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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Choose the best alternative to complete each sentence

1. The company took out an ______ to prevent the newspaper from publishing the story.

a. incentive b. injunction c. inducement d. induction

2. Every business must operate within the legal ______ of the country.

a. pattern b. standard c. framework d. requirement

3. They have changed the wording on the packing to ______ the new regulations.

a. comply with b. come to c. call up d. take up

4. An employer is not allowed to discriminate ______ an employee because of race or colour.

a. for b. between c. with d. against

5. You realise that you will be ______ for any debts incurred if you sign this agreement?

a. likely b. apt c. liable d. bound

6. If you fail to deliver on time you will be in ______ of contract.

a. break b. failure c. fault d. breach

7. The company threatened to ______ the newspaper for libel unless an immediate apology was published.

a. court b. sue c. subject d. slander

8. Until you can prove you have a legal ______ to the property, we are not prepared to do business with you.

a. claim b. responsibility c. action d. status

9. As this is the first case of its kind it really depends on how the court ______ the law.

a. interprets b. translates c. explains d. performs

10. They proved that the accident was the result of his ______.

a. negligent b. responsibility c. negligence d. competence

11. They paid £1 million in ______ because of those faulty components.

a. damage b. compensation c. harm d. errors

12. We can't use that name because it's a registered ______.

a. trademark b. patent c. logo d. copyright

13. I think we should ______ our lawyers before signing any agreement.

a. confirm b. contract c. consign d. consult

14. The new law will strengthen ______ against unfair dismissal.

a. safeguards b. prevention c. grants d. avoidance

15. Litigation is on the ______ as consumers become more conscious of their rights.

a. surge b. escalation c. development d. rise


Put the following words and word combinations into the correct sentences:

breach of(contract) injunction negligent
claim interpret safeguard against
compensation for liable for sue(to court)
comply with logo take out(an injunction)
discriminate against negligence within the framework

1. A court ______ forbade Clive Heywood to enter his wife’s house.

2. The Government is ______ against the newspaper to try to stop it publishing a secret report.

3. How do you feel you can develop your skills ______ of the team?

4. The Government is obliged to ______ ____ the court’s ruling.

5. The court has ruled that UK employment laws ______ ____ part-time workers.

6. Accountants are ______ ____ all their mistakes.

7. This is a clear ______ ____ the 1984 Trade Agreement.

8. His ______ to the house was finally recognised by the court.

9. The Government has been accused of ______ in tackling the AIDS crisis.

10. Her husband died during an operation and it has taken her 3 years to prove that the medical staff were ______.

11. Criminals should be forced to pay ______ ____ the damages they cause.

12. The marketing department prints the company ______ on towels, T-shirts, headbands, and sneakers.

13. This program is an effective way of ___ your data ___ computer viruses.

14. They are worried that the workers might ______ the new law as a restriction of their rights.

15. If one party fails to comply with a contract, the other party may ___ it to court.

Date: 2016-01-20; view: 681; Нарушение авторских прав

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