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Read and translate sentences.

I usually go to school five days a week because I’m a pupil. My brother often goes to the University four days a week because he’s a student. My parents always go to work six days a week. Sometimes his sister goes to work three or four days a week because she’s a nurse. My aunt always goes to school five days a week because she’s a teacher. Her cousin never goes to the bank on Sunday. Our grandparents seldom go to the supermarket; they usually go to the cosy small shops near their house.

You never go to bed at 9 p.m. – Yes, I never go to bed so early. I usually go to bed after 11 p.m. My mum seldom goes to bed after 10 p.m. She usually goes to bed early, at half past nine. My friend goes to the University that’s why (поэтому) on the week-days he goes to bed late, at twelve o’clock. At the weekend he goes to bed later, at 2 or 3 o’clock. My dad rarely goes to bed early, he usually goes to bed late at night. On weekdays I always go to bed early and at weekends I often go to bed late at night. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are weekdays. Saturday and Sunday are weekends.

After school children often go home. After work people often go to the shops or go home. On the weekdays he rarely goes home late, he usually goes home after 7 p.m. But at the weekends he always goes home late at night. His daughter seldom goes home after school. His son always goes home after the University, at about 3-4 p.m.

I always get up early on weekdays because I go to school at half past eight in the mor-ning. At the weekend I often get up late, at about (около) 11 p.m. On Monday and on Wednesday my Mum always gets up at 5 in the morning. On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday she gets up at 8 in the morning. Their children sometimes get up at 12 at the weekend but often they get up after 9. My granny never gets up late, she always gets up early in the morning, at half past five. After I get up I always go to the bathroom.

Лиза моя подруга. Она студентка, поэтому ходит в университет пять раз в неде-лю. В будние дни она встает рано: в 6.30 утра. После университета, около 4 ча-сов, она едет домой. По будням она ложиться спать рано, после 10 часов. В суб-боту и в воскресенье она встает поздно, около 11, и ложиться спать поздно но-чью, после 12 часов.

Я ученик в школе номер 11. Я хожу в школу каждый день по будням. В будние дни я ложусь спать очень рано, так как я встаю в школу рано утром. Но на вы-ходных я никогда не встаю рано. Я встаю после 10 часов.

My family has breakfast early in the morning. His family has breakfast late in the morning. On weekdays he always has breakfast at 7 sharp. I often have breakfast at 9 at the weekends. They never have breakfast early in the morning at the week-ends. We sometimes have breakfast at 10 on Sunday. He always has breakfast at 10 on Saturday and at 11 on Sunday. Karl rarely has breakfast, he usually drinks some tea or coffee in the morning.

At school I sometimes have lunch at 12.30. Pearl always has lunch at the University after 12 in the afternoon. Terry is a builder, he never has lunch at work. They rarely have lunch at work. Sarah is a bank manager that’s why she always has lunch at 1 in the afternoon. I usually have lunch at 12.45 in the afternoon.

My parents always have dinner after their work at 7 in the evening. They never have supper on the weekday. Sometimes they have supper with their friend on Saturday. I never have dinner on weekdays because I go home at 8 in the evening, that’s why I usually have supper late at night, at half past nine. My friend often has supper at 8.30 in the evening at the weekends. We usually have dinner early in the evening, at about half past five, we never have supper.

Breakfast goes before lunch. Dinner goes before supper. Friday goes before Satur-day. Before I go home I usually go the shops. I usually get up before 7 o’clock. Jimmy always goes to bed before 11 p.m. My children often go home before dinner time. He never drinks coffee before breakfast. His wife always drinks coffee before dinner. Before we go to the supermarket we usually go the bank.

Моя мама дизайнер по профессии. Она никогда не завтракает. Она обычно пьет чашку крепкого черного кофе. Ее ленч – это ее завтрак, около 11.30 дня. Она редко обедает до 6 часов вечера, но она всегда ужинает после 9 часов, а это слишком поздно!

Моя тетя врач. Она всегда завтракает рано утром, около 6.30. Она никогда не пьет кофе, она всегда пьет зеленый чай. Она часто обедает в час дня и всегда ужинает до 6 часов вечера. Онаникогданеужинаетпоздноночью.

On Sunday morning I usually get up late. On Saturday evening he always has supper



at 8 o’clock. On Tuesday afternoon I often go home after school. On Friday evening she usually goes to the club with her friends. On Monday morning their parents have breakfast early and go to work at 6.30. On Wednesday afternoon we never go to the supermarket. On Thursday afternoon I seldom have lunch.

Date: 2016-07-25; view: 275; Нарушение авторских прав

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