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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным
Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
Как сделать то, что делать не хочется?
Как сделать погремушку
Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
Как сделать идею коммерческой
Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям
Как сделать свидание интересным?
АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Языковой материал урока
The first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh and so on.
All days of the week in a correct order. А date, a month, a season, a calendar, a moment, a fair.January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Animals, birds – hen, chicken, a pet, a rabbit, flowers – Lilies, Crocuses, to dye, to paint, to hide, to find.
Easter: customs and traditions. Fancy dresses. The Easter Bunny, the Easter egg, hot cross bun, chocolate, basket, toys, handicrafts, Easter egg hunt. Easter symbols are: The Cross, Rabbits, Eggs.
Recources.http://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2013/11/25/plan-konspekt-vneklassnogohttp://newfound.ru/konspekty/razlichnye-temy/plankonspekt-vneklassnogo-meropriiatiia-po-angliiskomu-iazyku-happy-easterhttp://bogglesworldesl.com/easter_worksheets.htmhttp://www.ducksters.com/kidsnews/042411whitehouseeggroll.php Unit 8. The best moments of the year. Lesson 59. What’s on your calendar?
| Этап урока
| Время
| Речь обучающего
| Речь обучающегося
| Комментарий
| Приветствие The teacher greets the students, their parents, the visitors of the open lesson. The students greet the teacher. (Приветствие.)
Повторение грамматического материала —
ordinal numerals.
| 2 min
| Good morning, children! I`m glad to see you today! Are you glad to see me today too? How are you today? Polina, ask Yasin how he is today?
We all will be today partners face to face, greet each other and say: “I`m glad to see you again! Have a good day!”
And…Let’s revise the poem.
Thank you. Let`s begin our lesson! Have a look here! Let’s read!
Polina, what’s that?
| Yasin: Hi, my name is Yasin, and this is my friend Polina. We are glad to see you today.
Polina: Hello, nice to meet you.
Nadya: Hello, everybody! I’m Nadya. I’m Polina’s classmate. I’m fine, thank you.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – jump,
Thursday, Friday – down with a bump,
Saturday, Sunday – let’s say ‘Hi’
Days of week, let’s say ‘good bye’
Nikita: ‘The best moments of the year….
Yasin: ‘The best moments of our school life our school life…’
Polina: ‘The dates on my calendar…’
The 24th of December – the 7th of January (Christmas)
The 27th of March was the Easter Sunday in Britain and the USA
The 1st of May, 2016 Sunday was the Orthodox Easter Sunday
The 5th of May We have a School Fair
The 25th of May. School is over. Summer holidays start.
| В начале урока обратить внимание учащихся на заставку презентации, которая предваряет цикл.
“The dates on my calendar”
The best moments of our school life”,
A dateA calendarA fair Family &Friends (video) – karaoke Cлайд 2 презентации
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqkvVuMCWrc Учащиеся рассматривают картинки электронного учебника на планшетах стр.49 Учащиеся рассматривают картинки электронного учебника стр.50 и читают подписи c презентации.
Students’ own answers
Students tell information about when and where different holidays are celebrated. Cлайд 3 презентации
Cлайд 4 презентации
| 1.2
| Определение темы урока
| 3 min
| What are you going to do at the weekend?
Where are the eggs hidings?
Have you ever painted the eggs?
| Video: “I will sing with a spirit” (John Rutter “Oxford Easy Anthems”)
I will sing with a spirit,
I will sing with a spirit:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
I will sing with a spirit,
I will sing with a spirit.
| Аудирование. Формирование речевых навыков на английском языке через развитие догадки по аналогии, внимания, памяти.
Cлайд 5 презентации
| 1.3
| Речевая подготовка
| Кirill:Dear boys and girls!
Today we are going to talk you about Easter.
Yasin: Easter is a very popular holiday all over the world. Easter is an important family holiday in Russia. Often it is celebrated even by non-religious families.
| Cлайд 6 презентации
Cлайд 7 презентации
| 4 min
| Karaoke
| Easter Bunny Looking kind of funny With your basket of eggs Children singing "What's the bunny bringing For me on Easter Day?" Mom is cooking While we're out there looking For the eggs hidden away. After church we Gathered 'round with family On this Easter Day. Two thousand years ago Jesus died for our sins. Remember his resurrection And the joy it brings. Flowers blooming Springtime's looming Everything is coming alive. Easter colors Yellow, blue and others Tell us Spring has arrived. Children are playing And everybody's saying "So good to see you today!" We're all together The merrier the better On this Easter holiday. Flowers are blooming & Springtime's looming Oh what a wonderful day! We're all together The more of us the better On this Easter holiday, A lovely Easter holiday, I like my Easter holiday!
| Поем караоке. Cлайд 8 презентации
| Формирование навыков говорения и аудирования.
| 5 min
| The best moments of our school life”, “The dates on my calendar”
| Кirill:Dear boys and girls! Today we are going totell you about Easter.
Nikita:Today we are going to celebrate Easter
Yasin: Easter is a very popular holiday all over the world. Easter is an important family holiday in Russia; often it is celebrated even by non-religious families. Easter symbols are: The Cross, Rabbits, Eggs.
Polina: Easter Sunday is the time when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Easter has no fixed date.
Nikita: It is held on the 1st Sunday after the date of the first full moon. Easter lasts for a week.
Nadya: The three most important days are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday I get up very early.
Polina: Then we have breakfast with other families. After breakfast some families can go to a church for a service to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead.
Sergey: Afterwards, at home, everyone gives each other chocolate eggs. In the afternoon we usually have tea with a special Easter cake – Kulich. I’ve known parents usually cook cross buns in England.
Nidya: We are going to take part at Easter School Fair. I’m going to present Easter bonnets. I’ve designed and have made two colourful hats on the theme of Easter and spring. Look! I’ve made this one for Polina. Isn`t it nice? - “Easter Hat”:
I’ve made a pretty Easter hat,
To wear at Easter time
I’ve put some flowers on it,
And a bow has made it fine.
we’ve fastened on some ribbons,
All pretty pink and blue,
Then we’ve taken a picture
And I will give it to you.
Polina: Thank you, Nadya. It’s beautiful! In my family we’ve made Easter baskets.
| Cлайд 9 презентации
Kirill announces that today's lesson will be dedicated to Easter. Стр.51 – электронный учебникКонструкция to be going to Стр.51 – электронный учебник
С последними словами дает свою шляпку Полине. Полина отдает корзи-ночку Даше
| 2.1
| После того, как учащиеся ознакомятся с информацией на календаре, они выполняют упражнение по образцу.
| What are we going to do today?
| My family is going to go on a picnic!
Nikita is going to draw funny pictures.
Dasha is going to write a report about school fair to the school site.
We are going to take part in a School Fair!
We are going to play with Easter Bunny!
Spring has arrived.
Easter Bunny has hidden the Easter Eggs! Polina has surfed the Net and has found a lot of interesting things about Easter!
| Стр.51 – электронный учебник, примеры Cлайд 10 презентации
Present Perfect Упражнение трансформационного характера.
В данном упражнении повторяется грамматический материал to be going to и Present Perfect.
| 2.2
| Использование видо-временной формы Present Perfect
| Children, but what your friends or parents have done on Easter Sunday?
We are going to ask our guests.
I`ll give 2 minutes. Then fill the answers in the table. The clock is ticking.
| have (has) listened,
have (has) talked,
have (has) drawn,
have (has) visited,
have (has) cooked,
have (has) congratulated
have (has) gone to a church
have (has) gone to a picnic
have (has) boiled eggs
| Cлайд 11 презентации
(Quiz-Quiz Trade structure - Appendiх 1)
| 2.3
| Подготовка к проекту
| 3 min
| What’s the title of the project? Why
Another symbol of Easter is an Easter Tree. There are 12 eggs on the Easter Tree. Can you guess why there are exactly 12 eggs?
You are right. People walk around the Easter Tree and hope that each month of the year will be happy for them.
| What’s on your calendar? Easter day.
I think because there are 12 months in a year.
| Cлайд 12 презентации
| 2.4
| Project Easter Tree
Презентация яиц на пасхальном дереве
| 7 min
| We congratulate you with this holy and light day! We wish you to meet it with joy and hope! Happy Ester!
| Students create their eggs and put them on the Easter Tree
| Cлайд 13, 14, 15 презентации
| 3.
| Домашнее задание.
| 2 min
| Comments
| Welcome to the Easter Fair!
| Cлайд 16 презентации
Асtivity Book, упр 2, reader упр.1.
Учебник, стр 59 – объявление о школьной пасхальной ярмарке по образцу, но на личном материале для стенда при входе в школу и школьного сайта. (А4)
Лучшие проекты будут опубликованы.
| Подведение итогов урока.
| 5 min
45 min
| Just a pity, but our lesson is over. Thank you for your work at the lesson!
Goodbye! See you later!
| 1) What have you known about Easter holiday?
2) What are the symbols of Easter?
3) When do we celebrate Easter Day?
4) Who hides the chocolate eggs?
5) Do you like the lesson? Why?
| Count the Easter Eggs
At the end the teacher says goodbye and gives students picture with the Easter rabbit as a gift to paint at home or certificates. She distributes the presents. Cлайд 12 презентации
| Appendiх 1Easter Worksheets The 1-st egg. Fill In The Missing Letters 1. _g_s 2. _pr_n_ 3. d_ff_dil_ 2. 4. r_b_it 5. _un_ 6. _hri_tia_ 3. 7. d_e 8. n_st_ 9. c_nd_e 10. b_r_ 11. _il_es 12. cr_cu_es 13. m_o_ 14. ch_r_ch 15. c_oc_la_e
The 2-nd Egg
| Answer the following questions:
Have you ever decorated an Easter egg before?
Do you prefer white chocolate or dark chocolate?
Fill in the crossword using the clues below:
3.Another word for 'over'.
5.Another word for 'in back of'.
6.Make eggs look pretty.
7.A big meal at the end of the day.
9.Little egg-shaped candies.
11.What some bunnies are made of.
12.What children hunt for on Easter.
14.The season of Easter.
15.The opposite of search.
16.An animal that hides eggs.
1.A word to describe Easter eggs.
2.Watery color.
4.Another word for 'beneath'.
5.Another word for 'next to'.
8.An activity where children find eggs and chocolate
10.An Easter flower. 13.Something to carry Easter eggs in.
| | | |
The 4th Egg

The 5th Egg

The 6th Egg
The 7th Egg

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