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USSOCOM Requirements Generation System (RGS) Policy and Guidance


a. Pursuant to Title 10, U.S. Code §167, USCINCSOC is responsible for validating and approving requirements relating to special operations activities. USCINCSOC has designated the Director of the Center for Operations, Plans, Policy and Requirements (SOOP), as USSOCOM’s Executive Agent and Operational Validation Authority for all SOF mission needs and operational requirements.


b. USSOCOM Centers, Component Commands, JSOC will identify and document current, emerging and future mission needs through analytical methods such as mission area analysis MAA or MNA with input from TSOCs. DOTML-P & F analysis will be conducted to determine the most timely and effective solution set that satisfies the mission need or corrects the noted deficiency. When initial analysis indicates potential impact to the joint community, the requirements sponsor or User Representative will coordinate with the appropriate USSOCOM components commands, JSOC, and TSOC in order to develop joint requirements.


c. SO-peculiar requirements will be identified through analysis of capabilities required for current, emerging, and future SO missions. Non-materiel and materiel need statements and proposed solutions sets (N-MNS, CRD, ORD, ORD Annex) will be validated and approved through the USSOCOM RGS before they are integrated into the Strategic Planning Process and allowed to compete for resources.


d. Information Technology. All Information Technology (IT) and National Security Systems (NSS), regardless of acquisition category, are developed for joint use. Requirements for new IT or capability upgrades are identified, documented, validated and approved within the provisions of this directive and CJCSI 6212.01B. Requirements for hardware, software, AIS and ADPE, within the scope of an approved ORD will be submitted through the USSOCOM Information Technology (IT) Change Management Process. (See USSOCOM D 25-1, Information Technology Management for guidance and procedures.)


e. Non-SO-peculiar Requirements.


(1) Components participate in their parent Service’s requirements generation systems and the JCS joint requirements system. They will ensure SOF interests are considered during the development and fielding of Service-common equipment, materiel, supplies, and services. USCINCSOC, as a combatant commander, will endorse a Service-common requirement when needed to insure SOF’s requirements are included. In such cases, component sponsors should submit their written request to USSOCOM (SOOP) with supporting documentation for staff coordination and USCINCSOC endorsement. (See DoD Directive 5100.3 for definitions of SO-peculiar and Service-common requirements.)


(2) Joint MNS, CRD and ORD (i.e., validated and approved by the component’s parent Service, Joint Requirements Board, or Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC)) and impacting on SO DOTML-P & F, and requiring Major Force Program ll (MFP-11) resources will be forwarded to USSOCOM SOOP for review and validation as appropriate.


(3) Changes in equipment authorization documents (e.g., Modified Table of Equipment (MTOE), Table of Equipment (TOE), or Table of Allowance (TA)), requiring an increase in MFP-11 resources will be forwarded to USSOCOM for review and validation prior to Service approval.

f. Supplementation. This directive will not be supplemented without the approval of USCINCSOC.


g. Implementation. This Directive should be used along with governing CJCS instructions and DoD 5000 series publications. USSOCOM component commands and JSOC will publish implementing procedures consistent with CJCSI 3170.01A, and this implementing directive.



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