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Asthenopia / A / 37

fluorescein and simultaneous recording of the image by the serial photographing, cinema or video shooting

Aniseikonia \gr. aniseikonia < gr. anisos "unequal"+ gr. eikon "image"] - inequality of the image size of the one obj ect on the retina of the right and left eyes

Aniseikonometer [aniseikonia + gr. metreo "to measure"], syn. ophthalmeiko- nometer, eikonometer - instrument for the revealing of the aniseikonia and defining its degree

Anisocoria [anisocoria < gr. anisos "unequal" + gr. kore "pupil"] - inequality of the right and left pupils size

Anisometropia [< gr. anisos "unequal"+g?: metron "measure" +gr. ops, opos "eye"], syn. heterometropia - right and left eye refractive power inequality

Anisophoria [anisophoria < gr. anisos "unequal"+ grphoros "carrying"] - form of heterophoria, in which changing of the deviation degree of the squinting eye from symmetrical position in the changing of the view direction is present

Aniridia [aniridia < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. iris, iridis], syn. irideremia - absence of the whole iris or its greater part due to developmental anomaly or trauma

Ankyloblepharon [ankyloblepharon < gr.ankylos "curved, crooked"+ gr. blepharon "eyelid"] - partial or total adherence of the eyelid margins, resulting in lid fissure narrowing or its absence

Ankylosymblepharon [ankylosymblepharon < gr. ankylos "curved, crooked" + gr. sym "with, together" + gr. blepharon "eyelid"] - combination of the adherence of the lid conjunctiva and eye-globe conjunctiva (symblepharon) and adherence of the eyelid margins (ankyloblepharon)

Anomaloscope [anomaly+ gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - instrument for the color vision testing and determination of its disorder types

Anomaloscopy [anomaly + gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - color vision testing method, provided by the anomaloscope

Anophtalmia, anophthalmy [anophthalmus < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. ophthalmos "eye"] - absence of one or both eye globes

Anopia [anopia < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"] - absence or defect of vision; is used as a terminoelement in the complex words, mainly meaning color vision disorders

Anopsia [anopsia < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence+ gr. opsis "vision"] - absence or defect of vision; is used as a terminoelement in the complex words and word-combinations Applanometer [lat. ap-"neamess, proximity" + lat. planus "plane, flattened out" + gr. metreo "to measure"] - instrument for the intraocular pressure measurement by the determination of the flattening degree of the eye globe surface on pressing it Aphakia [aphakia < a-+ gr. phacos "lentil"] - eye condition without lens Arcus (cornea) jnveniiis - firm corneal opacity of degenerative type, similar in shape to A.(c)seni!is, but developing in young age

Arcus (cornea) senilis (syn. gr. gerontoxon "senile arch") - firm corneal opacity of degenerative type, developing in eldery age

Artiphakia, syn. pseudophakia [artiphakia < lat. artefactum "artificial, man-made" + gr. phacos "lentil"] - eye condition with the presence of intraocular lens instead of extracted native lens

Asthenopia [asthenopia < gr. asthenes "weak" + gr. ops, opos "eye"] - rapidly


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