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Toacy C. de Oliveira, Carlos J. P. de Lucena

Departamento de Informatica, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio

de Janeiro

Rua Marques de Sao Vicente 225, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22453 900, Brazil


Key words: reuse, framework, domain analysis, XML, object



Abstract: To accomplish the software development time and cost

constraints this development should take place in an environment

that helps the designer to deal with the large amount of concepts

obtained during the domain analysis phase and the semantic gap

between those concepts and the object oriented design model due to

their different levels of abstraction. This paper describes the main

features of an environment designed to support the development of

IS software based on framework reuse and XML specifications.


The cost and time to market constraints imposed on modern

software development oblige application designers to leave the made

from scratch approach and adopt a reuse enabled support to software

development. As a consequence during the system development

proven solutions such as Components [6] and Frameworks [7] must




be composed with an application initial specification to obtain

the final design/code. It is also important that the act of achieving

this application initial specification be handled by a process that

captures domain knowledge and guides the application designer to

map/trace its translation to any design representation, such as Object

Oriented Design, from where the final specification can be extracted.

In this paper we report the ongoing development of an environ

ment that uses a Domain and Reuse Driven approach to the software

and development problem. This work is an extension of the approach

presented in [19] with the introduction of the XML/XMI standards

[10] to represent the designs involved. Another change to the approach

is the use of a framework design language to be able to deal with

generic framework specifications.

It is also important to mention that such an approach should be

based upon some characteristics:

n Compatibility — It must use market standards to provide

compatibility/integration with other systems.

n Code Legibility — During development the compilation/

debugging is usually done with a market IDE such as Borland

JBuilder and IBM VisualAge, so the user must understand the final


n Focused on OO — The user must only know OOP techniques.

n UML — Due to OMG standards.

n Upgradable — Reuse actions such as inheritance, composition,

patterns, frameworks and aspects can evolve.

With these characteristics in mind our approach adopts market

standards like UML and XMI that are used as the basis of the repre

sentation of the diagrams involved. The approach begins by making

a thorough analysis to determine the common and different aspects

of the domain with the FODA Method [4] and Use Cases [13] to

reduce the so called “Semantic Gap”. After that the application

designer creates a class diagram based on the previous models that

will be used as the application ICEIS 2001 — Information Systems

Analysis and Specification.

In the reuse phase we have a modification of the traditional

software development approach where reuse should be handled. From

this phase a XMI representation of the domain specification is




obtained to facilitate the composition manipulation of this

specification with the reuse specification (also expressed in XMI)

that is stored in a reuse repository.

After the choice of the reuse specification, which is done

empirically, the environment user will be guided to execute reuse

actions, stated as class redefinition clauses, pattern usage or

composition that have been defined by the reusable artifact designer.

Section 2 describes the approach overview and its adaptations to the

current processes. In Section 3 we describe how domain information

is collected. In Section 4 the reuse approach is depicted. Section 5

reports on a Rental System development used as a case study. In the

last section we present our conclusions.


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