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С / Cataphoria

Cataphoria [kataphoria < gr. kata- prefix, meaning of "from above' to downwards movement" + gr. phoros "cairying"] — heterophoria type with tendency to simultaneous turn of the both eyes downwards

ChaIaz(s)ion [chalazion < gr. chalaza "small knot, callosity"], syn. eye sty, sty - small knot in the tarsal plate of the lid, caused by chronic proliferative inflammation of the tarsal glands (Meibomian glands)

Chalkosis [chalkosis < gr. chalkos "cooper"] - cooper particles deposition in the eye tissues

Chemosis [chemosis < gr. cheme "hiatus, hole"] - eye globe conjunctiva edema Chioropsia [chloropsia < gr. chloros "greenish-yellow, light green" + gr. opsis "vision"] - visual perception disorder, in which all visible images seem to be green

Choroid [ anat. chorioidea < from gr. chorioedes "like skin, like coat"] - posterior part of the uveal tract

Chorioderemia [chorioderemia < choroid +gr. eremia "absence"], syn. progressing horoidal atrophy - hereditary eye disease, manifesting with the complex of the functional and ophthalmoscopic changes

Choroiditis [chorioiditis < choroid + -itis], syn. posterior uveitis - inflammation of the posterior part of the uveal tract

Choroidectomy [chorioidectomia < choroid + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision ofthe choroid part

Chorioretinitis [chorioretinitis < anat. chorio- + anat. retina + -itis], syn. retinochoroiditis - combined inflammation of the retina and choroid

Chorioretinopathy [chorioretinopathia < anat. chorio- + anat. retina + gr. pathos "suffering, disease"] - general name of some noninflammatory retinal and choroidal lesions

Chromatopsia [chromatopsia < gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. color vision, color perception - vision with ability to differ the colours ofthe observed objects

Chromophobia [chromophobia < gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain" + gr. phobos "fear, dread"], syn. chromatophobia, chlolor-fear - obtrusive fear of some colour or coloured objects

Coloboma [coloboma < gr. koloboma "amputated, breaking off part"] - general name of some congenital (rare acquired) defects of the eye tissues: eye-lid margin, iris, lens, choroid, retina, optic nerve

Conjunctiva [tunica conjunctiva, PNA, JNA; conjunctiva, BNA < lat. conjunctivus "connective"], syn. connective coat of the eye-globe - external coat of the eye-globe, consisting of epithelial layer and connective base

Conjunctivitis [conjunctivitis < anat. conjunctiva + -itis] - inflammation of the conjunctiva

Conjunctivorhinostomy [conjunctivorhinostomia < anat. conjunctiva + gr. rhis, rhinos "nose" + gr. stoma "opening"] - surgical operation: making anastomosis between the conjuctival sac and nasal cavity

Conjunctivotomy [conjunctivotomia < anat. conjunctiva + gr. tome "cutting, discission"] - cutting of the conjunctiva with therapeutic aim

Convergence (in ophthalmology) [< lat. convergere "to converge, to draw together"] - convergence of the visual axes ofthe both eyes on the fixed object


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