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Tarsotomy/Т / 61

instrument for the eye refraction measurement by the skiascopic method

Skiascopy [< gr. skia "shadow" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to observe"], syn. diopterscopy, pupilloscopy, shadow test - a method of the measurement of the eye clinical refraction

Sphaerophakia [sphaerophakia < gr. sphaira "ball" +gr. phakos "lens, lentil"] - a hereditary family development anomaly: sphere-shape lens

Staphyloma [staphyloma < gr. staphyle "grapes, grapes bunch" + -oma] - a bulging of the eye-globe surface, caused by the scar or dystrophic changings of the scleral or corneal parts

Staphylotomy [staphylotomia < staphyloma + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of the staphyloma with the purpose for its liquidation

Stereoscope [< gr. stereos "volumetric" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - a binocular optic instrument for providing of the stereoscopic perception of the image in the stereopair observation

Strabismus [< gr. strabismos "squint"], syn. cockeye, heterotopia, squint — deviation of the visual axis one of the eyes from the joint point of fixation

Strabometer [strabismus + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a device for the determination of the visual axes position in squint

Strabometry [strabismus + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - common name of the squint angle measurement methods

Symblepharon [symblepharon < gr. sym "together, with" +gr. blepharon "eye-lid"] - a scar adherence of the eye-lid (tarsal) conjunctiva with the eye-globe (bulbar) conjunctiva

Synechiae [synechiae < gr. sinecheia "continuity, connectedness"] — in ophthalmology: cohesions between adjacent surfaces inside the eye globe, which is formed after trauma or after inflammatory process

Synechotomy [syncchotomia < gr. sinecheia "continuity, connectedness" + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of iridal adhesions

Symoptophore [< gr. synoptikos "one's observing all together" +gr. phoros "carrying"], syn. troposcope - an instrument for the diagnostic and therapy of the motor and sensory disorders in the squint and heterophoria


Tarsitis [tarsitis < anat. tarsus palpebrae "eye-lid tarsal plate" + -itis] - an inflammation of the tarsal plate

Tarsomarginoplasty [tarsomarginoplastica < anat. tarsus + lat. margo, marginis "border, edge" + plasty] - common name of the plastic operations, performed to restorate of the tarsal plate and eye-lid margin

Tarsoplasty [tarsoplastica < anat. tarsus + plasty] - common name of the plastic operations on the tarsal plate

Tarsorraphy [tarsorraphia < anat. tarsus + gr. rhaphe "suture"] - see Blepharorraphy

Tarsotomy [tarsotomia < anat. tarsus + gr. tome "cut, section"] - dissection of the


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