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Trade exhibitions and fairs

1. Trade fairs and exhibitions usually attract thousands of visitors and many potential buyers among them. So foreign trade associations of Russia never lose a chance to exhibit their products at international fairs and exhibitions both abroad and at home. They help promote our goods to new markets and launch new products in the markets already developed.

2. A great deal of profitable business is done at commercial centres at the exhibitions: new contacts are made, new transactions are concluded, new orders are placed and new markets are established.

3. This work goes on after the exhibitions as well: enquiries are sent out for the goods our national economy requires and offers are made for the products our new contacts are interested in.

4. There are traditional fairs and exhibitions that are held annually, for example the Leipzig fair that is organized twice a year - in spring and in autumn in Germany, the Plovdiv fair in Bulgaria, or the Nizhegorodskaya fair in Nizhnii Novgorod.

5. Also, there are fairs and exhibitions organized on and off and devoted to scientific achievements in this or that field of national economy. They are called accordingly: "Chemistry-99", "Au-tomation-98", “Building-99” “Electronics-99”, etc.

About 200 international fairs and exhibitions are held in various cities Russia every year.

6. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is responsible for organizing fairs and exhibitions in this country and arranging participation of our associations and enterprises in fairs and exhibitions abroad through VO "Expocentr". There are a lot of specialized exhibitions such as "Mining-97 and the like.

2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1) trade fairs 2) to exhibit products 3) to promote goods 4) to develop a market 5) to do business 6) to make contacts 7) to conclude transactions 8) to place an order 9) to establish new markets 10) to sent out enquires 11) to make an offer 12) to hold exhibitions 13) on and off 14) to launch new products a) выпускать новые товары на рынок b) внедрять товары, продвигать c) осваивать рынок d) заключать сделки e) устанавливать связи f) размещать заказ g) рассылать запросы h) проводить выставки i) делать предложение j) демонстрировать, экспонировать товары k) торговые ярмарки l) заключить сделки m) открывать новые рынки время от времени

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