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The Way I study History

Let me introduce myself. I am Denis Fyodorov, a student of Moscow University. Now I am in my first year, and I am doing History. I take a full course of World and Russian History.

It was shortly before1 leaving school that I made up my mind2 to enter this faculty and take up History as my future speciality. There are many historical subjects in our programme: History of Middle Ages, History of Ancient World, contemporary History.

When I am in my third year, I wish to devote myself to the special study of Modern and Contemporary History by which I am greatly attracted.

Our curriculum includes a lot of subjects such as Psychology, History of Education, Pedagogics, English, Latin, Methods of Teaching, Law.

If you ask me why of all humanities I have chosen History, my answer will be: it interests me as a science because it helps one to understand and explain the processes going on in various aspects of human history. It also helps one to forsee3 the course of events in future.

All our lectures are compulsory. Usually we have one lecture and two seminars a day. I never miss lectures and seminars and I am never late for classes. When classes are over I go home. I eat dinner and then I have a short rest. I continue to study either in the library or in my room. I have to do a lot of reading. I sit in the library for hours reading texts, making notes and writing an essay. So all the days of the term are devoted to study.

At the head of our faculty is dean. He has an assistant dean who is in charge of education of students. I enjoy studying at the University.


1. it was shortly before - незадолго до

2. I made up my mind - я решил

3. it helps one to foresee - это помогает предвидеть


1. Suggest the Russian for:

to be in the first year, to do history; shortly before leaving school; to make up one’s mind; to enter this faculty; to be greatly attracted; curriculum; humanities; science; to explain the processes going on; to foresee; to be late for classes; to miss lectures; to be over; I have to do a lot of reading; for hours; to make notes; to write an essay; to devote to study; an assistant dean; to be in charge of; either... or.

2. Suggest the English Russian for:

позвольте представиться; я изучаю историю; всеобщая история; история древнего мира; новейшая история; новая история; программа; предметы; гуманитарные науки; естественные науки; процессы, которые происходят; различные аспекты; история человечества; предвидеть; ход событий; обязательный; пропускать занятия; опаздывать; или... или; семестр; посвящать учебе; во главе; декан; отвечать за.

3. Answer the questions. Use the phrases:

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