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Задание 3. Переведите предложения и определите время глагола в страдательном залоге.

Контрольная работа № 5 для студентов III курса.

Задания 1, 2 – перевод и работа с текстом.

Задания 3 – 5 – грамматические задания.

Для выполнения грамматических заданий необходимо изучить следующие темы:

· Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)

Задание 1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст


Marketing can be defined as human activity which is directed at satisfying needs and wants by creating and exchanging goods or services. The mar­keting concept has replaced the selling concept. The "selling concept" means that consumers have to be persuaded by selling techniques to buy non-essen­tial goods and services. The "marketing concept", on the contrary, means that the producer should pro­duce the products which the customers need.

Marketing can be approached in terms of mar­keting mix. Its components are four

Ps — product, price, place, promotion, that is selling the right product, at the right price, through the right chan­nels, with the right support and communication.

Let's consider the case of the company "Harley-Davidson", the company in the USA which produced bikes. For a number of years the company had serious problems. Its profits decreased, and the company was facing a possibility of bankruptcy. In its operation the company was orienting to a rather narrow market, that is young people in "black leather jackets".

In order to survive, the company had to use the main principles of marketing. 1. Determine the cus­tomer groups or segments. 2. Determine their needs. 3. Position the product in a proper way. While the company was trying to determine a new group of customers, it identified a numerous group of baby-boomers, born after World War II. At that time they were in their forties. The second stage of this work was determination if these rather grown-up and con­servative people could become buyers of bikes. The company studied this group and the features of its buying behaviour and came to a conclusion that it was possible. These people were experiencing the cri­sis typical for people of their age, and they had to get new opportunities, new experience and relaxation.

The company decided to launch a new model and position it in such a way it could meet the needs of the target group. The new model was meant for top-end, or upmarket (Am. upscale) instead of mid-range market. The motorcycle was made large and reliable. The company realised that new buyers would not repair the motorcycle themselves, so it used a new motor "V-twin". A lot was done to improve the image of the motorcycle. A shift was made from "hard metal" to a softer variant. Such famous personalities as Kurt Russell and Elizabeth Tailor were advertising the new model. The company was successful. Its sales have risen, and its profit margins have grown more than three times. Now the company is looking for new markets at home and internationally. It didn't suffer from foreign compe­tition, as many automobile and electronic companies did. The company survived and began to prosper as it followed the principles of marketing.

Marketing has become a key factor in the success of western business. In the 20th century, marketing has played an increasingly larger role in determining company policy, influencing product development, pricing, methods of distribution, advertising and promotion techniques.


to define — определять

to satisfy a need — удовлетворять потребность

to persuade — убеждать

selling techniques — приемы и методы продаж

non-essential — не первой необходимости

marketing mix — комплекс маркетинга; смешанная сис­тема сбыта

market segment — сегмент рынка, т. е. группа покупа­телей со схожими потребностями и характеристика­ми

to launch — запускать (завод, продукт, торговую марку)

position the product — позиционировать товар, т. е. ис­пользовать рекламу и другие элементы комплекса маркетинга, чтобы сообщить о достоинствах товара

product positioning — позиционирование товара

buying behaviour — поведение покупателя

conclusion — вывод

to come to a conclusion — приходить к выводу

target group — целевая группа

top-end market / upmarket — рынок для элитарных по­купателей (Am. upscale)

mid-range market — рынок для потребителей со средним доходом

bottom-end market / downmarket — рынок для (Am. downscale) потребителей с низким доходом

profit margin — чистая прибыль в виде процентов от продаж

pricing — ценообразование


Задание 2. Дополните предложения следующими словами.

marketing mix marketing customers persuade positioned satisfy needs

1) Today competition is stiff, and companies which can best … of the customers will survive and make the largest profits.

2) The factors that help a firm to sell its products are known as the ….

3) … means promoting goods and services to customers.

4) The product should be distributed to the most convenient place for … to buy it.

5) The company is looking for a trade representa­tive possessing high communicative skills and being able to … people.

6) "Zolotaya bochka" is … on the market as beer of high quality.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения и определите время глагола в страдательном залоге.

1. The delegation was met at the airport.

2. Football is played all over the world.

3. New subjects will be studied next year.

4. These houses were built last year.

5. The information will be sent later.

6. He is often asked to tell about his traveling.


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