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Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
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September 15thСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
I. Find the words and word combinations given below in the text: 1. to back 2. to occupy 3. coincidence 4. to drop smth out 5. drowsily 6. to wave 7. mean 8. grimy 9. to grieve smb 10. to weigh
II. Translate the words and word combinations given above and describe the situations in which they were used in your own words. III. Translate into English the following sentences using the words from Task I: 1. Я тщательно взвесил оба пакета не по одному разу и решил, в конце концов, что они совершенно одинаковые. 2. Оказалось, что тетушка Эмили знала пастора и уже обговорила с ним все нерешенные вопросы, но Гаррет никак не мог поверить в это счастливое совпадение. 3. Танцоры на сцене двигались так вяло и неестественно, что зрители начали постепенно засыпать от этого нудного зрелища, а наиболее инициативные вовсе покинули зал. 4. С прискорбием сообщаю Вам, что лошадь, купленная Вами в прошлом месяце, покинула ферму с сомнительного вида жеребцом неопределенной масти. 5. Я жила в этих апартаментах уже с год, когда неожиданно на пороге объявился высокий худой джентльмен и объявил, что жилплощадь принадлежит ему, а мне необходимо срочно съехать. 6. Ее неуместные замечания были вызваны тем, что она плохо разбиралась в ситуации и не знала, какой эффект такие высказывания могут произвести на окружающих. 7. Мы долгое время ничего не знали о таинственном мистере Н, так как Сьюзи сочла за лучшее выбросить все упоминания о нем из своей истории. 8. Даже издалека было отчетливо видно, как стоящий на башне человек размахивал флагом, приветствуя гостей барона. 9. В кухне мы обнаружили маленького чумазого мальчика, который сердито натирал кремом ботинки хозяина и не хотел ни с кем разговаривать. 10. Я не могла не сказать ему, что он повел себя подло с Мартой и что теперь ему обязательно нужно извиниться. IV. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given in tasks I and V. V. Find the following word combinations in the text and explain their meaning: 1. to do smb justice 2. used to do smth 3. to be the cream of smth 4. to make up 5. to remind smb of smth VI. Paraphrase the following using the word combinations from task V: 1. Keith liked hiking a lot in his younger days but now he’s not fit for it any more. 2. If you didn’t make me remember his promise I would utterly forget about it. 3. In his description Eugene showed the young lady to the utmost advantage. 4. This new contract has been the most important and essential bit of her career so far. 5. It was actually George who had invented the whole plan. VII. Answer the following questions: 1. What does the farm look like? 2. Why does Judy approve of the barns being burnt down? 3. How is Judy going to repay for her vacations? 4. What common topic of conversation do Judy and Mrs. Semple find? 5. What names does Judy give to the calves? 6. What does she learn to do at the farm? 7. What impression of the local church does Judy get? 8. What happens to Buttercup in the orchard? VIII. Give a good translation of the following passages in a written form: 1. ‘The people are … an all-inclusive ignorance.’ 2. ‘Since she discovered … to an inferior branch.’ IX. Translate the sentences and comment on the notions in italics paying attention to their cultural meaning: 1. That is the way Connecticut goes, in a series of Marcelle waves; and Lock Willow Farm is just on the crest of one wave. 2. You should hear the frogs sing and the little pigs squeal and you should see the new moon! I saw it over my right shoulder. 3. She still calls him ‘Master Jervie’ and talks about what a sweet little boy he used to be. 4. We have three big pigs and nine little piglets, and you should see them eat. They are pigs! 5. I was weighed yesterday on the flour scales in the general store at the Comers. I've gained nine pounds. X. Explain the use of the words given in italics: 1. This is a heavenly, heavenly, HEAVENLY spot! The house is square like this: And OLD. A hundred years or so. 2. The picture really doesn't do it justice – those things that look like feather dusters are maple trees, and the prickly ones that border the drive are murmuring pines and hemlocks. 3. We had ham and eggs and biscuits and honey and jelly-cake and pie and pickles and cheese and tea for supper – and a great deal of conversation. 4. There’s a valley and a river and a lot of wooded hills, and way in the distance a tall blue mountain that simply melts in your mouth. XI. Task: 1. What is your general impression of Lock Willow? How does the author manage to achieve it? Analyze the choice of words and devices. 2. Read Judy’s description of her visit to the church. What do you think of the hymn chosen by the preacher? What concept of God do the Semples and their neighbours support? How does Judy treat it? What do you think of this concept? 3. What are the genre and the style of the book On the Trail which Judy reads? What helps the reader to form such an opinion? Part VI: September 25th – January 20th I. Find the words and word combinations given below in the text: 1. to come up 2. to sink 3. heatedly 4. to be willing to do smth 5. consecutive 6. a nook 7. to romp 8. to distribute 9. a drawback 10. to chance to do smth
II. Translate the words and word combinations given above and describe the situations in which they were used in your own words. III. Translate into English the following sentences using the words from Task I: 1. Когда мы были детьми, бабушка обустроила для нас в саду уютный укромный уголок, где Элис и я могли играть, не беспокоя окружающих. 2. Моя работа состоит в том, чтобы распространять продукцию нашей косметической фирмы среди потенциальных клиентов. 3. Когда приезжают студенты? Такое ощущение, что эти каникулы никогда не закончатся. 4. У вас будут проблемы, если вы пропустите больше, чем два занятия подряд, независимо от причины. 5. Мы горячо спорили весь вечер о преимуществах раздельного образования, но так и не пришли к какому-либо компромиссу. 6. Трансатлантический лайнер «Титаник», затонувший более сотни лет назад во время своего первого рейса, по сей день остается одним из самых знаменитых судов в истории человечества. 7. Наш план был великолепен, просчитан до малейших деталей, просто совершенен от начала и до конца, за исключением одного маленького недостатка: нам не хватало денег на его воплощение. 8. Мне не пришлось долго уговаривать Фрэнка, он и сам охотно присоединился к нам в наших поисках. 9. Я случайно обнаружил эти записи в архивах своего деда и теперь хочу понять, как дорого я могу продать их. 10. В нашем районе было мало оборудованных детских площадок, и дети полюбили играть на заброшенных стройках, в заросших скверах и парках, подальше от скучных взрослых. IV. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given in tasks I and V. V. Find the following word combinations in the text and explain their meaning: 1. to be in command of smth. 2. on sufferance 3. to make up one’s mind 4. to run for 5. to squeeze through 6. to come in for smth 7. to drink smth in 8. to pop in VI. Paraphrase the following using the word combinations from task V: 1. Now I’m trying to decide whether to take up Physics or Biology course. 2. I was allowed to stay in that place for another night by their mute consent. 3. Jane totally controlled the whole office work and enjoyed it immensely. 4. I watched their hair-dos and dresses memorizing every detail to reproduce it later in my looks and outfits. 5. George was hardly able to pass the exams getting such low points for his tests. 6. My mother is a celebrity and I get a bit of her fame just doing nothing. 7. Gareth is taking part in the President of the Club election and he is doing his best to win it. 8. Aunt Felicity called on us on her way to the airport. VII. Answer the following questions: 1. What are Judy’s feelings on coming back to college? 2. What important college policy process does she get involved in? 3. What subjects does she take up this year? 4. Who does she room with? 5. What important theoretical problems of Mathematics and Physics do the girls discuss? 6. Where does Judy spend her Christmas holidays? 7. What are Judy’s impressions of Sally’s family? 8. How do the McBrides arrange Christmas celebration for their employees? 9. What problems do the girls face on receiving Julia’s uncle in their study? 10. What crime did Judy commit as a child? VIII. Give a good translation of the following passages in a written form: 1. ‘There’s one girl in the class… I’d rather know you than French.’ 2. ‘I’ve been having the most … in the furnishings.’ 3. ‘We’re reading Marie … clock into the sea.’ IX. Translate the sentences and comment on the notions in italics paying attention to their cultural meaning: 1. Sallie is running for class president, and unless all signs fail, she is going to be elected. Such an atmosphere of intrigue you should see what politicians we are! Oh, I tell you, Daddy, when we women get our rights, you men will have to look alive in order to keep yours. 2. Seventh hour – I must run to rehearsal. I’m to be in the Thanksgiving theatricals. 3. Mr. McBride owns a factory and Christmas eve he had a tree for the employees’ children. It was in the long packing-room which was decorated with evergreens and holly. X. Explain the use of the words given in italics: 1. I am beginning to feel at home in college, and in command of the situation; I am beginning, in fact, to feel at home in the world – as though I really belonged to it and had not just crept in on sufferance. 2. A person important enough to be a Trustee can’t appreciate the feelings of a person unimportant enough to be a foundling. 3. Packing your trunk and going away is more fun than staying behind. I am terribly excited at the prospect. 4. Sallie has a father and mother and grandmother, and the sweetest three-year-old baby sister, all over curls, and a medium-sized brother who always forgets to wipe his feet, and a big, good-looking brother named Jimmie, who is a junior at Princeton. 5. Would you be terribly displeased, Daddy, if I didn't turn out to be a Great Author after all, but just a Plain Girl? 6. When you put a hungry little nine-year girl in the pantry scouring knives, with the cookie jar at her elbow, and go off and leave her alone; and then suddenly pop in again, wouldn't you expect to find her a bit crumby? XI. Task: 1. Comment on the choice of subjects Judy studies at college. What are her motives as a future writer/philologist for choosing them? Give your opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of such broad-based education. 2. Dwell on the episode of Judy describing her impressions of Marie Bashkirtseff’s journal. Do you know anything about this woman? Where did she come from? What is she famous for? Why is she mentioned in the book? 3. Comment on the passage beginning with “It’s really awfully queer not to know what one is…” What does it tell you about Judy? What is the logical connection between this passage and the next one (about her being punished as a child)? What is the function of the postscript to this letter?
Part VII: February 4th – June 2nd I. Find the words and word combinations given below in the text: 1. to omit 2. squashy 3. a wayside 4. unimpaired 5. scarcely 6. to plunge into smth 7. to trot 8. to fascinate 9. barely 10. to dispose of smb or smth
II. Translate the words and word combinations given above and describe the situations in which they were used in your own words.
III. Translate into English the following sentences using the words from Task I: 1. Стоя на мосту, я уронила свои часы на серебряной цепочке, но, к счастью, не в воду, а в вязкий ил у самого берега. 2. По пути в университет я встретила старого друга, но у меня не было времени на болтовню: я должна была бежать на занятия. 3. Мне всегда нравились театральные постановки такого рода, и эта новая версия «Кошек» с Анной Реднер в главной роли привела меня в полный восторг. 4. Как только офицер вышел к журналистам, на него обрушился шквал вопросов относительно результатов расследования смерти поп-звезды. 5. Меня укачало в машине, и нам пришлось свернуть на обочину и постоять немного, пока мой желудок успокоился, и прошла тошнота. 6. В конце концов, Марк решил взять отпуск и на время избавить себя от необходимости отвечать на бесконечные звонки и решать очередные кризисные вопросы. 7. Силуэт лакея был еле виден в тусклом освещении коридора, и я ускорил шаг, чтобы вовсе не потерять его из поля зрения. 8. Мой коллега совершенно пренебрег своими должностными обязанностями, и теперь его увольняют с работы, беднягу. 9. Мы с Гарри с трудом сдерживали неослабевающее желание нашего приятеля выйти и спеть на сцене ресторана любимую песню его девушки. 10. В результате аномальных холодов по всей Европе энергоснабжение на некоторых территориях было нарушено, и целые города погрузились в темноту.
IV. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given in tasks I and V.
V. Find the following word combinations in the text and explain their meaning: 1. by way of 2. by rights 3. with ease 4. to go largely on one’s reputation 5. to be beyond recall 6. to beg smb’s pardon
VI. Paraphrase the following using the word combinations from task V: 1. I wasn’t afraid to meet them anymore, so we talked lightheartedly all night through. 2. We finally got to the destination point after walking along the mountain path. 3. James apologized to Ann for what he had done. 4. Finally I turned to the old man who was, as a matter of fact, the owner of the place. 5. All those things are now lost forever, you can’t get them back. 6. I think this novel is overpraised, to me it looked dull and predictable. VII. Answer the following questions: 1. What present does Jimmie McBride send to Judy? 2. What does Judy feel about the forthcoming examinations? 3. What entertainment do Judy and her mates have at college? 4. Why cannot Judy graduate with honours? 5. Why does Judy think she can’t go to heaven? 6. What new professional achievement does Judy describe in her letter? 7. Why does Judy choose an unknown conductor for the part of a villain? 8. What shop do the girls visit in New York? 9. What problem does Judy have at the restaurant? 10. Why does Judy find it necessary to return the money to her guardian? 11. What kind of parade do the college girls organize on Field Day? 12. What does Judy do on Field Day? 13. What is the most necessary quality for any person to Judy’s mind? 14. What are Judy’s plans for the summer? VIII. Give a good translation of the following passages in a written form: 1. ‘You can see with what nicety… entirely lacking in chemistry.’ 2. ‘Sallie and Julia and I went … the two loveliest of all.’ IX. Translate the sentences and comment on the notions in italics paying attention to their cultural meaning: 1. If I say that William the Conqueror came over in 1492, and Columbus discovered America in 1100 or 1066 or whenever it was, that’s a mere detail that the Professor overlooks. 2. And after luncheon we went to the theatre – it was dazzling, marvellous, unbelievable – I dream about it every night. 3. When I came in from laboratory this afternoon, I found a squirrel sitting on the tea table helping himself to almonds.
X. Explain the use of the words given in italics: 1. You can see with what nicety we have to trim our sails between chemistry and history. 2. It’s an intoxicating, exhilarating, CALLING noise. 3. Anyway, all nineteen of us settled like locusts over the furniture and clamoured for honey. 4. Julia went into the very most gorgeous place I ever saw, white and gold walls and blue carpets and blue silk curtains and gilt chairs. 5. I felt as though they saw right through my sham new clothes to the checked ginghams underneath. But I’m not letting the ginghams bother me any more. Sufficient unto yesterday is the evil thereof. 6. My childhood was just a long, sullen stretch of revolt, and now I am so happy every moment of the day that I can’t believe it’s true. I feel like a made-up heroine in a story-book. 7. I can't accept any more money than I have to, because some day I shall be wanting to pay it back, and even as great an author as I intend to be won't be able to face a PERFECTLY TREMENDOUS debt. 8. Six friends dropped in to make fudge, and one of them dropped the fudge – while it was still liquid – right in the middle of our best rug. XI. Task: 1. What is the purpose of the letter from the 10th of April? In what way is it stylistically different from others? Why is it signed “Jerusha” but not “Judy”? Compare it to the next letter form the 11th of April. In what way do these two letters characterize Judy? 2. Find the episode of Judy describing her opinion on John Grier Home and the Lowood School from ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte. What differences does she find in two institutions? What do they have in common? Have you read the novel yourself? If so, what opinion do you have on the topic? 3. What pedagogical principles does Judy stick to? Do you agree or disagree with her? Try to prove your opinion. 4. Look at the final part of the letter from the 4th of May and characterize its style. What are its basic features? When and for what purpose can this style be used? Why does the letter produce a comic effect here?
Part VIII: June 5th – September 10th – Thursday I. Find the words and word combinations given below in the text: 1. to crowd 2. to regard 3. dubious 4. to discourse 5. unjustly 6. a social 7. to pamper (to indulge) 8. wiry 9. to distract 10. pliable
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