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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Using the statements below and the phrases from the table make short dialogues agreeing or disagreeing with the statements, and in case of disagreement provide your point of view

Agreeing Disagreeing Personal point of view
I'm quite sure... I'm fairly / quite certain... It must be right. It's definitely true. I've no doubt at all that... I'm a hundred percent certain that... I'm (utterly) convinced... I'm not sure about that! You can't be serious! Actually, as a matter of fact I think Rubbish! / Nonsense! As if! In your dreams! No chance! Yes, and pigs might fly! In my opinion/to my mind... If you ask me… To my way of thinking… In my view… Know what I think? I'd say… What I think is… I tell you what I think…


  1. With dedicated access a subscriber directly connects to the Internet without the help of the ISP.
  2. Dedicated Internet access service is designed exclusively for corporations to maintain their internet communications needs.
  3. A dedicated access line is a permanent, physical connection to the Internet.
  4. A DSL and cable modems both use telephone lines to connect to the Internet.
  5. With DSL connection you can surf the Internet and talk on the phone at the same time.
  6. Dial-up connection is cheaper than dedicated access to the Internet.
  7. Because dial-up access uses normal telephone lines, the quality of the connection is not always good and data rates are limited.
  8. With dial-up connection you can surf the Internet and talk on the phone at the same time.
  9. Data travels across the internet in packets.
  10. Each packet can carry a maximum of 1,500 bytes.
  11. The information contained in the header tells computers what kind of data is in the packet, how it fits together with other data, where the data came from and the data's final destination.
  12. The Transmission Control Protocol is more important and widely used than the Internet Protocol.
  13. IP pouters are the same as modems and, accordingly, do the same job.
  14. When a packet is to be forwarded, a router determines the next hop for the packet's destination (based on the destination IP address in the IP packet header), and forwards the packet either directly to its destination or to the next router.
  15. At each stage, the IP address in the packet header is sufficient information to determine the next hop; no additional protocol headers are required.
  16. If one connection is failed, data can travel across an alternate path.

16. Read the summary and chose the correct information by guessing. Then watch the video “How the Internet works in 5 minutes” and find out if your guess was correct.

The internet is a wire/cloud. The internet is useful because two computers connected directly to this cloud/wire can communicate. A node/server is a special computer connected directly to the Internet.

Every server has a unique/single internet protocol address or nick/IP address. Since it is not easy to pronounce for example we also give them names/avatars like Google.com or Facebook.com.

A computer at home is not a client/server, because it's not connected directly to the Internet. Such a computer is called a client/server. They’re connected indirectly to the router/Internet through an internet service provide. If you want to visit Wikipedia.org you should use DSL/IP to go through your ISP/TCP to look at Wikipedia pages.

Whenever an email, picture or webpage travels across the Internet computers break/put together the information into smaller pieces called packages/packets. When information reaches its destination the packages /packets are broken/ put together in their original order to make a picture, email, webpage or tweet.

What prevent your packets/ packages from ending up on another’s screen are IP addresses and nodes/routers. Only computers/Everything connected directly or indirectly to the Internet has an IP/TCP IP address. Anywhere two or more parts of the Internet intersect, there's a piece of equipment called a node/router. Nodes/Routers direct your packets/ packages around the Internet.

Before sending, the computer assigns your packet/ package your computer's nick/IP address. Your computer sends the packet/ package to the first router which adds its own nick/IP address. Each time your package/packet reaches a new node/router another nick/IP address is added until it reaches the server. Then when the server sends back information, he creates packages/packets with an identical list of nicks/IP addresses. As a package/packet makes its way over the Internet back to your computer, each router reads this list to discover where to send the packet/package next, until it reaches your computer.

And that's how the Internet works.


17. Read the summary. Fill in the correct word(s). The first letter of each word is given. Then watch the video “How does the Internet work?” – 0:00-1:34 - and check your answers.

Think of networking as a game. It only works if we agree to play by the same rules. Otherwise it's not much fun. If you can get two or more computers to play together you have a n …………. If your friend can do it too – there’s another n …………... But if you both agree that your networks will play the same way, you can attach the two together. You have an inter network.

The rules we play by are called the I …….. p ………... And as long as we all agree, we can keep adding more d ………… and more n …………. until the whole world is connected. That’s what the Internet is – a n ……….. of n ………… that share each other.


18. Rearrange the following sentences so that they’d make a sensible text; watch the video “How does the Internet work?” –1:34-2:39 - and check your answers.


  1. Anything you send via Internet is really just a message from one device to another.
  2. But it doesn’t travel in one big blank.
  3. Even if a big chunk of the Internet gets wiped out your message can still find its way.
  4. Every device on the Internet has its own unique address.
  5. If one path gets overloaded or broken your data just takes a different path.
  6. It gets polarised in tiny packets of data each one wrapped in info about what it is: where it came from and where it’s going.
  7. The strength of the Internet is that it’s decentralized.
  8. Then by following the protocol the receiving device knows how to put it all back together.
  9. This way, your one message can actually take several different paths to its destination.
  10. With so many possible connections there’s no single point of failure.


19. Match the two parts of the sentences; watch the video “How does the Internet work?” –2:39-till the end - and check your answers.

1.Some companies make private connections with each other 2.An Internet exchange is the place where many different organisations come together 3.The participants connect to a common place 4.Provides are able to make a single connection to the platform 5. Anybody can rely on network traffic   to a. benefit from the exchange b. exchange traffic. c. exchange traffic with many participants d. interconnect their technology. e. save costs and make the traffic between them faster and much more efficiently.

-what 3 features of the Internet make it work as well as it does?

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