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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Read and translate the sentences.

On Tuesday and on Thursday mornings I don’t wake up early, I usually wake up rat-her late. At weekends her family always wakes up early in the morning. He doesn’t wake up early in the morning. On weekdays we often wake up early in the mornings and at weekends we don’t wake up early. My child always wakes up at 6.

When I wake up I usually go to the bathroom and then I do exercises. He doesn’t do exercises in the morning because he goes to the gym four days a week in the after-noon. She often does exercises in the morning after she wakes up. Her children don’t do any exercises. You don’t often do exercises in the morning. – Yes.

In the mornings I’m always short of time that’s why I don’t take a bath. I usually take a warm shower. Are you short of time now? – Yes, sorry. My daughter isn’t short of time in the mornings that’s why she often takes a bath. My son is always short of time that’s why he usually takes a shower. Our granny takes neither a bath nor a shower in the mornings, she always take a shower in the evenings. His step-son is a sportsman that’s why he takes a shower some times a day. I always wake up at 6.30 a.m. and then I go the bathroom and take a shower.

В будние дни я обычно просыпаюсь рано, застилаю свою кровать и делаю зарядку. Затем я иду в ванную. Я всегда принимаю душ после зарядки.

Мой друг никогда не просыпается рано, поэтому по утрам у него всегда мало времени. Он не делает ни зарядку и не застилает свою постель. Он встает и идет в ванную комнату. Он не принимает ни душ, ни ванную. Затем он завтракает и идет в школу.

По выходным мы просыпаемся очень поздно. Мой папа не делает зарядку, поэтому он идет в ванну первым. Там он принимает душ. Моя мама и я всегда делаем зарядку по утрам. У нас немало времени, поэтому после зарядки мы часто принимаем ванную.

After I take a shower I make my bed. My son never makes his bed, it’s terrible! His children don’t always make their beds after they get up. They usually do it after they have breakfast. She often makes her bed before her breakfast. My nephew makes his bed neither on weekdays nor at weekends, he’s such a disobedient child.

My sister usually washes the dishes after breakfast, dinner and supper, but my youn-ger brother doesn’t wash his plates. When they are short of time they don’t wash the dishes. My younger nephew always washes his hand before and after his dinner. Eve-ry morning after I wake up I go to the bathroom and wash my hands and face and take a shower.

Bill doesn’t brush his teeth twice a day, he brushes his teeth only in the morning. But his sister Nancy is very obedient and she brushes her teeth in the morning and in the evening. Paul neither brushes his teeth nor makes his bed in the mornings. When he is very short of time, he only washes his hands and face. It’s too bad!

My Granny always combs her hair, she doesn’t brush it. My elder sister sometimes combs her hair, but she usually brushes it. You don’t brush your hair, you only brush it. People always comb or brush their hair once or twice a day.

Their mother doesn’t dress before breakfast, she often dresses after it. Our niece always dresses after she takes a shower, but our nephew never dresses before he makes his bed. I dress neither short skirts nor jeans to school.

Every morning I wake up at seven o’clock sharp. Then I get up, make my bed and go to the bathroom. There I wash my face and hands, brush my teeth and brush my hair. After that I dress and go to the kitchen to have breakfast.

По будням я не застилаю свою кровать и не принимаю душ. Я только умываюсь, чищу зубы и причёсываюсь. Я одеваюсь до завтрака потому, что у меня очень мало времени. На выходных у меня много времени, поэтому я всегда застилаю кровать, принимаю душ после зарядки, мою голову и чищу зубы. Я неодеваюсь,инепричесываюсьдозавтрака.

My cousin often packs his bag in the evenings and my brother packs the things into his bag in the mornings. This pupil doesn’t pack his things into his bag, his mother always packs it. I pack my bag neither late at night nor early in the morning, I pack it after my breakfast.

I come home after school at 3 p.m. After he has his breakfast he comes back to his room and makes his bed. After I come home from the University I have dinner. Be-fore my parents come home they usually go to the supermarket. After Clare takes a bath she comes back to her room and dresses.


Date: 2016-07-25; view: 305; Нарушение авторских прав

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