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1. Unemployment (безработица) - a situation in which a person is willing and able to work and is actively seeking a job but is unable to find one.

2. Underemployment (неполная занятость) - a situation in which people are working at jobs below their skill level.

3. Participation rate (доля рабочей силы) - the percentage of the population of working age who declare themselves to be in the labour force.

4. Unemployment rate (уровень безработицы) - the percentage of the labour force who are without a job but are registered as being willing and available for work.

5. Labour force (рабочая сила) - includes all individuals 16 years of age & older who are either working or actively looking for work.

6. Employment rate (уровень занятости) - the percentage of those in a given group who are working.

7. Frictional unemployment (фрикционная безработица) – the unemployment that is due to normal turnover in the labour market. It includes people who are temporarily between jobs because they are moving or changing occupations, or for similar reasons.

8. Structural unemployment (структурная безработица) – the unemployment that arises because there is a mismatch of skills and job opportunities when the pattern of demand and production changes.

9. Demand-deficient unemployment (безработица недостаточного спроса) - when aggregate demand falls and wages and prices have not yet adjusted to restore full employment.

10. Classical unemployment (классическая безработица) - the unemployment that is created when the wage is deliberately maintained above the level of at which the labour supply and labour demand schedules intersect.

11. Cyclical unemployment (циклическая безработица) - a situation in which people are unemployed because of a downturn in the business cycle, such as a recession.

12. Seasonal unemployment (сезонная безработица) - the unemployment caused by seasonal shifts in labour supply and demand.

13. Natural rate of unemployment (естественный уровень безработицы) - the rate of unemployment when the labour market is in equilibrium.

14. Full employment (полная занятость) - 1) the use of all available economic resources to produce goods and services; 2) when 94% to 96% of the civilian labour force is employed. Full employment is a theoretical term to describe when all willing to work at prevailing wages are doing so. In practice, there is never 0% unemployment.

15. Civilian labour force (гражданская рабочая сила) - includes persons 16 years of age and older who are not in institutions or the armed forces (the non-institutional civilian population) who are willing and able to work and who are either employed or actively seeking employment.

16. Involuntary unemployed worker (вынужденно безработный) - a worker who would accept a job offer at the going wage rate.

17. Discouraged worker (отчаявшийся рабочий) – an unemployed person who gives up looking for work and is therefore no longer counted as part of the labour force.

18. Duration of unemployment (продолжительность безработицы) - the length of time a person is unemployed.

19. Output gap (разрыв в выпуске продукции) - difference between actual & potential output.

20. Okun’s law (закон Оукена) - states that the change in the rate of full-time unemployment is associated with the percentage change in GNP that is about three times as large.

21. Labour force participation rate (уровень занятости рабочей силы) - the ratio of the labour force to the population of working age.

22. Labour market policy (политика на рынке труда) - includes the attempts to reduce structural unemployment through education, job training and other activities.

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