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Decision Making

Контрольная работа № 3

Курс, 6 семестр

Для студентов заочного отделения


Чтобы правильно выполнить работу №3, необходимо повторить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику:

1. Грамматические функции глаголов should, would.

2. Обороты с инфинитивом и причастием, равнозначные придаточным предложениям.

3. Различные значения слов: as, because, because of, due to, for, since, both... and, either... or, neither... nor.


I. Дайте совет Вашему другу. Используйте should или shouldn’t.

Образец: Your friend is going on business to Russia. Advise him to reserve accomodation in advance. You should reserve accomodation in advance.

Образец: Your friend is going on business to Russia. Advise him to reserve accomodation in advance. You should reserve accomodation in advance.

Your friend is going to open his business in Russia. Advise him:

1. to register with local authorities. You should _______________________

2. to open a bank account. ________________________________________

3. to register with Russia’s taxation agency. You ______________________

4. to register with Russia’s pension fund. ____________________________


II. Используя I think, выскажите свое мнение.

Образец: Your friend has some money. He thinks it would be a good idea to invest it on the Stock Exchange.

You: I think you should invest it on the Stock Exchange.

1. Your friend is going to buy a new car. He thinks it would be a good idea to ask his bank manager for a loan. ________________________________________________

2. Your friend is going to Spain next week. He thinks it would be a good idea to change some money into peseats. You: I think ______________________________________

3. Your friend has lost his credit card. He thinks it would be a good idea to telephone his bank immediately. You: I ________________________________________________


III. Напишите предложения, используя promised.

Образец: I wonder why they have very high prices. They promised they wouldn’t increase their prices.

1. I wonder why he hasn’t taken money with him for a visit to a foreign country. _______

2. I wonder why he hasn’t checked how much money he has in his bank account. ______

3. I wonder why he hasn’t taken money out of his account on Sunday. He ____________

4. I wonder why he hasn’t sent payment by post. He promised _____________________


IV. Прочитайте ситуацию и напишите предложения, используя I wish... would...

Образец: You’re looking for a job - so far without success. You want somebody to give you a job. What do you say? I wish somebody would give me a job.

1. You have to make a very important decision. But you don’t have au the necessary information. You want somebody to give you more complete information. What do you say? _____________________

2. You are waiting for the Bank Manager. He is late and you are getting impatient. You want him to come. What do you say? I wish __________________________________

3. You have just received a selection of press articles about your bank. Two of them are in German. You don’t know German. You want somebody to translate the articles for you. What do you say? I _______


V. Перепишите предложения, содержащие причастный оборот, и переведите их на русский язык.

Образец: The goods arriving at the airport were always transported to the clients without delay. - Товары, прибывавшие в порт, всегда направлялись заказчику без задержки.

1. The information contained in the SEAQ system is constantly updated to keep up with changes in the market.

2. A business deal done between two people is known as a transaction.

3. We got in touch with the firm producing computers.

4. The firm sent us some booklets describing the new methods of production.


VI. Перепишите предложения, содержащие сложное дополнение, и переведите на русский язык.

Образец: I’d like the secretary to do this job as soon as possible. - Я хотел бы, чтобы секретарь сделала эту работу как можно скорее.

1. We didn’t expect the matter to be so complicated.

2. I expected you to transfer your money to a deposit account.

3. We want our contacts to increase in the near future.


VII. Перепишите предложения и переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения слов: as, because, because of, due to, for, since, both... and, either... or, neither... nor.

Образец: Both Tom & Ann were late. - Как Том, так и Анна опоздали.

He neither wrote nor telephoned. - Он ни написал, ни позвонил.

1. Neither restaurant is expensive.

2. That man’s name is either Richard or Robert.

3. Her job is both interesting and well-paid.

4. I’ve got neither the time nor the money to go on holiday.

5. Can either of you speak Spanish?

6. Both partners in the business agree that hard work is the key to their success.



Переведите текст “My Future Profession ”, “A Short Course in Management”.

I. Составьте словарь основных слов.

II. Напишите 3 вопроса по содержанию текста (на английском языке).


My Future Profession

There are many professions in the world: doctors, teachers, artists, actors, journalists, historians and so on.

All these professions and jobs have their excitement, their fascination and their frustration, I must admit I am in no position to speak of the advantages and disadvantages of other professions I don't know much about them. But I cannot imagine any more rewarding way of life than management.

If we ask anyone in business what makes a good manager, you will get the whole catalogue of human virtues in answer. You will be told, for example, that you have to be an extraordinary educated person, politjcally, practically and sociallyminded one. You must know foreign languages in order to be able, for example, to set up joint-ventures with foreign firms, to corresponde with the authorities of foreign enterprises. You must be unusually curious. Naturally, you have to be ready to study and work beyond office hours. You should, of course, be willing to work hard.

According to the sport of life a manager leads he must have such business or personal, qualities as adaptability to changes which take. place in our life, life experience, competence in various fields of life in order to be able to get to the bottom of things.

He must not make a hasty, ill-informed judgement. This job is very difficult and responsible.

As the economics of our country nowadays has declined, our society needs more truly original thinking people.



Management has as many definitions as there are managers. Some, like a personnel manager, have a natural bias towards the sociological approach, being concerned mainly with human activities. Others such as a financial tycoon, can just as easily show a preference for the quantitative aspects.

Somewhere in between is the managing director, or general manager, with an integrated and balanced viewpoint - a bird's-eye view - taking in the whole scene at once. That is at least is the theory. Yet all too often, despite promotion to general management, the former accountant, for example, still remains an accountant. For one of the problems of any specialist in this context is learning how to stand back from his profession in order to look at the business objectively, as a whole, instead of from one side or the other...

There are debates whether management is an art or a science and whether managers are born or made. From a sociological point of view management would seem to be mainly an art (for example, how to motivate people to give of their best), whereas from a quantitative point of view it appears to be far more scientific. But even on the so­ciological side we arc now familiar with behavioural scientists.

As to whether managers arc born or made, there must, of course, be certain minimal innate qualities (i.e. potential) which can be added to effectively by proper training and planned experience. Fortunately, or unfortunately, we have already been created; but at least we can build on nature, such as it is in our case, by adopting the right management attitudes and using every possible means to come to grips with a fasci­nating career. The personal satisfaction arising from even modest man­agerial achievements usually makes such efforts “well worth while”.

In practical business, management is the art and science of getting things done through other people, but it also includes effective use of your own time. To operate a successful business you need strong man­agement skills. Effective management is the key to business success.

Management and Organisation Defined

Management includes those personnel who have the right to make decisions that affect company's affairs. Organisation is the means by which management coordinates the efforts of employees to attain the company's objectives.

Organisational Structure

Organization involves structure. An organizational structure is a framework enabling management to delegate and control the responsi­bilities of individuals and departments. In this way, a company can function as a unit with the same efficiency as a business run by one person.

Once organizational structure has been established, areas (and sub-areas) of activities, levels of authority, and duties must be clearly de-fined.

Yet with this structure, allowance must be made for initiative. Good management permits employees (and managers) to grow accord­ing to individual abilities. This is a valuable asset to a company in that individual talents contribute to organizational growth. Where workers feel they aye mere cogs in a wheel, their morale falls and their work efficiency decreases, and the firm loses the benefits it might have otherwise derived from its employees.

Thus, communication is of great importance in organizational structure. A smooth, two-way flow (from management to employed and from employees to management) ensures efficient functioning through feedback, suggestions, and grievances.

Levels of Management

There are three management levels: top management, middle man­agement, and operating management. Top management includes the president, vice presidents, and the general manager. Middle management includes department managers, plant managers, and production superintendents. Operating management includes, supervisors, foremen, etc.

Decision Making

The most important responsibility of a manager at any level is de­cision making. (It is often said that decisions are the motor of busi­ness.) Successful management is a matter of skill in choosing from al­ternatives.

Decision making can be broken down into five components: (1) recognizing the problem, (2) defining and analyzing the problem, (3) evaluating alternative solutions, (4) choosing the most favorable solution, and (5) implementing the approach chosen.

Management Functions

The overall responsibility for decision making encompasses the following managerial functions.

Planning. The process of establishing organizational goals and a strategy for their accomplishment is known as the planning function. It is concerned with the future - immediate and/or long range. Middle and operational management planning generally stems from the goals (i.e. the plan) set by top management.

Organizing. Once goals and strategies have been formulated, orga­nizing makes things happen as planned. This is an operational function; it depends heavily on the coordinated effort of an entire organization.

Directing. This is the motivational function. An organized effort re­quires complete cooperation and, in directing operations, management seeks to obtain a high level of production from employees through motivation and proper guidance.

Controlling. The control function monitors the achievement of goals, and compares actual results with those projected in planning as well as actual performance in past periods. It is directly related to the plans and performance standards, established by other managerial functions.

Staffing, This is the process of finding the right person for each job. It involves matching individual qualifications to job specifications. Staffing is an on-going function because once a position is filled, performance must be evaluated and employee growth encouraged. Further, the chain of promotions, retirements, resignations and terminations is never-ending and always results in staffing needs.

Innovating. This is the creative function. Changing times require new approaches, advancing technology demands new' procedures. Find­ing new and better ways to do the job, handling the staff, and getting additional money arc only some of the creative tasks managers often deal with.

Managerial Performance

It should be clear- from the preceding section that successful man­agerial performance rests- on three basic elements - leadership, motiva­tion and communication.

Leadership. The leadership style a manager adopts depends as much on personal goals and needs as on those of the subordinates in­volved. The general work environment also influences that style. While three basic styles can be isolated (i. c. autocratic, democratic and lais­sez-faire), effective managerial performance generally reflects a mix-choosing the right approach for each situation.

Motivation. The modem concept of motivation refers to the process of creating a work environment that will stimulate employees to per­form at superior levels. On the manager's part, it means presenting a dear picture of what is expected of employees, providing them with necessary guidance, and giving them the feeling that their work is im­portant and contributes to end results. Basically, managers must make employees feel that they arc valued in the total effort. For employees, performing at superior levels generally reflects the satisfaction of vari­ous personal needs - social, psychological, self-fulfillment, etc.

Communication. In order for leadership and motivation to be effec­tive, the manager must be able to communicate well with subordinates, and encourage feedback from them. A lack of effective communication leads to artificial barriers where there is little understanding between managers and subordinates, and where operational results, arc based on abuses of authority rather than strong leadership and motivation. In the latter case, operational results arc generally less fruitful than they might otherwise have been.

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Тема 12. Управление конфликтами, стрессами и изменениями | Часть 1. Введение в бурение, заканчивание и эксплуатацию нефтегазовых скважин

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