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Task 5. Read and translate the text


Why do We Usually Confuse the Name of the UK?


“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” is the official name of the state that is geographically situated on the British Isles. Strange it may seem but even people of this country are sometimes confused about its name.

On official occasions they call it the United Kingdom and in everyday speech it’s shortened to the UK. In speaking or writing where it is not particular formal or informal they use Britain. The name Britain is usually used in press.

To avoid this confusion of the terms the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England we should bear in mind the following: Great Britain is the geographical name for the largest island in the British Isles which comprises England, Wales, and Scotland.

The island of Ireland is mainly occupied by the Irish Republic (or Eire) and the remaining part of Ireland island is occupied by Northern Ireland. Great Britain and Northern Ireland form the UK.


Political system


The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of state. But in practice it is ruled by the elected government with a Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties, The Conservative party is the ruling party nowadays.


What does the name British Isles refer to?

How many smaller islands are situated near GB? Show them on the map.

Which parts is the territory of the UK historically divided to?

What is the total area and population of the UK?

What are the principal languages spoken in the UK?


Task 6. Give the short answers to the following questions:


1.Does the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland include over five thousand small islands?

2.Is the population of the United Kingdom 50 mln people?

3.Is the island of Great Britain divided into two parts?

4.Has Great Britain an insular climate?

5.Is Wales a peninsular?

6.Is Scotland the most northern part of the country?

7.Do all Welsh people know Welsh?

8.Are the Scottish and Irish languages rarely spoken?

9. Is there any written constitution in Great Britain?

10. Is parliament in Great Britain the oldest parliament in the world?

11. Is the House of Lords elected by the people?

12. Is Great Britain a highly - developed industrial country?


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