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Text 9. HAVE a NICE DAY (rendering) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6
EmployeeLoyalty in Service Firms The article under review is entitled HAVE A NICE DAY. The article under review has a subtitle EmployeeLoyalty in Service Firms. The main idea of the article is to show that firms are interested in loyal, well-motivated employees. The aim of this investigation is to study connections between labour turnover and low-paid jobs. According to the author low-paid employees do not enjoy their job very much. The author points out factors influencing high labour turnover. To be exact the author points out factors influencing HIGH labour turnover. The reason of HIGH labour turnover lies in indiscriminatehiring. To be exact The reason of that lies in indiscriminatehiring of “ cheap ” workers. The author illustrates that indiscriminatehiring of “ cheap ” workers can be extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] costly. The author mentions that modern firms try to keep better staff. To be exact the supervisors of the firms are interested in the problems of keeping better staff. Modern firms declared a “war of people”. The supervisors are interested in the problems of improving the company. They are interested why employeesleave the jobs. Modern firms try to create well-motivated workforce. Modern firms are interested in well-motivatedworkforce. Some parts are devoted to full time sales assistants. Apparently supervisors retainloyal employees. At the same time full time sales assistants are interested in bonus and profits. There’s no doubt [daVt] that supervisors respect loyalwell-motivated employees. Apparently our supervisors paycostlyworkforce first, because well-motivatedworkforce cope with the demands. Supervisors list the demands in order. In fact the supervisors of the firms are much obliged to the employee s for their loyalty. According to the author employees want better training. Hourly-paid employees work in retail shops. At the end the author concludes that hourly-paid employees rankthird. Costly employees ranksecond. Extremely [Iks'tri:mlI] costly employee s rank first. I find the article useful, helpful, necessary, actual, important, and modern. It gives a material for further discussion.
Date: 2016-11-17; view: 299; Нарушение авторских прав |