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Книги о медитации

Если я когда-нибудь еще буду работать с группами, я обязательно добавлю к обучению по развитию внимательности в повседневной жизни формальную сидячую медитацию. В ней достигается глубина прозрения, которой нелегко добиться при чувствовании‑смотрении‑слушании среди повседневной жизни, хотя эти глубокие прозрения трудно распространить на повседневную жизнь, как говорилось в Приложении I. Эти практики прекрасно дополняют друг друга.

Медитацию лучше всего осваивать под руководством учителя, такого, как Согьял Ринпоче, но если нет такой возможности, то очень рекомендую кассету Шинзен Янга «Пять классических медитаций» (Shinzen Young. Five Classic Meditations). Это один из лучших учителей медитации для западных учеников, какого я только знаю; кассета дает возможность направляемой медитации, так что вы можете начать практику. Это коммерчески распространяемая кассета; многие другие его лекции по медитации и направляемые медитации, а также информацию о его учении и расписание ретритов можно получить в Vipassana Support Institute, 4070 Albright Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90066.

В нижеследующий список литературы, ориентированной преимущественно на практическое овладение различного рода медитациями, включены также несколько книг более теоретического содержания, которые, впрочем, интересны и широко доступны. Я отметил звездочками книги, которые кажутся мне особенно полезными для обучения медитации.


** Benson, Herbert. The Relaxation Response. New York: Morrow, 1975.

Benson, Herbert. The Mind/Body Effect: How Behavioral Medicine Can Show You the Way to Better Health. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979.

Blofeld, John. The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet: A Practical Guide. New York: E.P.Dutton, 1970.

Bodian, Stephan, Jack Kornfield, Frances Vaughan, Swami Ajaya and Arthur Deikman. If the Buddha had been a shrink. Yoga Journal, no. 88 (September/October 1989), 42‑55.

** Brunton, Paul. The Notebooks of Paul Brunton. Vol. 4, Part I: Meditation. Burdett, N.Y.: Larson Publications, 1987.

Carrington, Patricia. Freedom in Meditation. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor, 1977.

Chogyam, Nagpa. Journey into Vastness: A Handbook of Tibetan Meditation Techniques. Worcester: Element Books, 1988.

Deikman, Arthur J. 1963. Experimental meditation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 136, 329‑373. Reprinted in Charles T.Tart (ed.), Altered States of Consciousness. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990.

Deikman, Arthur J. 1966. Deautomatization and the mystic experience. Psychiatry 29, 324‑338. Reprinted in Charles T.Tart (ed.), Altered States of Consciousness. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990.

** Dhiravamsa. The Way of Non‑Attachment: The Practice of Insight Meditation. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Turnstone Press, 1984.

Emmons, M. L. The Inner Source: A Guide to Meditative Therapy. San Luis Obispo, Calif.: Impact Publishers, 1978.

Epstein, Mark. 1987. Did Freud unconsciously use meditation techniques? Common Ground 5 (no. 2): 7.

** Fontana, David. The Elements of Meditation. New York: Element, 1992.

** Fontana, David. The Meditator's Handbook. New York: Element, 1992.

** Goldstein, Joseph, and Jack Kornfield. Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1987.

** Goldstein, Joseph. The Experience of Insight: A Simple and Direct Guide to Buddhist Meditation. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1987.

** Goleman, Daniel. The Varieties of Meditative Experience. New York: Dutton, 1977.

** Goleman, Daniel. The Meditative Mind: The Varieties of Meditative Experience. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1988.

Govinda, Anagarika. Creative Meditation and Multi‑Dimensional Consciousness. Wheaton, Illinois: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1984.

Gyatso, Gesche Kelsang. Light of Bliss: Mahamudra in Vajrayana Buddhism. London: Wisdom Publications, 1982.

** Gyatso, Tenzin (the Dalai Lama). Kindness, Clarity and Insight. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 1984.

Harding, Douglas E. On Having No Head: Zen and the Re‑Discovery of the Obvious. London: Arkana Paperbacks, 1986.

Hendlin, Steven. The Discriminating Mind: A Guide to Deepening Insight and Clarifying Outlook. London: Unwin, 1989.

Hirai, Tomio. Zen and the Mind. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1978.

Hopkins, Jeffrey. Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 1980.

Johansson, Rune. The Psychology of Nirvana. London: Alien & Unwin, 1969.

Johnson, Willard. Riding the Ox Home: A History of Meditation from Shamanism to Science. London: Rider & Company, 1982.

** Kabat‑Zinn, Jon. Full Castrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain and Illness. New York: Delacorte, 1991.

Kornfield, Jack. Living Buddhist Masters. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Unity Press, 1977.

** Kornfield, Jack, and Paul Breiter. A Still Forest Pool: The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chah. Wheaton, Illinois: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1985.

** LeShan, Lawrence. How to Meditate. Boston: Little, Brown, 1974.

Levine, Stephen. Who Dies? An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying. Garden City, New York: Anchor Press/Double‑day, 1982.

Lipman, Kennard, and Merrill Peterson. You Are the Eyes of the World: Longchempa. Novato, Calif.: Lotsawa, 1987.

Miller, O. A sharing of breaths: An Eastern approach to illness and dying. The Quest, Autumn 1991 65‑69.

Mullin, Glen. Selected Works of the Dalai Lama III: Essence of Refined Gold. Ithica, N.Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 1985.

Murphy, Michael, and Steve Donovan. The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation: A Review of Contemporary Meditation Research with a Comprehensive Bibliography (1931‑1988). Big Sur, California: Esalen Institute, 1988.

Naranjo, Claudio, and Robert Ornstein. On the Psychology of Meditation. New York: Viking Press, 1971.

Norbu, Namkhai. Dzog Chen and Zen. Nevada City, Calif,: Blue Dolphin Publishing, 1986.

Norbu, Namkhai. The Cycle of Day and Night: An Essential Tibetan Text on the Practice of Dzogchen. Barrytown, N.Y.: Station Hill Press, 1987.

Owens, Glair Meyers. Zen and the Lady: Memoirs – Personal and Transpersonal – in a World in Transition. New York: Baraka Books, 1979.

** Patanjali (translated by Alistair Shearer). Effortless Being: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. London: Unwin Hyman Ltd., 1989.

Progoff, Ira. The Practice of Process Meditation. New York: Dialogue House Library, 1980.

Roberts, Bernadette. The Experience of No‑Self: A Contemplative Journey. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1982.

Russell, Peter. The TM Technique: An introduction to Transcendental Meditation and the Teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976.

Shafii, Mahammad. Freedom from the Self: Sufism, Meditation and Psychotherapy. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1985.

Shapiro, Deane. Precision Nirvana. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‑Hall. 1978.

Shapiro, Deane. Meditation: Self‑regulation Strategy and Altered States of Consciousness. New York: Aldine, 1980.

Shapiro, Deane and Roger Walsh (eds.). Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Aldine, 1984.

** Shearer, Alistair and Richard Lannoy. Effortless Being: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. London: Unwin Hyman Ltd., 1989.

Sogyal Rinpoche. Dzogchen and Padmasambhava. Berkeley: Rigpa Fellowship, 1989.

** Sogyal Rinpoche. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1992.

Sole‑Leris, Amadeo. Tranquility and Insight: An introduction to the Oldest form of Buddhist Meditation. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1986.

** Suzuki, Shunryu. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice. New York: John Weatherhill, 1970.

Tart, Charles T. 1972. A psychologist's experience with transcendental meditation. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 3, 135‑140.

Tart, Charles T. Meditation and consciousness: A dialogue between a meditation teacher and a psychologist. Noetic Sciences Review, 1988, no. 8, 14‑21.

Tarthang Tulku. Gesture of Balance: A Guide to Awareness, Self‑healing and Meditation. Emeryville, Calif.: Dharma Publishing, 1977.

** Thich Nhat Hanh. Being Peace. Berkeley, Calif.: Parallax Press, 1987.

** Thich Nhat Hanh. The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Meditation. Boston: Beacon Press, 1987.

Walker, Susan (ed.). Speaking of Silence: Christians and Buddhists on the Contemplative Way. New York: Paulist Press, 1987.

Walsh, Roger. Meditation research: The state of the art. In Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan (eds.), Paths Beyond Ego: The Transpersonal Vision. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher.

West, Michael A. (ed.). The Psychology of Meditation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.

Wilber, Ken, Jack Engler, and Daniel P. Brown. Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1986.

Yeshe, Y.T. Light of Dharma: A Commentary on the Three Principle Paths to Enlightenment. London: Wisdom Publications, 1984.

Zahler, Leah. Meditative States in Tibetan Buddhism: The Concentrations and Formless Absorptions. London: Wisdom Publications, 1983.



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