Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным
Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками
Как сделать то, что делать не хочется?
Как сделать погремушку
Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами
Как сделать идею коммерческой
Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног?
Как сделать наш разум здоровым?
Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше
Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили?
Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям
Как сделать свидание интересным?
АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Phrasal Verbs and Verb-Based Expressions⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 27 из 27
Get Exercise 293. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. 1) get hold of a) finish something 2) get down to b) get free of something or somebody 3) get in c) annoy 4) get off d) become accustomed to someone/something 5) get on e) meet with someone 6) get on with f) climb down 7) get on one's nerves g) enter 8) get out h) know someone or some- thing better 9) get a notice i) climb aboard 10) get through j) seize something or someone 11) get up k) become soaked with water 12) get rid of 1) begin doing some kind of work in earnest 13) get used to m) be friends with some- body 14) get wet n) wake up and get out of the bed 15) get together о) get a warning about a forthcoming dismissal 16) get to know p) go away
Exercise 294. Paraphrase the following sentences using expressions from the exercise abo\e. 1. At last I have finished this work! 2. It rained heavily. We got soaked to the skin. 3. We rose early yesterday because the train started at 7 o'clock. 4. It is difficult to get accustomed to hot weather if one lives in the north. 5. She was upset because her husband had been warned that he would be dismissed. 6. It's high time we began our studies. 7. She is such a bore! She annoys me every time I see her. I'm dreaming of shaking her off. 8. We haven't met since we graduated. 9. Though they are quite different, they agree well. 10. Look! The cat's seized a bird!
Exercise 295. Fill in the blanks. 1.1 get___ the bus every morning at the corner of 32nd Street and get___ at 27th Street. 2. He got___ that he would be fired at the end of the month. 3. Turn that radio off. It gets___. 4. He invited us to get___ the car and go for a ride with him. 5. If the crocodile gets ___its victim, he will surely kill it. 6. Get___of the rain or you'll get___. 7. I'll have to get___very early tomorrow. 8. Get___of my house! I don't want to see you. 9. John is bothering me. Help me to get___him please. 10.1 can't get___her manner of speaking. I think she talks too fast and too much. 11. Stop talking, you lazy-bones! Get___business at once! 12. How do you get___Pete? — Well, he a fine chap. 13. We all try to get___at least once a year at Christmas. 14. We got___ work at five o'clock. 15. You will get___him better when you meet him more often.
Exercise 296. Translate into English. 1. Почему кошки не ладят с собаками? 2. Он сел за работу рано утром, надеясь закончить ее к 4 часам. 3» Он не привык к тому, чтобы его не слушались (obey). 4. Я буду счастлив, если сумею избавиться от моей старой машины. 5. Убирайтесь вон из моего дома! Вы лжец (liar)! 6. Он вышел из машины и подошел к вит-рине магазина (shop window). 7. Папа, он тебе обяза-тельно понравится, когда ты узнаешь его лучше. 8«После окончания школы мы решили встречаться первого сентября. 9. Когда мы сели в самолет, стюардесса (airhostess) рассказала нам об экипаже. 10. Он сильно промок, возвращаясь домой. 11. Он ухватился за возможность решить проблему, не прибегая к по-• мощи полиции. 12. Закрой дверь. Этот шум действу- V мне на нервы. Give Exercise 297. Match the words on the left with their efinitions on the right. 1) giveaway a) abandon 2) give back b) offer smb. a ride (in a car) 3) give birth to c) inform 4) give in d) help 5) give notice of e) bear a child 6) give out f) cause something 7) give someone a hand g) yield to someone/some- thing 8) give up h) betray 9) give smb. a lift i) return 10) give rise to j) distribute
Exercise 298. Paraphrase the following sentences using expressions from the exercise above. 1. John is a good husband. He always helps his wife about the house. 2. He decided to stop gambling after he lost a large sum of money in the casino. 3. His behaviour and manner of speaking showed that he was not a gentleman. 4. The fight at the party caused alot of gossip. 5. He took me to the station in his car. 6. He was persuaded by our sound arguments. 7. She bore him early in the morning. 8. The usher handed out the programmes of the concert. 9. She has been told that she will be fired. 10. Has he returned the book yet? Exercise 299. Fill in the blanks. 1. Although her father at first was reluctant to let her go abroad alone, he finally gave___. 2. Mary gave ___her second son yesterday. 3. He is a decent person now. He has given __ drinking and smoking. 5. Can you give me___to the college? 6. The professor gave___ the essays pointing out the mistakes. 7. The Browns have given___their landlord. They are going to move on the first of the month. 8. He got angry when I asked him to give___the money, which he owed to me. 9. The new regulations gave___a debate. 10. Although she pretended to be Italian, the German accent gave her___. 11. Pete is a true friend. He will always give you___when you are in trouble.
Exercise 300. Translate into English. 1. Почему ты всегда уступаешь его требованиям? 2. Она бросила заниматься английским. Говорит, что она неспособна. 3. Он должен вернуть долг (debt) в пятницу. 4. Не беспокойся, он подвезет меня до работы. 5. Новый закон (law) приведет к повышению налогов (tax). 6. Я помог ему расплатиться с долгами. 7. Управляющий предупредил служащих о снижении заработной платы (pay). 8. Я узнал ее, хотя она и была загримирована (make up). Ее выдал голос. 9. Подожди минутку. Сейчас придет Джек. Он раздаст бесплатные билеты на концерт. 10. Она родила троих детей. Keep Exercise 301. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. 1) keep something back a) remember about some- one/something 2) keep someone company b) remain calm 3) keep fit c) continue to do some- thing 4) keep from d) adhere to 5) keep house e) move at the same speed with someone/something 6) keep in mind f) not let others know about it 7) keep on g) remain in good health 8) keep one's temper h) stay with someone 9) keep one's word i) maintain in good order or condition 1 10) keep pace with j) manage a household 11) keep to k) prevent 12) keep up 1) uphold one's promise Exercise 302. Fill in the blanks. 1. Bill kept___and arrived exactly at the time he had promised. 2. You must keep___that your brother is younger than you are. 3. You must go to the gym twice a week to keep___. 4. The doctor told her to keep___all the sweets and other fattening food. 5. The main thing to remember, if the man starts any trouble, is to keep ___. 6. Instead of keeping___the right he always tends to stay in the middle of the road. 7. Don't walk so fast, I can't keep___you. 8.1 am sure, my son never keeps anything___from me. He has always trusted me. 9. It was quite a new experience for a young woman to keep ___. 10. Why don't you come over and keep me ___ tonight while I sit with the children? 11. It costs a lot of money to keep___a car. 12. He kept___telling me the same story over and over.
Exercise 303. Translate into English using the phrasal verb keep. 1. Ему приходится тратить много денег, чтобы содержать загородный дом. 2. Постарайтесь придерживаться темы. 3. Мне было бы очень скучно вчера, если бы Анна не составила мне компанию. 4. Я не могу угнаться за ним. Он слишком быстро идет. 5. Я так и не привыкла вести домашнее хозяйство. 6. Только святой мог бы сдержаться в такой ситуации. 7. Она выполнила обещание и вернула деньги в срок. 8. Ты всегда должен помнить, что ты несешь ответственность за свои действия. 9. Он не курит и не пьет. 10. Хотя он понимал, что его выступление провалилось (failure), он продолжал говорить. 11. Почему ты не бегаешь по утрам, если хочешь быть в хорошей форме? Look Exercise 304. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. 1) look after a) turn the head (to see) 2) look at b) examine 3) look for c) investigate something 4) look forward to d) search for something in a reference book, dictionary 5) look into e) search for someone/ something 6) look like f) raise one's eyes 7) look out g) consider someone/ something 8) look round h) take care of someone/ something 9) look through i) direct one's eyes on someone/something 10) look up (2) j) resemble someone/ something k) anticipate something with pleasure 11) look upon 1) be on the watch; be careful
Exercise 305. Fill in the blanks. 1.1 was about to step out in front of the oncoming truck when somebody yelled to me to look___. 2. With his fair hair and light skin he looks just___his father. 3, Pete looked everywhere___the book which he had lost. 4. You should look___all unfamiliar words in a dictionary. 5. The police are looking___the records of all involved in the crime. 6. It is quite unwise to look___ a person who is different from us as a fool. 7. Our neighbours promised to look___our cat while we are on holiday. 8. We are looking_______ your visit. 9. She ' looked___him as if she wanted to ask something. 10. He 'looked___, but found no one. 11. She sat at the window looking __ a newspaper. 12. The captain looked___the glasses and saw a small boat in the distance. 13. He looked___from his paper and saw a young dark-haired girl.
Exercise 306. Find and correct the mistakes if any. 1. If you look after something that is going to happen, you want it to happen because you expect to enjoy it. 2. Look out the address of the nearest clinic. 3. "Look in, Fm going to drop a rock," I shouted. 4. I've been looking upon my spectacles for half an hour and can't find them. 5. She looked round the paper with some interest trying to guess whose work it was. 6. He looked up and then said he would never forget what I had done. 7. He looked upon the book to see if he had read it before. 8. A government inquiry is looking up the cause of the accident. 9. We are looking up you as a person who will bring the company successfully out of the recession. 10. I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. I do hope that the things will look up for you soon. 11. Six nurses look through the patients in this ward. Exercise 307. Translate into English. 1. Ты уже просмотрел документы? — Да, я их внимательно изучил. 2. Если ты хочешь иметь красивый сад, за ним нужно тщательно ухаживать. 3. Что ты ищешь? — Ручку. Мне надо записать (write down) номер телефона. 4. Преподаватели считают его самым способным студентом в этой группе. 5. Мне нужны точные данные, обязательно посмотрите их в справочнике (reference book). 6. Осторожно! Разве ты не видишь, что дверь окрашена? 7. Она похожа на свою тетю, правда? 8. Он посмотрел наверх и увидел аиста (stork) на крыше дома. 9. Мальчик с нетерпением ждал Рождества. 10, Она огляделась, но не заметила никого из знакомых. Make Exercise 308. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. 1) make (both) ends meet a) put cosmetics on 2) make fun of b) compose 3) make friends c) read something which is not written clearly 4) make one's living d) ridicule someone/some- thing 5) make oneself at home e) decide 6) make out f) become a friend of someone 7) make up (2) g) earn enough money to live on h) manage to live on a small amount of money 8) make up one's mind i) make oneself comfortable
Exercise 309. Fill in the blanks. 1.1 don't like to see women make___in public. 2. He makes___by selling ears. He is not good at it and sometimes his family has to make___. 3. He has made ___to go to Mexico for his vacation. 4. In the dark it was hard for me to make___the numbers on the houses. 5. You are a wicked person. Stop making___him. It's no good mocking at people. 6. The committee is made ___of seven members. 7. We were asked to make___ during the brief absence of our hostess. 8. I've known him since last summer. We made___on a cruise.
Exercise 310. Translate into English. 1. Она решила изменить имидж и сделала макияж по-другому. 2. Садитесь з кресло и чувствуйте себя как дома. 3. Он зарабатывает на жизнь, торгуя недвижимостью (real estate). 4. У него ужасный почерк (handwriting). Я ничего не могу разобрать. 5. Они не могли не посмеяться над ним. 6. Он потерял работу, и теперь его семье приходится сводить концы с концами. 7. Парламент Великобритании состоит из палаты общин и палаты лордов. 8. Они подружились в детстве. Put Exercise 311. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. 1) put down (3) a) dress in something b) eliminate 2) put off c) suffer patiently 3) put on d) erect, build 4) put on weight e) suppress by force or authority 5) put out f) write something down 6) put up g) gain weight 7) put up with h) postpone something i) set, place down 8) put an end to j) suggest (an idea) 9) put in order k) switch off 10) put forward 1) to bring order to smth. Exercise 312. Fill in the blanks. 1. They are putting___several new houses in our street. 2. Be sure to put___the light when you go to sleep. 3. Put___that book and help your mother with the dishes. 4. The meeting has been put___till next week. 5. Since getting married, Bill has put___. 6. He put ___his hat and coat and went out. 7. Please put___ your name and address___on this pad. 8.1 refused to put___his carelessness any longer. 9. The king had little mercy putting___the rebellion. 10. She asked me to put___the catalogue of our goods. 11. It's high time you put___their dishonest deals. 12. Henry Ford put ___a new idea of assembling cars.
Exercise 313. Translate into English. 1. Положи газету и послушай меня. Ситуация очень серьезная, а собрание опять отложено. Тебе нужно выдвинуть наше предложение. 2. Обязательно надень шапку. На улице сильный ветер. 3. Я опять поправилась. Придется отказаться от сладкого. 4. Ты уже записал данные? 5. Восстание (rebellion) было подавлено с большой жестокостью (cruelty). 6. Египтяне построили пирамиды, которые сохранились (remain) до наших дней. 7. Уже светает. Давно пора спать. Приведи в порядок свои бумаги и выключи свет. 8. Он больше не может мириться с обманом (deception). &. Они хотят уничтожить коррупцию (corruption) в своем учреждении. Run Exercise 314. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. 1) runabout a) reach (a sum, a figure) 2) run after b) meet unexpectedly someone/collide with something 3) run into c) play 4) run into debt d) pursue or follow 5) run out e) ride or drive over as with an automobile 6) run over f) come to an end 7) run to g) owe money to smb.
Exercise 315. Fill in the blanks. 1.1 ran___of flour while I was cooking a pie. Please go to the grocer's and buy some. 2. His debt ran___ $2,000. 3. They ran___Mary at the exhibition yesterday. 4. Dogs tried to run___our car, but then one by one they slowed down and stopped. 5. The children were running ___in the yard. 6. What's the matter? — A car ran___ a girl. She is still unconscious.
Exercise 316, Translate into English. 1. Машина скрылась, сбив прохожего. 2. Знаешь, кого я случайно встретил в библиотеке? Джека! 3. Он влез в долги, потому что купил дом. 4. Им пришлось сдаться (surrender), так как у них кончилась вода. 5. Дети играли на берегу реки. 6. Цена картины, выставленной на аукционе (auction), достигла $15,000. 7. Беги за отцом, он забыл бумажник (wallet) дома. Take Exercise 317, Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. 1) take after a) consider as true 2) take advantage of b) remove (a garment, something etc.) 3) take care of c) react painfully 4) take for d) take steps 5) take for granted e) resemble a close, older relative 6) take into account f) start controlling, managing a business 7) take measures g) regard as 8) take notes h) happen, occur 9) takeoff (2) i) catch sight of some- body/something j) seize the opportunity 10) take offence at k) write down notes 11) take to heart 1) start a flight 12) take interest in m) be given permission to speak 13) take over (a company) n) take into consideration 14) take part in some- o) develop a habit or thing practice 15) take place p) feel hurt 16) take the floor q) show interest in something/somebody 17) take to r) participate in 18) take notice of s) care for someone/something
Exercise 318. Fill in the blanks. 1. The plane took___at exactly 8 o'clock. 2. While discussing the case, the jury took___the fact that it was the first criminal's offence. 3. As soon as he took___, the audience started booing. 4. Columbus did not realize that he had discovered a new continent and took it___ India. 5. There was nobody to take___him at home and he was sent to hospital. 6. The company did not take___ dishonest dealings, such as laundering money. 7. My daughter has been taking ___ History since school. 8. Why did he take___at our innocent remarks? 9. He took ___ his hat and greeted us. 10. Where did the accident take___? 11. She took___drink shortly after her husband's death. 12. It was decided to take immediate ___to settle this ill-posed problem. 13. She pretended not to take___strange behaviour. 14. She took___that her uncle would leave his fortune to her. She was his only close relative. 15. They remained alone in the room and she took___asking for money. 16. Since their start, they have taken___a lot of small companies. 17. In his gloomy nature, Andrew takes___his father rather than his mother. 18. Don't tell the sad news to her, she always takes everything___. 19. Since there was no textbook for the course, the students had to take___everything the professor said.
Exercise 319. Translate into English. 1. Он пристрастился к картам еще в молодости. 2. Не стоит на него обижаться. Он не хотел тебя обидеть. 3. У него алиби (alibi). Когда произошло убийство (murder), он был в другом городе. 4. Диктофон (dictaphone) не работал, и ему пришлось записать всю беседу. 5. Мой сын пошел в своего деда: такой же упрямый (stubborn). 6. Он воспользовался какими-нибудь преимуществами? 7. Он заметил ее на трамвайной остановке. 8. Мы считали само собой разумеющимся, что он победит. 9. Она относится к людям, которые все близко принимают к сердцу. 10. Мы присоединим еще одну фирму в следующем году. 11. Он проявил интерес к моей работе. 12. Какие меры приняты, чтобы гарантировать (guarantee) получение прибыли (profit)? 13. Самолет взлетает через десять минут. Просьба пристегнуть ремни. 14. Мы приняли его за итальянца, а он оказался испанцем. 15. Он решил взять слово на следующем заседании (sitting). 16. В зале было очень душно (stuffy), и она сняла жакет. 17. Они приняли во внимание все его замечания. 18. Я бы хотела работать в госпитале и ухаживать за ранеными. 19. Он принял деятельное участие в обсуждении плана.
Tests 8 Choose the right variant, 1. Only ___the deserts ___the Rockies and the Sierras,___the mountains and___the plains of eastern Kansas and Nebraska the American Indians still dominated the land. a) on, between, in, in b) at, among, at, on c) in, between, in, on d) in, among, in, on 2.___1812 Russian fur traders established Fort Ross ___California's northern coast and it functioned___a Russian trading post___1841 when,___order from Alaska, the fort was dismantled. a) in, on, as, until, by b) on, at, as, by, through c) at, in, like, till, at d) during, along, like, in, by 3. Abraham Lincoln was born___February 12,1809 ___a small farm ___Kentucky ___the family of a wandering laborer. a) in, at, in, to b) on, on, in, in c) at, in, near, of d) on, tos by, among 4. The high brown-painted bookshelves___the wall ___the fireplace were full___books. a) at, in front of, with b) across, opposite, of c) along, below, in d) near, above, off 5. Chicago lies___800 miles inland___the Atlantic Ocean and___centuries was known only___Indians ___a small trading post. a) around, off, for, for, as b) nearly, from, during, to, like c) near, across, since, for, like d) about, from, for, to, as 6. They walked slowly___the road___two small hills tired___the hot afternoon sun. a) in, between, from b) through, among, from c) along, between, of d) on, across, of 7. When I come___some English words which I don't know I always look them___in the dictionary. a) to, for b) on, through c) for, into d) across, up 8. The Milky Way,___a river___the night sky, consists___countless stars too faint to be seen separately. a) like, across, of b) like, in, from c) as, across, of d) as, in, from 9.___, trials the judge always objects___questions that suggest answers instead of asking___information. a) in,___,___ b) at, to, for c) on, at,___ d) during, on, to 10. Responsibility___providing school education is shared___the. central department and local education authorities. a) at, by b) on, between c) for, by d) to, among 11.___ a moment he hesitated; then he walked straight___the door and knocked___it. "I'll say I've knocked___mistake," he thought. a) in, into, to, on b) during, up, on, because of c) on, up to, against, through d) for, to, at, by 12. Many of the first immigrants died___diseases, and their ships were often battered___storm and lost ___sea. a) from, with, in b) of, by, at c) from, by, at d) of, with, in 13. The solution ___the problem was to build a merchant fleet and look___markets___far corners of the earth. So trade became the key___prosperity. a) of, up, in, of b) to, upon, at, to c) to, for, in, to ti) of, for, at, to 14. Situated___the San Francisco Bay and___the steep hills, San Francisco is a colourful city___lovely vistas, beautiful bridges (___these the famous Golden Gate Bridge) and richly decorated private mansions. a) along, among, of, among b) across, between, with, between c) near, in, of, between d) along, between, for, among 15. He crossed the street and sat___one of the iron benches that were placed___the trees___the shade. a) on, near, at b) in, under, on c) on, under, in d) at, at, to 16.1 shouted___my aunt and she came downstairs. My uncle was sitting ___his armchair ___the fire reading The Financial Times. a) to, on, in front of b) at, in, opposite c) to, in, by d) at, into, near 17.___the very beginning he became very popular ___his classmates owing___his striking ability___ telling frightening stories. a) in, among, due, for b) at, with, to, to c) on, between, for, of d) at, with, to, of 18. Jack did not much care___his host. It never occurred___him that he might be a burden. a) about, for b) for, to c) of, of d) for, for 19.1 am so sorry___being late. It's been good__ you to wait___. me. a) for, for, for b) of, of, of c) about, for,___ d) for, of, for 20. Her job___a tourist guide consists___taking tourists___the town and answering___their questions. a) as, of, round,___ b) as, from, about, to c) like, in, through,___ d) like, of, to, to
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