: God's interaction with the world. Boston: New Science Library.

66 Некоторые примеры: (a) Ashton JF, editor. 2001. The God factor: 50 scientists and academics explain why they believe in God. Sydney, Auckland: Thorsons, Harper Collins Publishers, Australia; (b) Ashton JF, ed. 1999. In six days: Why 50 scientists choose to believe in creation. Sydney, London: New Holland Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd; (c) Barrett EC, Fisher D, editors. 1984. Scientists who believe: 21 tell their own stories. Chicago:Moody Press; (d) Mott N, editor. 1991. Can scientists believe? Some examples of the attitude of scientists to religion. London: James & James; (e) Richardson WM, et al., editors. 2002. Science and the spiritual quest: New essays by leading scientists. London, New York: Routledge.

67 Недавний обзор см.: Stark R. 2003. For the glory of God: How monotheism led to reformations, science, witch-hunts, and the end of slavery. Princeton, NJ, Oxford: Princeton University Press, p 147—157.

68 Whitehead AN. 1925. Science and the modern world. London: Macmillan & Co., p 19.

69 Collingwood RG. 1940. An essay on metaphysics. Oxford and London: Clarendon Press, p 253—255.

70 Hooykaas R. 1972. Religion and the rise of modern science. Grand Rapids, MI: William. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, p 98—162.

71 (a) Jaki SL. 1974. Science and creation: From eternal cycles to an oscillating universe. New York: Science History Publications; (b) Jaki SL. 1978. The road of science and the ways to God: The Gifford Lectures 1974—1975 and 1975—1976. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press; (c) Jaki SL. 2000. The savior of science. Grand Rapids, MI, Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, p 9—48.

Рис. 1.1 Сэр Исаак Ньютон. С картины сэра Годфри Неллера. Ок. 1689 г.

(С любезного разрешения совета попечителей Фонда Портсмутского наследия.)


Рис. 1.2 Телескоп-рефлектор, построенный Исааком Ньютоном и переданный в Королевское общество в 1671 г.

(С любезного разрешения Королевского общества. © The Royal Society.)



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