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Aim and scope of the Conference
The aim of the Conference is to review the current status of experimental and theoretical aspects of modulation spectroscopy. With optical modulation techniques spreading into an ever wider diversity of fields, the program will emphasize the basic concepts of mechanisms common to the variety of studies. The Conference will provide opportunities for the exchange of information among scientists involved with the various aspects of modulation spectroscopy, for assessing existing results, and for outlining future developments and trends. Ample time for discussion and panel sessions will be provided. Topics of current interest will be reviewed by invited speakers. All contributions and the discussions following them will appear in the Proceedings of the Conference, to be published as a special issue of "Surface Science". Contributions are invited from areas in which modulation spectroscopy has recently been used. With no claim for completeness, the list includes the following: 1. Experimental energy band studies, such as: • Energy bands of new materials or materials of particular current • Symmetry assignment of optical structure to specific energy band 2. Photoconductivity. Surface and surface state studies, such as: • Optical studies of absorbed layers and very thin films. • Surface plasmons. • Spectroscopy of surface states. • Solid-liquid interfaces. • Photoemission and surface photovoltaic effects. • Catalytic and electrochemical reactions. 3. Dielectric theory of modulation processes, including effects such as: • Crystal symmetry. • Many-body interactions. • Electron correlation. • Degenerate semiconductors and metals. The Conference will be held November 23-26, 2001, at the Westward Look Inn, a resort hotel in the foothills of the Catalina Mountains overlooking the city of Tucson and the campus of the University of Arizona. Accommodations and Conference rooms are part of the same comfortable setting, encouraging informal exchange and discussions among the participants. At double occupancy, the room rate is 9 dollars per person per day. Single rooms are available for 15 dollars per day. Date: 2015-10-18; view: 340; Нарушение авторских прав |