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Урок 35. Мої спортивні уподобання

Мета: повторити й узагальнити лексичний матеріал теми; розвивати вміння монологічного мовлення; продовжувати формувати в учнів комунікативні навички; учити висловлювати свою думку; удосконалити техніку читання; проконтролювати розуміння змісту самостійно прочитаного тексту за темою уроку; виховувати інтерес до спорту.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.




Т. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?


Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 4, с. 77-78.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Т. And now match the following words to their translations.

1) wrestling a) шахи
2) gymnastics b) атлетика
3)boxing c) хокей
4) figure skating d) шашки
5) chess e) боротьба
6) draughts f) важка атлетика
7) weightlifting g) гімнастика
8) fencing h)бокс
9) hockey i) фігурне катання
10) athletics j) фехтування

Повторення граматики

Т. Let’s remind when we use words DO — 1, GO — 2 and PLAY — 3. Explain rules with examples on the pictures. When do we use GO?

□ If we speak about sports ending in -ing we use GO. For example: swimming, climbing.

□ If we speak about ball games and chess we use PLAY. For example: football, tennis.

□ If we speak about other sports we use DO. For example: athletics, karate.

Гра"First Million"

Т. I see you have done your homework very well. That’s why we are playing a very interesting and popular game “First Million”. I’m asking the question and we’re answering.

Level 1

1. Rearrange the colours of the rings on the Olympic flag in the correct order.

a) blue

b) yellow

c) black

d) green

e) red

2. What is the name of the sport when the player swims?

a) boxing

b) swimming

c) chess

d) hokey

3. Find the irregular verbs.

a) swim

b) run

c) play

d) jump

4. Find the second part of the word-combination “figure-...”.

a) skiing

b) skating

c) riding

d) playing

5. Find the Ukrainian translation of the word “fencing”.

a) фехтування

b) хокей

с) футбол

d) тренер

6. Find the English translation of the word «шахи».

a) trainer

b) fencing

c) chess

d) draughts

7. Find the English translation of the word «змагання».

a) composition

b) competition

c) country

d) coincide

8. Find the noun.

a) courageous

b) warm

c) tennis

d) wrong

9. Find the verb.

a) to swim

b) chess

c) book

d) courageous

10. Find the noun.

a) sportsman

b) blue

c) to jump

d) to read

11. Translate into Ukrainian the word “wrestling”.

a) фехтування

b) змагання

с) боротьба

d) шашки

12. Find the word which is common to hockey, volleyball, football.

a) athletics

b) gymnasium

c) sport game

d) stadium


1. Put the words in the alphabetical order.

a) wrestling

b) fencing

c) basketball

d) boxing

2. Find the English translation of the word «гравець».

a) trainer

b) player

c) result

d) wrestling

3. Insert the Past Simple form of the irregular verb “run”.

a) running

b) run

c) ran

d) ron

4. What word is connected with the summer sports?

a) skiing

b) swimming

c) skating

d) figure skating

5. What word is connected with winter sports?

a) football

b) volleyball

c) hockey

d) basketball

6. What game does Andriy Shevchenko go in for?

a) football

b) volleyball

c) chess

d) boxing

7. What is the name of the sport when players run with the ball and take it with hands? These players are very strong and tall

a) football

b) basketball

c) hockey

d) chess

8. Who was the best Ukrainian winner in the chess competition?

a) Klychko

b) Shevchenko

c) Ponomariov

d) Blokhin

9. How many players are there in the basketball team?

a) 10 or 11

b) 6 or 5

c) 21 or 22

d) 1 or 2

10. Who are the best Ukrainian and world winner in swimming competition?

a) Shevchenko

b) Voronin

c) Klochkova

d) Klytchko

11. How many players are there in the football team?

a) 12

b) 13

c) 11

d) 21

12. Where did the first Olympic Games take place?

a) Ukraine

b) the USA

c) Greece

d) England

Level 3

1. How many players play tennis?

a) 2

b) 13

c) 14

d) 40

2. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?

a) fire

b) water

c) soil

d) air

3. Rearrange the names of the games from the shortest to the longest.

a) baseball

b) tennis

c) golf

d) football

4. How often do the Olympic Games take place?

a) every 4 years

b) every day

c) every year

d) every 14 years

5. What kind of sportsman is Ronaldo?

a) football player

b) volleyball player

c) swimmer

d) basketball player

6. When are the next Olympic Games going to take place?

a) 2009

b) 2010

c) 2012

d) 2020

7. When did the first winter Olympic Games take place?

a) 1924

b) 1896

c) 1323

d) 1824

8. Where were the last Olympics held?

a) Beiging

b) Kyiv

c) Atlanta

d) Moskow

9. What is the British national sport?

a) football

b) cricket

c) boxing

d) jumping

10. When did the modern Olympic Games begin again?

a) 1924

b) 1991

c) 2000

d) 1896

11. What colour is the “Dynamo” sport club’s badge?

a) red and blue

b) black and red

c) blue and yellow

d) white and black

12. When and where was the sport club “Dynamo” organized?

a) 1923, Moscow

b) 1943, Kyiv

c) 2001, Washington

d) 1861, Madrid


T. Now I’ll divide you in two teams. We’ll come to the next task. It is reading. You’ll have to read and translate the text into Ukrainian.

Text for 1stteam

Football is the most popular game in England and in Ukraine. It was first played in England. Both men and women can play it now. The players have a ball. The game lasts 90 minutes. It has 2 halves. The players kick the ball and run after it. There is a referee on the field. He blows a whistle from time to time. The players try to score a goal.

Text for 2ndteam

Ice-hockey is one of the most popular games in the world. It was first played in Canada. It is team game. It is a winter game. Only men and boys can play it. Many people like to watch this game on TV. The players don’t run on the field. They skate. They have sticks in the hands.


Підбиття підсумків уроку

You worked very well today. So you can get the following marks...

Домашнє завдання

Індивідуальні завдання з урахуванням рівня підготовки учнів; підготуватися до проектної роботи: знайти фотографії із зображенням видів спорту, українських спортсменів та інформації про них.

Урок 36. Проектна робота за темою «Спорт в Україні»

Мета: повторити й узагальнити лексичний матеріал теми у вигляді проектної роботи; розвивати вміння монологічного мовлення; продовжувати формувати в учнів комунікативні навички; учити висловлювати свою думку; удосконалити техніку читання; виховувати інтерес до спорту.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.




Т. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?


Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

ü Choose the explanation for the words on the blackboard.

1. Karate

2. Cycling

3. Football

4. Athletics

5. Basketball

6. Parachuting

7. Canoeing

8. a) a sport in which people race in a narrow light boat

9. b) sports in which people run, jump or throw things to see who is the best athlete

10. c) the sport of riding a bicycle

11. d) a game in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through a net

12. e) a sport originated in Japan in which you fight using your hands and feet

13. f) a game in which two teams try to score a goal

14. g) a sport or activity where a parachute is used

Повторення мовленнєвих структур

79. 79.

□ My favourite sport is...

□ I became interested in...

□ My favourite champion is...

□ I hope... in future...

□ I’d like to...

□ I think...

Впр. 2, с. 79.

Етапи проектної роботи

1. Учні об’єднуються в групи.

2. Члени кожної групи пишуть коротенькі повідомлення про вид спорту, зображений на фотографіях; повідомлення про українських спортсменів, які займаються цим видом спорту.

3. У групах створюють постер або брошуру «Спорт в Україні».

4. Учні презентують власні розробки.

5. Учитель оцінює учнівські проекти.


Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т. Thank you for your work. You did your best this lesson. Good-bye.

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 1, с. 78.

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