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Suggested activities


g Write down answers to the following questions:



h Write out the cases which are considered misdemeanors.


i Write out all the instructions for making a criminal police report (you may make them as short as possible, but very clear at the same time).


j Act out this dialogue between the District Attorney and his audience (you may omit detailed instructions).


k Sum up all the details of the chegue illustrated. I Use your imagination and fill in this chegue form:


Skim and scan:

Read the text quickly and say if it is the continuation of the talk-off the District Attorney of the State of Florida. USA.


Text 2

Imposter Fraud/True name Fraud


Criminals armed with a few simply obtained facts about you (name, Social Security number) can open fraudulent bank, credit card, etc., accounts and even get their hands on your money. There are tilings you can do to protect yourself from this kind of fraud, but with technological advances everyday, nothing is foolproof. Here are a few tips:



Limit the number of credit cards that you carry because the fact is that thieves steal these items. The thief will have less to work with if s/he gets their hands on these items. Memorize your SS# so that you won't have to carry the card and limit the papers you carry with this information on it.

When mailing outgoing mail with sensitive information, credit card bills, etc., mail them from an official postal pick up box and not your unsecured home mailbox. Use of your residential mailbox with the little red flag is a signal to the local thief that you have outgoing mail. Thieves sometimes steal the mail, others open the envelopes, copy the personal information, then reseal the envelope and mail the item. You don't realize that there's a problem until it's too late.

Don't throw documents in the trash that contain personal information. Criminals «dumpster dive» through the trash for this kind of information. If you can, shred the documents, if not, use a black marker to mark out the personal information, then tear up the documents before discarding them.

Pay attention to your mail. You should know how much mail on average you receive each day. If there is an interruption in that amount you may want to contact the post office to find out why.

Never give out personal information over the telephone. (How many times do we have to say this?) If you initiated the call and know who you are talking to it may be OK to give the information if it is necessary to accomplish your needs.

Check all of your monthly bills upon receiving them. If you find something that you don't recognize on the bill, especially credit cards, contact the issuer immediately, and resolve the problem. It could just be a mistake on the issuers' part or it could be criminal activity which will only become worse.

In today's market information is a valuable commodity and criminals are paying for this information from «brokers» who sell it. (This shouldn't be much of a surprise since spys have done this for years.).




  § Vocabulary notes    
  imposter = impostor [Im'post@] 1) обманщик, мошенник; 2) самозванец
  foolproof ['fu:lpru:f] безопасный, защищенный от неумелого или неосторожного обращения
  tip   1) совет, намек; 2) чаевые; 3) кончик, верхушка;
      4) место свалки
  wallet ['wolIt] бумажник
  purse   1) кошелек; 2) сумка (женская)
  to memorize ['mem@raIz] запоминать, заучивать наизусть
  trash   1) мусор, хлам; 2) халтура, ерунда
  dump   свалка, мусорная куча
  dumpster   тот, кто роется в мусоре
  dive   ныряние, погружение
  to shred   резать/рвать на кусочки
to discard [dIs'ka:d] 1) выбрасывать; 2) увольнять  
interruption [,Int@'röpSn] перерыв, прерывание, задержка  
issuer ['Isju@] эмитент, чекодатель (банк, выдавший кредитную карточку, организация, выдавшая какой-либо документ)  
to resolve [rI'zoulv] решать, разрешать  
to resolve a problem   решить проблему  
to resolve doubts   разрешать сомнения  


Words and Grammar


a Form a few similar words and translate them into Russian:

waterproof, soundpront, foolproof... to reread,...............................

ingoing,................................................ daily,......................................


b Write down the families of the following words:

technology.................................. to reside...........................................

memory...................................... to issue.............................................

to secure..................................... to dive...............................................

to sense...................................... to inform..........................................


с Explain the meaning of the following words in English and give the Russian equivalents:

gangster... a member of a gang of armed criminals - ганстер......

dumpster............................... criminal (n.)..................................

mobster.................................. issuer.............................................

imposter................................. commodity...................................

d Write down as many nouns as you can with the following adjectives and translate these word combinations into Russian:



e Underline the basic nouns and translate the following word combinations into Russian:


im poster fraud.............................................................................

true name fraud............................................................................

credit card issuer..........................................................................

bills issuer....................................................................................

credit card bills............................................................................

bank account...............................................................................

credit card account.....................................................................

f Write down the following words in full:







g Encircle the Infinitives, write down what parts of sentences they are and translate the sentences into Russian:


1 Criminals can open fraudulent bank account..... (part of the predicate) Преступники могут

открывать подложные банковские счета.

2 There are things you can do to protect yourself..............................................................

3 The thief will have less to work with..............................................................

4 Memorize your SS# so that you won't have to carry the card..............................................................

5 You should know how much mail on average you receive daily..............................................................

6 You may want to contact the post office..............................................................


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