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Т / Tatouage

tarsal plate

Tatouage [< fr. tatouage "tattoo"] - tattoo of the cornea

Tenonitis [tenonitis < anat. obs. capsula Tenoni "vagina of the eye-globe" + -itis], syn. capsulitis - an inflammation of the eye-globe vagina (Tenon's capsule)

Tension of the eye [tensio oculi < lat. "strain, tension" < lat. tendere "draw, stretch"] - intraocular pressure (IOP)

Tonography [gr. tonos "strain, tension" +gr. grapho "to image, to write"] - a method of the eye hydrodynamics examination

Tonometry (of eye) [gr. tonos "strain, tension" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"], syn. ophthalmotonometry - common name of the intraocular pressure measurment methods

Tonoscopy [gr. tonos "strain, tension" + gr. scopeo "to observe, to see"] - ophthalmodynamometry

Tortuositas vasorum retinae [< lat. tortuositas vasorum retinae "tortuosity of the retinal vessels"] - development anomaly: excessive tortuosity of the central retinal vessels

Trabeculectomy [trabeculektomia < anat. trabecula, LNH < lat. diminutive from "trabs" beam, girder + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the eye trabecular meshwork portion; is used in glaucoma treatment

Trabeculotomy [trabeculotomia < anat. trabecula + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of the eye trabecular meshwork; is used in glaucoma treatment

Trachoma [trachoma < gr. trachys "rough, uneven"], syn. granular lids, granular ophthalmia, Egyptian ophthalmia - eye infectious disease, caused by Chlamydia

Trichiasis [trichiasis < gr. thrix, trichos "hair" + gr. iasis "pathological process, condition, diasease"] - an incorrect position (misdirection) of the lashes, in which they are directed to the cornea side

Trichremazy [trichromasia < gr. tri "three" + gr. chroma "colour, stain"], syn. trichromatopsia - an ability to percept three main colours; is estimated as a normal color vision

Trichromazy anomalous [trichromasia anpmalis] - color vision disorder, which is characterized of weakening perception of the some colours

Tritanomaly [tritanomalia < gr. tritos "third" + anomaly] - color vision disorder, in which a perception of the violet colour is weakened

Tritanopia [tritanopia <gr. tritos "third" + negative prefix "an-" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. blue-yellow blindness - dichromatopsia type, in which a perception of the violet colour is mainly absent

Tylosis [tylosis < gr. tylosis "callosity"] - droop of the considerably thickened eye-lid margin; is observed in blepharitis


Uveal tract [anat. obs. uvea "uveal tract of the eye" < lat. uva "grapes, grapes bunch"] -uveal tract of the eye-globe

Uveitis [uve- + itis], syn. iridocyclochoroiditis - an inflammation of the uveal tract


Zonuloscopy /Z /63

Uveopathy [uveopathia < uveo- + gr. pathos "disease, suffering"] - common name of some eye diseases with uveal tract lesion of the noninflammatory type


Visoinetry [< lat. visus "vision"+ gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - testing of the visual acuity

Visual [lat. visualis "optic, visual"] -perceived orproducedby means of vision Visus [lat. visus "vision"] - visual acuity (syn. vision, sight)

Visuscope [lat. visus "vision" + gr. skopeo "to observe, to see"] - a portable device for the examination of the eye fundus and eye anterior segment, diaphanoscope refractometry, calibrometry of the eye fundus vessels

Vitreophagy [vitreophagia < lat. anat. corpus vitreus "vitreous body" + gr. phagein "to eat (up), to devour, to take up, to absorb"] - partial removing of the vitreous body with special instrument-vitreophage

Vitrectomy [vitrectomia < lat. anat. corpus vitreus "vitreous body" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: total or partial removing of the vitreous body with its following replacement with special substitutions

Vitreotomy [vitreotomia < lat. anat. corpus vitreus "vitreous body" + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of the connective-tissue membranes in the vitreous body


Xanthopsia [xanthopsia < gr. xanthos "yellow"+ gr. opsis "vision"] - disorder of the vision, when the patient sees all the obj ects as stained in the yellow colour

Xenokeratoplasty [xenokeratoplastica < gr. xenos "alien, strange" + keratoplasty], syn. heterokeratoplasty - keratoplasty with using of the animal cornea

Xerophthalmia [xerophthalmia < gr. xeros "dry" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. ophthalmoxerosis, xerosis - a dryness of the conjnctiva and cornea surfaces


Zonulolysis [zonulolysis < lat. anat. zonula ciliaris + gr. lysis "decomposition, decay, dissolvation"], syn. Barraker' method - distorbtion of eye zonule fibers (zonula Zinni, Zinn's ligament) by the introduction in the posterior chamber of the proteolytic enzymes (applied in the intracapsular cataract extraction)

Zonuloscopy [zonuliscopia < zonulo- + gr. skopeo "to see, to examine"] - examination of the zonula Zinni of the eye (Zinn's ligament, suspensory ligament) with the slit lamp



Петраевский Алексей Владимирович

Гндоян Ирина Асатуровна

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