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Fluid carbon dioxide for gas carrier security systems.

Under normal atmospheric temperature and pressures, carbon dioxide exists as a colorless, odorless gas which is about 1.5 times heavier than air. Carbon dioxide will not burn or support combustion

A low pressure CO2 system is a specialized fire-control unit which is designed to maintain the carbon dioxide supply at -17,7º C and 20.68 Bar, refrigerated pressure container. For safety of people onboard, from CO2 impact on them the shut-off valve are provided. A shut-off valve shall be installed on all systems where carbon dioxide could migrate, creating a hazard to personnel.тValves have to be under supervision for automatic and hand control. The main tank shut-off valve can be used as a system lock out valve.

The equipment are listed with this low pressure carbon dioxide system has been tested to operate between -23,3º С and 48,8º С. The control panel also provides delays of danger signals (sound and visual) in the protected area, will help to be evacuated to personnel before emissions of CO2.

The control panel manages opening and closing of the system distribution valves allowing necessary quantity of CO2 is thrown out the fire-dangerous area.

Caution! The carbon dioxide gas is not allowed to be used if at the fire there are following elements:

1. Chemical compounds, such as gunpowder or nitrocellulose which when burning emit oxygen.

2. Reactive materials, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, titanium, zirconium, uranium and plutonium.

3. Metal hydrides.

Conversion Factor

Minimum CO2 Concentration, %

Fig. Material Conversion Factor -
For materials requiring a design concentration over 34%.

The fire-control unit, is developed for ensuring protection of the vessel. Though the system can protect the vessel at the fire, but it is not completely safe in itself. It is necessary to remember about danger of system installation, and accident prevention. Before installation of the equipment of fire extinguishing, there is no necessity to be ensure for 100% that:

A. All materials have to be the highest quality, free of defects and imperfections.

B. The pipeline has to have the non-combustible material having physical and chemical characteristics, therefore, that its deterioration can be energized predicted with reliability.

The tank is designed to maintain carbon dioxide as a liquid at this approximate pressure regardless of outside influences such as ambient temperature, etc. Most of the time in most places, ambient air is warmer than -17.78 º С, therefore the tank will be absorbing heat. To minimize the heat input, the tank is insulated and to minimize maintenance, the tank is wrapped with pre-painted aluminum housing.

О.С. Садовский, магистр, (ОНАПТ, Одесса)

О.Ю. Яковлева, к.т.н., ст. преп., (ОНАПТ, Одесса)


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