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Post Approval Activities


a. User Representative Designation. A user representative is designated in the decision/approval memorandum signed by the DCINC. Normally, the user representative is an official within the Component Command, but a Subject Matter Expert (SME) from a USSOCOM Center may be designated. Specific user representative activities include:


n Lead R-IPTs, as directed by SOCREB/CDB.

n Develop, coordinate, and update all requirements documentation, including the CRD, ORD, ORD updates, and ORD Annex.

n Ensure identification and integration of DOTML-P & F requirements.

n Provide strategic, operational and tactical input during concept development, concept studies, AoA, and other analyses.



n Support operational test and evaluation efforts, providing user assessment as to operational effectiveness and suitability.

n Following ORD approval, participate in cost-schedule-performance trades, and notify the ORD operational validation authority of proposed adjustments in KPPs and changes in operational performance thresholds.


b. R-IPT Team Formation. Following approval of a MNS, the SOCREB/CDB, or Director, SOOP will recommend formation of an R-IPT to support concept studies, and to determine the most cost and operationally effective solution set. Results will be used to develop the CRD, and/or the initial ORD. The R-IPT lead will ensure appropriate funding for studies and analysis is identified within the SPP. The user representative will be chartered/designated as the R-IPT lead within the SOCREB/CDB decision memorandum, the R-IPT charter will also designate appropriate subject matter experts (SME) to serve as IPT members. As a minimum, SME from the user community, component commands, and each of the SOCOM Centers will participate. The mission of the R-IPT is to develop a clearly defined, analysis-based requirement that supports acquisition and fielding of a fully integrated capability. The R-IPT activities include:


n Ensure joint interests are considered and incorporated in joint requirement documents.

n Identify and assess a full range of materiel and non-materiel alternatives that represents a judicious balance of cost, schedule and performance, available technology and affordability constraints.

n Identify impact to any other DOTML-P &F domain and ensure timely implementation of required changes.

n Ensure operational capability needs and concepts of employment are well defined, feasible and testable.

n Ensure performance parameters and force structure quantities are stated in terms of minimum acceptable thresholds and objectives.

n Ensure the BOIP is developed and updated along with the CRD and ORD.

n Ensure threat information is valid and timely.

n Ensure proposed system is compatible with command priorities and applicable architectures/strategies.

n Ensure CAIV is considered in the determination of parameter thresholds and objectives.

n Coordinate CAIV decisions impacting performance with the Director, SOOP.

n Prepare Life Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCE) based on operational requirements and program strategies.

n Conduct affordability assessment to support approval/disapproval decisions.


c. Formal Transition to SOAE. Following approval of a MNS, CRD, or ORD, the requirement will be transmitted to the Director SOAL along with the decision/guidance memorandumsigned by theDCINCSOC. As a minimum, the memorandum will summarize recommendations and implementing decisions derived from the requirement validation and approval activities. Following ORD approval and integration into the SPP, the R-IPT will transition to SOAL as a Program IPT where lead will pass to a System Acquisition Manager, a Program/Project Manager, or as delegated by the SOAE.


23. Fast Track Requirements (FTR). Some requirements warrant processing through an expedited validation and approval process. The FTR process is not appropriate for requirements needing extensive RDT&E or causing significant adjustments/changes within any of the other DOTML-P & F domains. Examples of FTR candidates include C-MNS, “directed requirements”, transitioning technology projects, successful combat experiments or field trials, and low-cost modifications to fielded systems.


a. The C-MNS is an out-of-cycle” requirement that either can not wait for the next available SOCREB/CDB to convene or follow a traditional acquisition timeline. Thus, C-MNS necessitates designation as urgent and compelling, and is forwarded to the DCINCSOC for approval in accordance with Appendix H of this directive.


b. Abbreviated ORD. An abbreviated ORD is used to document mature concepts, transitioning technology projects, or capabilities that have the potential for being acquired and fielded quickly, successful technology projects, combat and joint experimentation, or Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS), Non-Developmental Items (NDI) that provide an improved capability with only minor modification. As a minimum, the abbreviated ORD should address the areas of a traditional ORD format, but focus on those areas necessary to acquire and field desired capability. To more closely align with the timelines of the DOD PPBS, Sponsors of the FTR candidate should identify a potential source of funding for up to two years, until the program can compete in the USSOCOM SPP.


c. Directed Requirements. Depending on the scope, and complexity of the directed capability, a USCINCSOC or BOD directed requirement might qualify for FTR process. The directed requirement will be assigned to a Center or component command to lead the definition and documentation activities. These activities will include the appropriate level of analysis necessary to identify impact to any other DOTML-P & F domain and define the performance parameters necessary to acquire the directed capability. Validation and approval activities will include preparation of the mandatory CRD, or ORD along with a memorandum documenting the nature, justification, and specific direction of the USCINCSOC and/or BOD.


d. Low-cost Modifications/Upgrades. Minor modifications/upgrades to fielded systems and end-items are processed within the FTR system. These requirements are documented, as an Annex to the parent ORD. This category of requirements normally will not go through a formal CDB review, but still require validation by the Director, SOOP and staffing within the Centers for review and approval. Low-cost is defined as a system modification that does not change the functional or interoperability characteristics of the system, and requires less that $10M current year dollars to complete development, acquisition and installation. When all modifications/upgrades planned for a system exceeds $10M (current year dollars) an ORD, detailing all planned modifications will be submitted for full operational validation and approval through the SOCREB/CDB and DCINC.


e. FTR requirements that have been validated by the SOOP, and do not require CDB-level direction/guidance for implementation will gain Command approval through expedited staffing procedures.

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