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Teacher's profession


In Ukraine the young people know that when they choose a career they will be sure of a job, and will have every opportunity for continuing it.

In the school the choosing of careers is made easier in a variety of ways. Visits are arranged to different factories and enterprises, people of different trades and professions come and talk to the children, form teachers discuss the problem. Practically all careers are open to the young people.

There is no doubt, but to choose a profession is not an easy thing. There are many interesting and useful professions in our country.

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are opened before them: vocational and professional schools, institutes and universities.

As for me I made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn't come as sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favourite subject. I've read lot of books by Ukrainian and foreign writers. I understand that reading books helps people in self-education and in solving different life problems. I would like to teach my pupils to enjoy reading, to encourage them to learn our national language, which is a source of national culture.

I know that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. The teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done in the office hours from 9 to 5, but teacher's work is never done and evenings are mostly spent making an exercise-book and preparing for the next lessons. It is quite a stressful job because you have to encourage your pupils and keep them interested.

Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They bring up the younger generation in the spirit of high moral ideals. They develop their pupils intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. While communicating with children a teacher studies them closely to discover their interests, their strengths and weaknesses, their needs and abilities. A good teacher always regards his pupils have, trying to temper his teaching methods to children's abilities and talents.

Many things depend on the nature of personal relationship between a teacher and his pupils. These relationships should be founded on respect for a person.

To liquidate ignorance is a purpose of education. But it is also the education to help children to live in the community, to prepare them for real life situations, to shape their character developing honesty, kindness, loyalty, cooperation.

And of course, it is not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with knowledge I'll get at the University would be enough to succeed in my work.


Task 4. Answer the questions:

1) What can you say in general about the choosing of career in our country?

2) Is the choosing of career made easier or difficult in our country?

3) What ways are there to know about your future profession?

4) You've chosen teacher's profession. When did you make your choice? Was it your personal decision?

5) Why did you decide that teacher's profession the right work for you?

6) What does a teacher have to regard in his job?

7) Is it necessary for a teacher to know his pupils' abilities and aptitudes? Why?

8) Should personal relationships between teacher and pupils be founded on respect?

9) What do pupils mostly respect their teacher for?

10) What is purpose and the function of education today?

11) What do you have to do to bring up all-round person? Your thoughts

12) Does teaching bring satisfaction and happiness? When?

13) What do you think about teacher's work in the future? Will it raise or lose prestige?


Task 5. Choose the right word:


Capacity, relationships, industry, attention, children, respect, to praise, attitude, activity, need.


1) Thanks to her...she could prepare for examinations in a short period of time.

2) What is your...to this new teaching method?

3) I... him for his broad erudition and knowledge.

4) Psychologists say that there is limit to the... of our memory.

5) Teacher's authority must be ensured by... of his pupils.

6) Social development is paid just as much... to as intellectual development.

7) A good teacher builds his work upon what he learns about his....

8) The atmosphere in class depends on the nature of personal... between a teacher and his pupils.

9) There is a... for children to learn the art of listening.

10) Ushinsky's first impressions of Western education decided his... as an educator.




Task 1. Listen to the following words and learn to pronounce them:

1. to be situated 2. in addition 3. island 4. to include 5. mountainous 6. due to 7. moderating influence 8. insular 9. humid 10.mild 11.striking discrepancy 12.to amount to 13.peninsular 14.language 15.parliamentary monarchy 16.rarely 17.on the advice 18.legislation 19.judicature act 20.to provide 21.to exist 22.to be elected 23.to appoint 24.highly developed 25.within 5 years Знаходитись до того ж острів включати гористий завдяки помірній вплив острівний вологий м’який вражаюча різниця налічувати півострів мова парламентська монархія рідко за порадою законодавство судовий акт забезпечувати існувати бути обраним призначати високо розвинутий протягом 5 років

Task 2. Repeat the geographical names after the speaker:

Great Britain England

the Atlantic Ocean Scotland

the Irish Sea Wales

the North Sea Northern Ireland

the English Channel the United Kingdom

the North Channel the Thames, the Severn


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