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Задания. labor efficiency investors

1. Объясните сочетания:

labor efficiency investors

board of director hired labor

2. Дополните предложения:

1. Farmer involves more risk than...

2. One person may play the role of...

3. Another difference between fanning and other industries is that...

3. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the differences between farming and industry?

2. Why is it difficult to get high labor efficiency in farming?

3. What can you say about management of American industries?

4. Are the productive factors usually supplied separately in farming?

5. Why do you think farming involves more risk than industries?

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What Work Study Can Do

The aim of farm management is to raise to a minimum the margin of out­put over costs. On any farm the relationship between these two tools, output and costs, is the result of many smaller rations between items of output and items of costs, such as, for example, milk output and the various costs which may be said to contribute to it, of which, for instance, labor in silage-making is one. Every plan or proposal has to be appraised by its expected effect on the total costs and the total output of the farm.

How do the aims of work-study contribute to this general aim of farm management? The object of work-study is to increase the productivity of labor, to improve the performance of workers. If this means in creasing output, or re­ducing labor expenses, it is identical with the aim farm management. It is the labor content of a given task that work-study concerns itself with. With respect to this labor content it can do two things measure it and reduce it. To do these things it has developed special techniques - work measurement and method study. Each of these comprises basically observation, recording and analysis of work.

The work-measurement part of part work-study produces knowledge of the work content of tasks. It assists planning by stating the quantity of resources - in this case labor - required to fulfill any proposed plan.

Date: 2016-02-19; view: 462; Нарушение авторских прав

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