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Fusiometer [< lat. fusio "smelting, alloying" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"], syn. gauge of CFF - electronical device for the effecting on the eye with light signals of the setting frequency to determine CFF (critical fusion frequency)

Fusion fields (syn. Panum fields) - symmetrical zones of the retina of both eyes, simultaneous exitement of which evokes a fusion effect

Fusion [fusio < lat. fusio "smelting, alloying"] - in ophthalmology: physiological process of the fusion of the two monocular images on the retina of the right and left eyes in the single visual image

Fundus-camera [lat. anat. fundus oculi "eye fundus" + camera] - a device for the photographing and fluorescein angiography of the eye fundus


Gerontoxon [< gr. geron "old man"+ gr. toxon "arch, blow"] - see Arcus (corneae) senilis

Glaucoma [glaucoma < gr. glaukoma < glaukos "blue-green"] - eye disease, in which high intraocular pressure develops trophic disorders in the retina and optic nerve, resulting in the decreasing of the visual functions

Goniobiomicroscopy [gr. gonia "angle" + biomicroscopy], syn. microgonioscopy - examination method of the irido-comeal angle (angle of anterior chamber) by combination of the goniocsope and slit lamp

Goniopunctura [goniopunctura < gonio- + lat. pungo, punctum "to prick, to thrust"] - surgical operation: perforation of the external eye coats in the irido-comeal region to improve the aqueos outflow; is used in congenital and juvenile glaucoma

Gonioscope [gonio- + gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - optical device for the examination of the irido-corneal angle of the eye (angle of the anterior chamber)

Gonioscopy [gonioscopia < gonio- + gr. skopeo "to observe, to see"] - method of the examination of the irido-corneal angle of the eye (angle of the anterior chamber) by the gonioscope

Goniosynechiae [goniosynechiae < gonio- + gr. synechia "coupling, junction"] - adhesion in the irido-corneal angle of the eye between the root of the iris and cornea

Goniotome [gonio- + gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - surgical knife for the operations in the irido-corneal angle (angle of the anterior chamber)

Goniotomy [gonio- + gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - surgical operation: discission of the adhesions in the irido-corneal angle (angle of the anterior chamber) to improve the aqueous outflow through the canal of Schlemm; is used in the congenital glaucoma

Gonoblennorrhoea [gonoblennorrhoea < gr. gonos "family" + blennorrhoea] -blennorrhoea, which is caused by the gonococci



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