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Примечания. [1] Newton I. 1692. Second letter to Bentley
[1] Newton I. 1692. Second letter to Bentley. In Turnbull HW, editor. 1961. The correspondence of Isaac Newton, Volume III, 1688—1694. Cambridge: At the University Press, p 240. 2 Rees M. 2000. Just six numbers: The deep forces that shape the universe. New York: Basic Books, p 42. 3 Jastrow R. 1992. God and the astronomers, 2nd edition. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., p 11. 4 Wilkinson D. 2001. God, time and Stephen Hawking. London: Monarch Books, p 35. 5 Hawking SW. 1996. A brief history of time: The updated and expanded tenth anniversary edition. New York, London: Bantam Books, p 38. 6 De Pree C, Axelrod A. 2001. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astronomy. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha Books, p 277. 7 За последние несколько лет было открыто еще столько же малых «лун» весьма незначительных размеров, особенно вокруг внешних планет. См.: Cowen R. 2003. Moonopolies: The solar system’s outer planets host a multitude of irregular satellites. Science News 164:328—329. 8 (a) Ross H. 1995. The creator and the cosmos: How the greatest scientific discoveries of the century reveal God, 2nd edition. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, p 137; see also: (b) The editors. 1993. Our friend Jove. Discover 14(7):15. 9 Rees M. 2000. Just six numbers: The deep forces that shape the universe. New York: Basic Books, p 73. 10 Dyson F. 1979. Disturbing the universe. New York, Cambridge: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., p 251. 11 Ross H. 1996. Beyond the cosmos. Colorado Springs, Colorado: NavPress Publishing Group, p 30. 12 Webb JK, et al. 2001. Further evidence for cosmological evolution of the fine structure constant. Physical Review Letters 87(9): 091301—1—4. 13 Hawking SW. 1996. A brief history of time: The updated and expanded tenth anniversary edition. New York, London: Bantam Books, p 33—34. 14 Rees M. 2000. Just six numbers: The deep forces that shape the universe. New York: Basic Books, p 33. 15 Wilkinson D. 2001. God, time and Stephen Hawking. London: Monarch Books, p 111. 16 Обсуждение и оценки см.: (a) Arp H. 1998. Seeing red: Redshifts, cosmology and academic science. Montreal: Apeiron; (b) de Groot M. 1992. Cosmology and Genesis: The road to harmony and the need for cosmological alternatives. Origins 19:8—32; (c) Hoyle F, Burbidge G, Narlikar JV. 2000. A different approach to cosmology: From a static universe through the big bang towards reality. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press; (d) Narlikar JV. 1989. Noncosmological redshifts. Space Science Reviews 50:523—614. 17 Jastrow R. 1992. God and the astronomers, 2nd edition. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., p 9. 18 Сообщение об этом см.: Jastrow R. 1992. God and the astronomers, 2nd edition. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., p 21. 19 См.: Wilkerson D. 2001. God, time and Stephen Hawking. London: Monarch Books, p 47. 20 Jastrow R. 1992. God and the astronomers, 2nd edition. New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 21 Ross H. 1995. The Creator and the cosmos: How the greatest scientific discoveries of the century reveal God, 2nd edition. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress. 22 Книга Иова 9:8; Псалтирь 103:2; Книга Исаии 40:22; Книга Иеремии 10:12; Книга Захарии 12:1. 23 Rees M. 2000. Just six numbers: The deep forces that shape the universe. New York: Basic Books, p 117. 24 Hawking SW. 2001. The universe in a nutshell. New York, Toronto: Bantam Books. 25 (a) Hawking SW. 2001. The universe in a nutshell. New York, Toronto: Bantam Books, p 82—83; (b) Overman DL. 1997. A case against accident and self-organization. Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. p 161. 26 Hawking SW. 2001. The universe in a nutshell. New York, Toronto: Bantam Books, p 82—83. 27 Hawking SW. 1996. A brief history of time: The updated and expanded tenth anniversary edition. New York, London: Bantam Books, p 146. 28 Ross H. 1995. The Creator and the cosmos, 2nd edition. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, p 91. 29 См. также: Wilkinson D. 2001. God, time and Stephen Hawking. London: Monarch Books, p 70—71. 30 Более подробно см.: Strobel L. 2004. The case for a creator: A journalist investigates scientific evidence that points towards God. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, p 93—192. 31 В том случае если различные маловероятные события происходили независимо друг от друга. 32 Hart MH. 1979. Habitable zones about main sequence stars. Icarus 37:351—357. 33 Rees M. 2000. Just six numbers: The deep forces that shape the universe. New York: Basic Books, p 47. 34 Barrow JD. 1991. Theories of everything: The quest for ultimate explanations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p 95. 35 Gribbin J, Rees M. 1989. Cosmic coincidences: Dark matter, mankind, and anthropic cosmology. New York, Toronto: Bantam Books, p 246. 36 Gribbin J, Rees M. 1989. Cosmic coincidences: Dark matter, mankind, and anthropic cosmology. New York, Toronto: Bantam Books, p 246. 37 Ross H. 1995. The Creator and the cosmos: How the greatest scientific discoveries of the century reveal God, 2nd edition. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, p 113. 38 Hoyle F. 1981. The Universe: Past and present reflections. Engineering and Science 45(2):8—12. 39 Gribbin J, Rees M. 1989. Cosmic coincidences: Dark matter, mankind, and anthropic cosmology. New York, Toronto: Bantam Books, p 247. 40 Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge, p 35. 41 Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge, p 36. 42 Overman DL. 1997. A case against accident and self-organization. Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. p 140—141. 43 Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge, p 4. 44 Davies P. 1984. Superforce: The search for a grand unified theory of nature. New York: Simon and Schuster, p 242. 45 Hawking SW. 1981. Is the end in sight for theoretical physics? Physics Bulletin 32(January):15—17. 46 (a) Barrow JD, Tipler FJ. 1986. The anthropic cosmological principle. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, p 400; (b) Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge, p 5; (c) Ross H. 1995. The Creator and the cosmos: How the greatest scientific discoveries of the century reveal God, 2nd edition. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, p 114. 47 Woit P. 2002. Is string theory even wrong? American Scientist 90(2): 110—112. 48 Rees M. 2000. Just six numbers: The deep forces that shape the universe. New York; Basic Books, p 135. 49 Hawking SW. 1996. A brief history of time: The updated and expanded tenth anniversary edition. New York, London: Bantam Books, p 181. 50 (a) Penrose R. 1989. The emperor’s new mind. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p 344.См. также: (b) Dembski WA. 1999. Intelligent design. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, p 265—266; (c) Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge, p 28; (d) Overman DL. 1997. A case against accident and self-organization. Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., p 138—140. 51 Подобные цифры основаны на спорных предположениях. К примеру, Пенроуз допускает возможность Большого взрыва и Вселенной, как термодинамически закрытой системы. Эти цифры приведены для того, чтобы проиллюстрировать, насколько высоко организована наша Вселенная. 52 Ross H. 1998 Big Bang model refined by fire. In Dembski WA, editor. Mere creation: Science, faith & intelligent design. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, p 363—384. 53 Некоторые выборки см.: (a) Barrow JD, Tipler FJ. 1986. The anthropic cosmological principle. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press; (b) Carr BJ, Rees MJ. 1979. The anthropic principle and the structure of the physical world. Nature 278:605—612; (c) Carter B. 1974. Large number coincidences and the anthropic principle in cosmology. Reprinted in Leslie J, editor. 1998. Modern cosmology & philosophy, 2nd edition. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 131—139; (d) Davies P. 1992. The mind of God: The scientific basis for a rational world. New York, London: Simon & Schuster; (e) Davies PCW. 1982. The accidental universe. Cambridge, London: Cambridge University Press; (f) Greenstein G. 1988. The symbiotic universe: Life and mind in the cosmos. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.; (g) Gribbin J, Rees M. 1989. Cosmic coincidences: Dark matter, mankind, and anthropic cosmology. New York, Toronto: Bantam Books; (h) Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge; (i) Overman DL. 1997. A case against accident and self-organization. Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.; (j) Rees M. 2000. Just six numbers: The deep forces that shape the universe. New York; Basic Books; (k) Ross H. 1995. The Creator and the cosmos: How the greatest scientific discoveries of the century reveal God, 2nd edition. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress; (l) Ward PD, Brownlee D. 2000. Rare earth: Why complex life is uncommon in the universe. New York: Copernicus; (m) Wilkinson D. 2001. God, time and Stephen Hawking. London, Grand Rapids, MI: Monarch Books. 54 Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge, p 128. 55 Barrow JD, Tipler FJ. 1986. The anthropic cosmological principle. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, p 15. 56 Carter B. 1974. Large number coincidences and the anthropic principle in cosmology. Reprinted in Leslie J, editor. 1998. Modern cosmology & philosophy, 2nd edition. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, p 131—139. 57 Leslie J. 1998. Introduction. In Leslie, editor; Modern cosmology & philosophy, 2nd edition. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, p 1—34. 58 Например: Heeren F. 2000. Show me God: What the message from space is telling us about God, revised edition. Wheeling, IL: Day Star Publications, p 234. 59 См. перечень ссылок в примечании 52, а также обширный перечень на с. 23—26 в: Barrow JD, Tipler FJ. 1986. The anthropic cosmological principle. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. 60 Silk J. 1994, 1997. A short history of the universe. New York: Scientific American Library, p 9. 61 Gingerich O. 1994. Dare a scientist believe in design? In Templeton J, editor. Evidence of purpose. New York: Continuum, p 21—32. 62 Boslough J. 1985. Stephen Hawking’s Universe. New York: William Morrow and Company, p 124. 63 Swinburne R. 1989. Argument from the fine-tuning of the universe. In Leslie J, editor. 1998. Modern cosmology & philosophy, 2nd edition. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, p 160—179. 64 Осложнения, которыми грозит исключение идеи творца, см: Strobel L. 2004. The case for a creator: A journalist investigates scientific evidence that points towards God. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, p 138—152. 65 Цит. по: Fripp J, Fripp M, Fripp D. 2000. Speaking of science: Notable quotes on science, engineering, and the environment. Eagle Rock, VA: LLH Technology Publishing, p 56. 66 Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge, p 53. 67 Ross H. 1995. The Creator and the cosmos: How the greatest scientific discoveries of the century reveal God, 2nd edition. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, p 99. 68 Leslie J. 1989. Universes. London, New York: Routledge, p 53. 69 Greenstein G. 1988. The symbiotic universe: Life and mind in the cosmos. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., p 27. ТАБЛИЦА 2.1 Date: 2015-09-05; view: 372; Нарушение авторских прав |