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Essential vocabulary. 1. Something that needs a lot of skill, energy, and determination to deal with or achieve, especially something you have never done before and will enjoy

1. challenge noun

1. something that needs a lot of skill, energy, and determination to deal with or achieve, especially something you have never done before and will enjoy doing:

I was bored with my job and felt I needed a new challenge.

meet a challenge (=deal with it successfully):

Is your publishing house ready to meet the enormous challenges that lie ahead

the challenge is to do something:

* "establishment" — the most important and powerful people in a country, who are often thought of as being conservative and wanting to preserve their own power and influence.

The challenge for young authors is to achieve literary growth without damaging their individual style.

face a challenge (= have to deal with one):

The journalists face the daunting challenge of completing the issue on time.

2. an action or idea that questions whether something is true, accurate, or legal:

He began a legal challenge to clear his name.

pose/present a challenge to something:

Recent discoveries pose a serious challenge to accepted views on the age of this manuscript.

a refusal to accept someone's authority:

challenge to: The strike was seen as a direct challenge to the authority of the government.

challenge verb

1. to question whether something is true, accurate, or legal: No one has challenged the theory that is described in the report. This decision is likely to be challenged by the publishers. challenge someone on something:

They're not likely to challenge us on any of the details. challenge someone to do something:

The publishing house challenged the young journalist to prove that his article was true to life.

2. to refuse to accept someone's authority:

The president has accused the provincial government of challenging his leadership.

3. to test someone's skill and abilities:

My present job doesn't really challenge me.

A problem that has intrigued and challenged me for many years.

2. reference noun

la comment that mentions something or someone:

make a/no reference to:

He politely made no reference to my lack of literary experienced.

passing reference (= a quick comment about something):

Her speech contained only a passing reference to the problems of children's writers.

the process of looking at something in order to get information: The sentences are numbered for ease of reference. used to describe books or places where you can find information: the reference section of the library.

3. a statement from someone who knows you or has worked with you that gives information about you. You often need to provide a reference when you apply for a new job:

4. a word or phrase that comes from a book or a poem: His writing is full of obscure literary references.

5. a writer or a piece of work that is mentioned in a piece of writing by someone else:

There was a long list of references at the end of the paper. with reference to (FORMAL)

used in a letter to introduce the subject that you are going to write about.

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