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Text 7. Integrated circuits

The techniques used to manufacture transistors led to the possibility of producing very small and reliable electronics circuits commonly known as integrated circuits (ICs). ICs have diodes, transistors, resistors, and all interconnecting leads formed on a single piece of semiconductor material.

The increasing trend toward miniaturization has resulted in the development of micro integrated circuitry performing the combined functions of several stages. The idea of IC envisions the eventual abandonment of the discrete component concept for electronic circuits. Instead, a complete functional package is becoming the replacement item for technicians.

An IC chip consists of the miniaturized components required for amplifier, oscillator and switching circuits and is contained in a package smaller than any of the original components in their conventional form. Integrated circuits are usually considered in three general classifications: thin-film, monolithic, and hybrid.

Thin-film class uses a nonconductive dielectric substrate such as mica or ceramics. Passive components such as resistors and capacitors in the form of thin film with connecting leads are deposited on the substrate, and the package is covered with a protective material. This type is more bulky and has a relatively high component-failure rate.

Monolithic ICs are made by a diffusion process. This class of IC consists of a semiconductor substrate with circuit components diffused into it. Monolithic ICs used extensively in computer logic systems are less bulky and more reliable than the thin-film type.

The hybrid type is a combination of thin-film and monolithic types. In the hybrid ICs passive components such as resistors are fabricated by the thin-film technique, and active components such as transistors are included by the monolithic process.

Transistors, diodes, and resistors are relatively easy to integrate, but inductors are more difficult because of the size usually required for higher values. An IC-module or chip can contain three or more interconnected stages, and complete electronic systems such as amplifiers no larger than a conventional transistor are not uncommon. Colour TV, radios, high-fidelity audio systems, transmitters, computers and space vehicle equipment all utilize integrated circuitry.

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