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Hypertelorismus/Н / 47


Haematocornea [haematocornea < gr. haima, haimatos "blood" + lat.anat. cornea]

- blood imbibition of the cornea, observed in the total hyphema

Hemeralopia [hemeralopia < gr. hemera "day"+gr.alaos "blind" + ops, opos "eye"]

- sharp aggravation of the vision in the condition of the decreased luminosity, which is caused by disorder of the retina rods function'

Hemianopsia [hemianopsia < gr. hemi- "half, one-sided, unilateral" + < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. opsis "vision"], syn. hemianopia, hemiablepsia, half vision

- visual field defect, which is localized in the one half of the visual field of each eye

Hemichromatopsia [hemichromatopsia < hemi- "half, one-sided, unilateral" + gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. hemiachromatopsia

- relative hemianopsia, in wich visual field defect can be detected only according color vision

Hemophthalmus [haemophthalmus < gr. haima, haimatos "blood" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. h(ae)mophthalmos, hemophthalmia - a hemorrhage into the eye globe cavity (into the vitreous body)

Heterochromia of the iris [heterochromia < gr. heteros "different, another, other" + gr. chroma, chromatos "colour, stain"], syn. heteroophthalmus - different colour of the iris of the left and right eyes or diverse colour of the different parts of the iris of the one eye

Heterophoria [heterophoria < gr. heteros "different, another, other" + gr. phoros "carrying"], syn. hidden squint - deviation of the eye globes from correct (symmetrical) position with preservation of the conditions for the binocular vision, which in the evident squint is absent in comparison with H.

Heterotropia [heterotropia < gr. heteros "different, another, other" + gr. trope "direction, turn"], syn. squint, strabismus - deviation of the visual axis of one eye from the joint fixation point

Hippus [hippus <gr. hippos "horse", an association with the horse gallop] - fit-like rhythmical narrowing and dilatation of the both pupils with duration of few seconds, which does not depend on the external influences. H. is a symptom of some diseases of CNS

Hordeolum [hordeolum < lat. hordeolum (from lat. hordeum) "small grain of the barley"] syn. sty, stye - acute purulent inflammation of the Zeiss exocrine or Moll apocrine glands at the lid margin

Hyal- [hyalo- <gr. hyalos "glass"] - composite part (component) of the complex words, meaning vitreous body (corpus vitreum)

Hydrophthalmus [hydrophthalmus < gr. hydor "water, liquid" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. hydrophthalmos, hydrophthalmia, eye hydrops - stretching and bulging of the eye globe, which develops in congenital glaucoma

Hypermetropia [hypermetropia < gr. hyper-metros "excessive" + ops, opos "eye"], syn. hyperopia, farsightedness, long-sight, long-sightedness - eye refraction error, in which the main focal point of the optical system is behind the retina

Hyperphoria [hyperphoria < gr. hyper "above, over" + (hetero-) + phoria] - heterophoria type, in which tendency to the upward deviation of the eye is present

Hypertelorismus [hypertelorismus < gr. hyper "above, over" + gr. tele "far (off)" + gr. horismos "demarcation, separation"] - abnormal large distance between some paired

'Some authors have opposite opinion about the meaning of this term (see Nictalopia).


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