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Microteaching for World Cognition

Common topic: Nature

Second grade

Topic: Wild Birds

Fourth grade

Topic: Protection of nature.

Common aim: to practice skills of understanding the nature

Aim 1: to develop skills of recognizing different birds by their beaks and revise main characteristics of wild birds.

Aim 2: to deepen knowledge of nature protection.

Teaching aids: handouts, projector and presentation, live animals (birds in the “nature corner”), music

Methods: brainstorming, excursion


Presentation of the aims of the lesson. Explanatory work for fourth grade’s independent work (reading the text and analysis by means of algorithm).Active work with second graders.

Dear students! Today we continue to talk about wild animals and we are going to know more about wild birds. First, let us make a quiz “Who’s beak is it?” (Presentation)

Key words: beak, Penguin, Heron, Pelican, Owl, Parrot, Flamingo, Hummingbird, Falcon, Hoopoe, Woodpecker, Swan

+ Right you are! Good job! Excellent! Well done! Great! How smart you are!

- Who has another variant? Maybe somebody has different answer? Who can help … (student’s name)


We are going to go to the zoo and meet wild nature. Please follow me.

Here we are! Look! Are there birds, aren’t they? Now, children, what do you know about birds?

Possible answers:

- They have wings.

- They can fly.

- But not all them. For example, penguins cannot fly, but they can swim.

- And a swan can both fly and swim. They are very beautiful.

- Birds have feathers. They need feathers to get warm when it’s cold.

- They have different beaks.

- There are a lot of different kinds of birds.

- Ornithologists study birds and their characteristics.

- Ornithology is a science about birds.

- Birds can be domestic and wild.

- Birds lay eggs in the nests. From eggs their baby birds appear.

- They eat insects.

Great job! You know a lot about birds. Let’s continue our travelling.

Date: 2016-02-19; view: 438; Нарушение авторских прав

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