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О / Oculometry


Oculometry [lat. oculus "eye" + gr. metreo "to measure"] - common name of the methods for the measurement of the eye-globe and its separate structures

Oculomyodynamometry [lat. oculus "eye" + gr. mys, myos "muscle" + dynamometiy] - a dynamometry of the eye-globe external (recti) muscles

Oculepressure [lat. oculus "eye" + lat. pressio "pressure"] - dosed mechanical squeezing of the eye-globe

Oraleechegraphy [lat. oculus "eye" + echography] - eye-globe echograpy (ultrasonography)

Ophthalmochromoscopy [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. chroma "colour, stain" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"], syn. spectral ophthalmoscopy- ophthalmoscopy, performed in the coloured light

Ophthalmia [ophthalmia < gr. "eye disease"] - general name of the some inflammatory lesions of the eye

Ophthalmocoagulation [ophthalmocoagulatio < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + coagulation] - a coagulation of the eye tissues by the influence of the high or low temperature or by the cauterizing substances

Ophthalmodynamography [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + dynamography] - a method of the eye hemodynamics investigation, based on the ophthalmic artery pressure measurment by the recording of the arterial eye pulse in the condition of the increasing external pressure to the eye-globe

Ophthalmodynamometry [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + dynamometry], syn. tonoscopy - a method of the eye hemodynamics investigation, based on the ophthalmoscopic observation of the appearing and disappearing of the central retinal artery pulsation in the condition of the increasing external pressure to the eye-globe

Ophthalmohelminthism [ophthalmohelminthosis < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + helminthosis] - helminthism, in which helminth has invaded the eye tissues

Ophthalmoherpes [ophthalmoherpes < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. herpes "creeping, spreading skin disease"] - herpetic lesion of the eye tissues and of the eye adnexa

Ophthalmology [ophthalmologia < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. logos "doctrine, science"] - a region of the clinical medicine, studying etiology, pathogenesis and clinical course of the visual disorders and eye diseases, and developing methods of their diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis

Ophthalmometer [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. metreo "to measure"] - an optic instrument for the measurment of curvature radius of the corneal anterior surface and its refractive power, and for the determination of the type and direction of the main sections (meridians) of the corneal astigmatism

Ophthalmometry [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. metreo "to measure"] - a measurment of the curvature radius of the corneal anterior surface and its refractive power in different meridians

Ophthalmomicrosurgery [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. micro "small" + gr. cheir "hand" +gr. ergon "operation"] - microsurgery of the eye

Ophthalmomyasis [ophthalmomyasis < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. myia "fly" + -


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