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АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

А/ Astigmatism

developing eye tiredness during visual exertion

Astigmatism of the eye [astigmatismus < a- +gr. stigma, stigmatos "point"] - refractive error, in which eye optic system refractive power is various in the different meridians

Astigmometer [astigmatism + gr. metreo "to measure"] - an instrument for the eye astigmatism examination

Atarsia [atarsia < a- + anat. tarsus palpebrae "lid tarsus, tarsal plate"] - congenital absence of the eye lid tarsus, rare occurring


Biomicroscope [bio- + microscope], syn. slit lamp - instrument for the eye biomicroscopy

Biomicroscopy of the eye [bio- + microscopy] - examination method of the eye optic media and tissues with a slit lamp (biomicroscope)

Biomicroophthalmoscopy [biomicroscopy + ophthalmoscopy] - biomicroscopy of the eye fundus

Blennorrhea [blennorrhoea < gr. blennos "mucous secretion, mucus" + gr. rrhoia " flow, stream"],.sy/j.blennorrhagia, blennorrheal conjunctivitis, ophthalmoblennorrea - acute purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva

Blepharitis [blepharitis < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + -itis] - inflammation of the eye lid margins

Blepharitis-rosazea [blepharitis rosacea < lat. rosaceus "rosy, pink"], syn. rosazea- blepharitis - blepharitis with formation of small grayish-red knots on the lid skin

Blepharoconjunctivitis [blepharoconjunctivitis < blepharitis + conjunctivitis] - combination of blepharitis and conjunctivitis

Blepharoplasty [blepharoplastica < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. plastike "sculpture"] - surgical operation of lid restoration in congenital malformations, its tissue defects of different origin or in scar deformations

Blepharoplegia [blepharoplegia < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. plege "blow"] - eyelid paralysis, caused by the combination of the paralysis of the upper lid levator muscle and palpebral part of the orbicularis muscle

Blepharoptosis [blepharoptosis < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. ptosis "fall, lowering"] - see Ptosis

Blepharorrhaphy [blepharorrhaphia < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. rhaphe "suture"], syn. tarsorraphy - surgical operation of temporary or constant, partial or total lid fissure closing

Blepharospasm [blepharospasmus < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. spasmos "spasm, cramp"], syn. eye closure reflex, eye lid closure reflex, spasmodic winking - spasm of the palpebral part of the eye orbicularis muscle

Blepharostate [gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. statos "standing, established"], syn. speculum - eye lid widening instrument

Blepharotome [blepharotome < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - instrument for the cutting of lateral lid commissure


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