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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Grammar. 1. Review of adjective categories: degrees of comparison, describing adjective

1. Review of adjective categories: degrees of comparison, describing adjective.

2. Cardinal and ordinal numbers.

3. There is/are. Prepositions of place.



1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. Pedagogical encyclopedical dictionary. / Chief editor B.M. Bim-Bad. - М.: Great Russian encyclopedia, 2002. - 528 p.

5. Podlasiy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

6. Psychological dictionary/ Edited by V.P. Zinchenko, V.G. Meshcheryakova. M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1997.

7. Aismontas B.B. General psychology: Schemes. - М.: Publ. Vlados-Press, 2003. – 288 p.

8. Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary. 7th edition.

9. Slastyonin V.A. and others. Pedagogy. Teaching manual for students of HEIs / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Issayev, Ye.N. Shiyanov. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p.

10. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2007.

11. State Program of developing education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.

12. http://www.native-english.ru/topics/education-in-kazakhstan


Practical lesson #3


Topic: Pedagogue in the system of elementary education. Elementary school teacher’s model.

Aim: to train students how to design an elementary school teacher’s model and define the importance and place of a pedagogue in the system of elementary education

Key special words: should, can, must, know, apply, pedagogy, psychology, anatomy, physiology, sociology, philosophy, age psychology, general and inclusive education, methodology of teaching in elementary school, research articles, school subjects, Arts, Mathematics, Russian/ Kazakh/ English language, Literary reading, ABC book, Technology, Physical education, Natural science or World cognition/Surrounding world, Music.


1. What is the place of a pedagogue in the system of elementary education?

2. How to design an elementary school teacher’s model?

3. What should you do to develop as an elementary school teacher?

4. What school subjects do you know?

5. What sciences are related to pedagogy and methodology elementary education?


1. Design the an elementary school teacher’s model according to the following structure in the form of a project (presentation, audio or video):

a) Elementary school teacher must know bases of pedagogy and psychology, anatomical features of child’s development, methodology of teaching mathematics, language, world cognition, fine arts … in elementary school …

b) Elementary school teacher can apply new technologies of teaching, use a computer, advice and work with parent, plan lessons …

c) Elementary school teacher should be kind, loving children, responsible, neat, smart …

2. Write a few sentences about developing as an elementary school teacher (Complete tasks from Practical lesson #3)



1. Review of Present Tenses: Present Simple and Present Continuous.

2. Modal verbs: can, could, should, must, have to.



1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. SES RK 6.08.059-2010
5В010200 – Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2010.

5. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2007.

6. State Program of developing education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.

7. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., Agrevtseva T. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.

8. Pedagogical encyclopedical dictionary. / Chief editor B.M. Bim-Bad. - М.: Great Russian encyclopedia, 2002. - 528 p.

9. Podlasiy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

10. Psychological dictionary/ Edited by V.P. Zinchenko, V.G. Meshcheryakova. M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1997.

11. Aismontas B.B. General psychology: Schemes. - М.: Publ. Vlados-Press, 2003. – 288 p.

12. Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary. 7th edition.

13. Slastyonin V.A. and others. Pedagogy. Teaching manual for students of HEIs / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Issayev, Ye.N. Shiyanov. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p.

14. Bekmagambetova R.K. Working textbook of general foundations. Almaty, 2006.

15. http://slingingthebull.com/sixteen-qualities-of-a-good-teacher/


Practical lesson #4


Topic: Psychology and human development. Human development theories. Characteristics of young learners’ development. Motivation.

Aim: to train students to define and understand different theories on human development and characteristics of young learners’ development.

Key special words: psychology, age psychology, mind, human development, areas of development, physical and cognitive development, psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, genetic and environmental factors, society, constructivism, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, behavior, behaviorism, motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation


1. What are areas of development?

2. Is the course of development continuous or discontinuous?

3. Is there one general course of development that characterizes all children, or are there many possible courses?

4. Are genetic or environmental factors more important in determining development?

5. Do individual children establish stable, lifelong patterns of behavior in early development, or are they open to change?

6. Who developed different theories on human development?

7. What is the main Freud’s contribution to psychological theories of human development?

8. What are characteristics of young learners’ development?

9. What is motivation? What are kinds of motivation?



1. Make up the Glossary for the topic “Psychology and human development”.

2. Discuss the areas of human development (physical, cognitive and mental development).

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Read the text about Sigmund Freud and complete the tasks.

5. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #4).


1. Review of Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.

2. Past Tenses: Past Simple and Past Continuous. There was/were.


1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. SES RK 6.08.059-2010
5В010200 – Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2010.

5. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2007.

6. Maslow A. Motivation and personality. Spb.: Eurasia, 1999. - 395 p.

7. Pedagogical encyclopedical dictionary. / Chief editor B.M. Bim-Bad. - М.: Great Russian encyclopedia, 2002. - 528 p.

8. Podlasiy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

9. Psychological dictionary/ Edited by V.P. Zinchenko, V.G. Meshcheryakova. M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1997.

10. Aismontas B.B. General psychology: Schemes. - М.: Publ. Vlados-Press, 2003. – 288 p.

11. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., Agrevtseva T. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.

12. Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary. 7th edition.

13. Shapovalenko I.V. Age-specific psychology. – M., 2007.

14. Nemov R.S. Psychology. Textbook for students of HEIs. In 3 volumes. M.:Vlados, 2003.

15. Mukhina V.S. Age-specific psychology: phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence. Publishing by Academy. 2004.

16. http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/motivation.aspx


Practical lesson #5


Topic: Principles and forms of educational process in elementary school. Auxiliary forms of studying.

Aim: to train students to define principles and forms of educational process in elementary school.

Key special words: principles and forms of educational process, auxiliary forms, lesson, teaching and learning strategies, practice, experience, feedback, evaluation/ assessment, didactic, excellence, effectiveness, visualization, individualization, humanization, collaboration, rationalization, continuity, lifelong learning, mobility, system, coherence, accessibility, activity, performance/progress.


1. What is a principle?

2. What are principles of educational process? Explain the meaning of each.

3. What are forms of educational process?

4. What is feedback?

5. Is it important to receive feedback from learners? Why?

6. What are effective forms of teaching, in your opinion? Prove.

7. What is lifelong learning?

8. How should we assess students in classrooms? Give some strategies.

9. What is experience?

10. What is practice? Explain the meaning of the proverb Practice makes perfect.



1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Principles and forms of educational process in elementary school” and “Auxiliary forms of studying”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #5)


1. Future Simple.

2. To be going to.


1. Pedagogical encyclopedical dictionary. / Chief editor B.M. Bim-Bad. - М.: Great Russian encyclopedia, 2002. - 528 p.

2. Podlasiy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

3. Pedagogical dictionary by Kodzhaspirova G.M., KodzhaspirovA.Yu. M.: Moscow: PH “MarT”, 2005. – 448 p.

4. Psychology and pedagogy.Teaching manual for universities. Edited by A.A.Radugina, - М., 2006

5. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., Agrevtseva T. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.

6. Kan-Kalik V.A. To a teacher about pedagogical communication. М.: Education, 1997 - 212 p.

7. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

8. Slastyonin V.A. and others. Pedagogy. Teaching manual for students of HEIs / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Issayev, Ye.N. Shiyanov. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p.

9. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

10. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

11. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages


Practical lesson #6


Topic: Lesson as an element of complete system. Non-traditional forms of educational process.

Aim: to train students to understand the significant place of a lesson as an element of complete system and apply non-traditional forms of educational process

Key special words: lesson, teaching, learning, traditional and non-traditional forms of educational process, method, methodology system, training, excursion, travelling lesson, workshop, conference, problem-solving, labs, excursions, online-lessons, mentoring, tutoring, family teaching, self-study, business games, studio lessons, projects, creative week, research week.



1. What is lesson?

2. What is an effective lesson, in your opinion? Prove.

3. What are main features of a lesson?

4. What types of lesson do you know?

5. What are non-traditional forms of educational process? Give the example.

6. What are labs?

7. What is conference?

8. What are online-lessons?

9. Where do we usually go for excursions?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Lesson as an element of complete system” and “Non-traditional forms of educational process”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #6)

1. Prepare a microteaching for any non-traditional type of lesson. Make up self-analysis of your microteaching (6 thinking hats).

5. Watch the movie “The Chorus” by Christophe Barratier (2004) and discuss questions (Pr. lesson #6)


1. Imperial and subjunctive mood

2. Conditionals (If-sentences)


1. Pedagogical encyclopedical dictionary. / Chief editor B.M. Bim-Bad. - М.: Great Russian encyclopedia, 2002. - 528 p.

2. PodlasiyI.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

3. Pedagogical dictionary by Kodzhaspirova G.M., KodzhaspirovA.Yu. M.: Moscow: PH “MarT”, 2005. – 448 p.

4. Psychology and pedagogy.Teaching manual for universities. Edited by A.A.Radugina, - М., 2006

5. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., Agrevtseva T. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.

6. Kan-Kalik V.A. To a teacher about pedagogical communication. М.: Education, 1997 - 212 p.

7. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

8. Slastyonin V.A. and others. Pedagogy. Teaching manual for students of HEIs / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Issayev, Ye.N. Shiyanov. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p.

9. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

10. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

11. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

12. http://www.accesskhas.ru/articles_1_3.html


Practical lesson #7


Topic: Methods and means of modern pedagogy. Methodology. Specific methods of teaching.

Aim: to train students to define and understand the nature of method and methodology, to apply specific methods of teaching in the classroom

Key special words: method of teaching, scientific method, methodology, modern pedagogy, training, adaptation, art therapy, storytelling, verbal methods, visual methods, practical methods, didactic exercises, creative methods, interactive methods, intensive methods, drill exercises, collaborating, game, role-playing, didactic games, demonstrating, explaining, presenting, testing, brain-storming, story-telling, teaching aids, technical teaching aids.



1. What is method of teaching?

2. What is methodology?

3. What is adaption?

4. What types of methods do you know? (visual, practical, verbal) Give an example.

5. What are creative methods? Give an example.

6. What are didactic exercises? Give an example.

7. What teaching aids can name?

8. What do we refer to technical means of teaching?

9. What is demonstrating, explaining, presenting, testing, collaborating?



2. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

3. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Methods and means of modern pedagogy”.

4. Answer the questions above.

5. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #7)

6. Choose one of the specific methods and prepare microteaching. Make up self-analysis of your microteaching (6 thinking hats).


3. Imperial and subjunctive mood

4. Conditionals (If-sentences)


1. Pedagogical encyclopedical dictionary. / Chief editor B.M. Bim-Bad. - М.: Great Russian encyclopedia, 2002. - 528 p.

2. Podlasiy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

3. Pedagogical dictionary by Kodzhaspirova G.M., KodzhaspirovA.Yu. M.: Moscow: PH “MarT”, 2005. – 448 p.

4. Psychology and pedagogy.Teaching manual for universities. Edited by A.A.Radugina, - М., 2006

5. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., Agrevtseva T. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.

6. Kan-Kalik V.A. To a teacher about pedagogical communication. М.: Education, 1997 - 212 p.

7. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

8. Slastyonin V.A. and others. Pedagogy. Teaching manual for students of HEIs / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Issayev, Ye.N. Shiyanov. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p.

9. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

10. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

11. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

12. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. Teaching manual. M.: Folk education, 1998. – 256 p.

13. http://www.e-reading.by/book.php?book=72414


Practical lesson #8


Topic: Traditional and modern technologies of teaching in elementary school.

Aim: to train students to define traditional and modern technologies of teaching in elementary school and how to apply them in the classroom.

Key special words: method, technology, learning, innovative, developing technology, humanistic technology, individual and collective technology, problem teaching, cooperative learning and teaching, author’s technologies, technology of individualization, active teaching and learning, technology of intensifying learning process, gaming technologies, information technologies, technology of critical thinking, technology of active learning.



1. What is an educational technology?

2. What are differences between traditional and innovative technologies?

3. What is developing technology?

4. What are individual and collective technologies?

5. What is cooperative learning and teaching?

6. What are main strategies of cooperative learning?

7. What methods and activities of cooperative learning do you know?

8. What is active teaching and learning?

9. What is technology of intensifying learning process?

10. What are gaming technologies?

11. What are types of didactic games?

12. What author’s technologies for different school subjects do you know?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Traditional and modern technologies of teaching in elementary school”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #8).

5. Role-playing.

6. Make up a lesson plan using cooperative learning strategies in it.



1. Infinitive: complex object and complex subject.

2. Place of infinitive in a sentence.

3. Verbs used only in Infinitive.


1. Pedagogical encyclopedical dictionary. / Chief editor B.M. Bim-Bad. - М.: Great Russian encyclopedia, 2002. - 528 p.

2. PodlasiyI.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

3. Pedagogical dictionary by Kodzhaspirova G.M., KodzhaspirovA.Yu. M.: Moscow: PH “MarT”, 2005. – 448 p.

4. Psychology and pedagogy.Teaching manual for universities. Edited by A.A.Radugina, - М., 2006

5. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., Agrevtseva T. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.

6. Kan-Kalik V.A. To a teacher about pedagogical communication. М.: Education, 1997 - 212 p.

7. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

8. Slastyonin V.A. and others. Pedagogy. Teaching manual for students of HEIs / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Issayev, Ye.N. Shiyanov. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p.

9. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

10. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

11. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

12. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. Teaching manual. M.: Folk education, 1998. – 256 p.

13. Kagan S. Cooperative learning. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishing, 1986, p. 269.


Practical lesson #9


Topic: Modern methods and technologies of elementary education in foreign pedagogy.

Aim: to train students to define and apply modern methods and technologies of elementary education in foreign pedagogy.

Key special words: modern methods of teaching, technology, educational technology, brain-storming, mind-mapping, critical thinking, multiple intelligence, cooperative learning, creativity and creative methods of teaching, creative writing, storytelling, problem-solving, role-playing


1. What is modern method of teaching?

2. What are major characteristics of modern method of teaching?

3. What is technology?

4. What is educational technology?

5. What is brain-storming?

6. What is mind-mapping?

7. What is critical thinking?

8. What are multiple intelligences?

9. What is creativity?

10. What is creative writing?

11. What creative methods of teaching do you know?

12. What is cooperative learning?

13. What is storytelling?

14. What is role-playing?

15. What is problem-solving?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Modern methods and technologies of elementary education in foreign pedagogy”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #9).

5. Make up 3 lesson plans using 6 thinking hats, multiple intelligence and mind-mapping strategies in them.


1. Gerund.

2. Place of gerund in a sentence.

3. Verbs used only in Gerund.


1. Podlasiy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

2. Pedagogical dictionary by Kodzhaspirova G.M., KodzhaspirovA.Yu. M.: Moscow: PH “MarT”, 2005. – 448 p.

3. Psychology and pedagogy.Teaching manual for universities. Edited by A.A.Radugina, - М., 2006

4. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., Agrevtseva T. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.

5. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

6. Slastyonin V.A. and others. Pedagogy. Teaching manual for students of HEIs / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Issayev, Ye.N. Shiyanov. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p.

7. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

8. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

9. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

10. Torrance E.P. Education and creativity // Creativity: progress and potential / Taylor C.W. (Ed.), N.Y. San-Francisco - Toronto - L., - 1964.

11. Gardner, H. Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books. 1985.

12. Edward de Bono. Six thinking hats. Little Brown and Company; 1st U.S. ed edition, 1985. - 207 pages

13. Graeme Harper. On Creative Writing. Multilingual Matters, 2010, p.152.


Practical lesson #10


Topic: Theory and technology of teaching reading and writing skills, English language.

Aim: to train students to define and understand key aspects of theory and technology of teaching reading and writing skills, English language.

Key special words: reading and writing skills, reading strategies, storytelling, ask questions, answer, skimming and scanning, writing strategies, dictation, essay, Russian, Kazakh, English language, written speech, literary reading, ABC, letter, sound, word, sentence, paragraph, text, capital letter, four speech activities (reading, writing, listening, speaking), spelling, literature, children literature, children authors, fiction, fairytale, narrator, folklore, poem, poetry, tale, legend, myth, diary, bibliography, encyclopedia, excerpt, glossary, prologue, epilogue, plagiarism, eulogy, drama, tragedy, dialogue, monologue, playwright, play, theatre.


1. What is reading?

2. What are young learners’ reading skills?

3. What are reading strategies?

4. What is skimming?

5. What is scanning?

6. What types of reading do you know?

7. What are difficulties in teaching reading skills?

8. What is writing?

9. What is spelling?

10. What are young learners’ writing skills?

11. What are difficulties in teaching writing skills?

12. What is critical writing?

13. What is creative writing?

14. What is glossary?

15. What is vocabulary?

16. What are four speech activities: speaking, listening, writing, reading (English language)?

17. What are difficulties in teaching a foreign language?

18. What are methods of teaching reading skills?

19. What are methods of teaching writing skills?

20. What are methods of teaching a foreign language?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Theory and technology of teaching reading and writing skills, English language”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #10)

5. Complete the scheme “Methods of teaching reading”, “Methods of teaching writing”, “Methods of teaching English language”.

6. Reading of children literature pieces of foreign writers: Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland”, Oscar Wilde’s “The Star-Child”, Alan Alexander Milne’s “Winnie the Pooh”. Make up a quiz.

7. To learn any poem of an English poet (not less than 12 lines).


1. Gerund or infinitive.

2. Passive voice: Present tense


1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self–study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. PodlasiyI.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

5. Aismontas B.B. General psychology: Schemes. - М.: Publ. Vlados-Press, 2003. – 288 p.

6. Slastyonin V.A. and others. Pedagogy. Teaching manual for students of HEIs / V.A. Slastyonin, I.F. Issayev, Ye.N. Shiyanov. – M.: publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p.

7. Stepanova S.N., Hafizova S.I., Agrevtseva T. English for the direction «Pedagogical education». Moscow, Academy, 2012.

8. Turgunbayeva B.A. Pedagogical technologies as the condition for transition to competence education// Elementary school of Kazakhstan. - 2006. – No.1. - p.12-14

9. Shchukin A.N. Modern intensive methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages: Teaching manual. — M.: Filomatis, 2008. — 188 p.

10. Bekmagambetova R.K. Working textbook of general foundations. Almaty, 2006.

11. http://rehabcouncil.nic.in/writereaddata/LI-3-2000.pdf

12. http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/authors/wilde/starchild.html

13. http://www.just-pooh.com/milne.html

14. http://www.lingvistov.ru/reading-club-winnie-the-pooh-by-alan-alexander-milne/

15. http://englishfromhome.ru/books/alice_in_wonderland.php

Practical lesson #11


Topic: Theory and technology of teaching mathematics and computer science

Aim: to train students to define and understand key aspects of theory and technology of teaching mathematics and computer science

Key special words: mathematics, numbers, tasks, sum, plus, minus, count, add, subtract, divide, multiply, calculator, arithmetic, logic thinking, operation, fractions, measurement, data, solve, geometry, addition and subtraction, equal, place value, equations, measure and estimate, shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle), time and money, object, multiplication and division, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, perimeter, linear and area measures, whole numbers, decimal fractions, percent, angles and lines, computer science, presentation, personal computer, Paint, Microsoft word.


1. What is mathematics?

2. What is logic education?

3. What kind of logic do young learners have?

4. What are main math operations of first graders?

5. What are main math operations of second graders?

6. What are main math operations of third graders?

7. What are main math operations of fourth graders?

8. What methods of teaching mathematics?

9. What are difficulties in teaching mathematics to young learners?

10. How can Jean Piaget’s theory help to overcome difficulties in teaching mathematics to young learners?

11. What is computer science?

12. What is personal computer?

13. What are main topics in teaching computer science?

14. What methods of teaching computer science?

15. What are difficulties in teaching computer science to young learners?



1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Review of the lexical topic “Cardinal and ordinal numbers”, “Computer”, “Internet”, “Social networking”.

3. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Theory and technology of teaching mathematics and computer science”.

4. Answer the questions above.

5. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #11)

6. Complete the scheme “Methods of teaching mathematics”, “Methods of teaching computer science”.

7. Make a list of topics in Computer science for young learners.



1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. SES RK 6.08.059-2010
5В010200 – Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2010.

5. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

6. Bekmagambetova R.K. Working textbook of educational theory. Almaty, 2008.

7. PodlasiyI.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

8. Methodology of teaching mathematics. By Aknayeva D.B., Lebedeva L.A. Teaching manual for students of the specialty “Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education”. Almaty, 2011.

9. http://www.ehow.com/facts_7441475_methods-teaching-mathematics-primary-school.html

10. http://www.academia.edu/4068280/Using_the_Internet_in_Teaching_Mathematics_in_Primary_School

11. http://www.computinginprimaryschools.com/teaching-resources


1. Present and Past Participle.

2. Passive voice: Past tense.

Practical lesson #12


Topic: Theory and technology of teaching Natural science (World Cognition/ Surrounding world), Self-knowledge

Aim: to train students to define and understand key aspects of theory and technology of teaching the World Cognition/ Natural science, Self-knowledge

Key special words: teaching, theory, Natural science, world cognition, nature, territory, self-knowledge, self-concept, self-esteem, personality, individuality, culture, humanity, people, animals, plants, trees, flowers, forest, mountains, weather, rain, snow, ice, air, birds, fish, rivers, seas, lakes, oceans, countries, cities, capitals, villages, regions, pollution, waste, litter (trash, garbage), factories and works, industry.



1. What is World cognition (Natural science)?

2. What are main problems (topics) of teaching World cognition?

3. What is ecological education?

4. What is naturalistic intelligence?

5. What are methods of teaching World cognition?

6. What are difficulties in teaching World cognition?

7. What is Self-knowledge?

8. What teaching methods of Self-knowledge do you know?

9. How can young learners express themselves?

10. What are methods of teaching Self-knowledge?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Review of the lexical topics “Animals”, “Nature”, “Pollution”.

3. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Theory and technology of teaching knowledge of the world (World Cognition), Self-knowledge”.

4. Answer the questions above.

5. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #12)

6. Complete the scheme “Methods of teaching World Cognition”, “Methods of teaching Self-knowledge”

7. Build up a model of “Self-Concept” for young learners.



1. Passive voice: Future tense.

2. Active or Passive voice.


1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

3. Bekmagambetova R.K. Working textbook of educational theory. Almaty, 2008.

4. Kagan S. Cooperative learning. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishing, 1986, p. 269.

5. PodlasiyI.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

6. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

7. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

8. Pedagogical dictionary by Kodzhaspirova G.M., KodzhaspirovA.Yu. M.: Moscow: PH “MarT”, 2005. – 448 p.

9. http://oaji.net/articles/2014/457-1408434804.pdf

10. http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/69219/SchemaModeloftheSelf-Concept.pdf?sequence=1

11. http://lamanauskas.puslapiai.lt/Lamanauskas_Hradec-Kralov.090915.pdf


Practical lesson #13


Topic: Theory and technology of teaching fine arts, music, technology

Aim: to train students to define and understand key aspects of theory and technology of teaching fine arts, music and technology (handcraft).


Key special words: art, fine arts, music, technology (labour), musical instruments, play the piano/guitar/violin/cello/drums, music styles, sing, paint, draw, glue, pen, pencil, applique’ work, plasticine, collage, quilling, knitting, sowing, cooking, Mozart Effect, handcraft, sculpture, pottery, photograph, masterpiece, installation art, contemporary art, pop art, portrait, landscape, performance art, dance, artist, exhibition, museum, art gallery, rhythm.


1. What is aesthetic education?

2. What is art?

3. What do we need art for?

4. What are fine arts?

5. What are methods of teaching fine arts?

6. What famous painters do you know?

7. What is music?

8. What are methods of teaching music?

9. What famous composers do you know?

10. What is Mozart Effect? Do you believe in its “power”?

11. What extracurricular work can a teacher do to develop art skills?

12. What is craft (handcraft)?

13. What methods of teaching handcraft?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Review of the lexical topic “Art”, “Music”.

3. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Theory and technology of teaching fine arts, music, technology”

4. Answer the questions above.

5. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #13)

6. Complete the scheme “Methods of teaching fine arts”, “Methods of teaching of music”, “Methods of teaching technology (crafts)”

7. Make up a presentation about any famous composer (Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Fryderyk Chopin, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Gabriel Faure, Maurice Ravel and others)


1. Reported speech.


1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

5. Bekmagambetova R.K. Working textbook of educational theory. Almaty, 2008.

6. Kagan S. Cooperative learning. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishing, 1986, p. 269.

7. PodlasiyI.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

8. http://www.arteducation.co.uk/

9. http://www.queentorrent.net/teaching-integrated-arts-in-the-primary-school

10. http://www.biographyonline.net/famous-composers/

11. http://totallyhistory.com/biography/famous-composers/


Practical lesson #14


Topic: Theory and technology of teaching physical education

Aim: to train students to define and understand key aspects of theory and technology of teaching physical education.

Key special words: physical education (PE), sports, outdoor and indoor sports, exercises, Olympics Games, summer and winter games, world cup, Special Olympics games, skating, skiing, sledding, team sports, yoga practice, ice hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, archery, athletics, badminton, baseball, boxing, cycling, biathlon, jumping, running, gymnastics, swimming, sailing, rugby, golf, rowing, weightlifting, wrestling, fencing, morning exercise.


1. What sports do you know?

2. What are winter and summer sports?

3. What kinds of sport exercises do you know?

4. Do you do morning exercises?

5. Why is it important to be physically healthy?

6. What is your favourite sport?

7. What is physical education?

8. What are methods of teaching physical education?

9. What is yoga?

10. Have you ever practiced yoga exercises? If yes, what exercises?



1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Review of the lexical topic “Sports”.

3. Make up a list of special terms for the “Theory and technology of teaching physical education”.

4. Answer the questions above.

5. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #14)

6. Complete the scheme “Methods of teaching physical education”



1. Reported speech.

2. Definite and non-definite sentences.


1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. Bekmagambetova R.K. Didactics. Almaty, 2010.

5. Bekmagambetova R.K. Working textbook of educational theory. Almaty, 2008.

6. PodlasiyI.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p.

7. http://bookfi.org/book/1179691

8. http://www.academia.edu/1252823/Practice_and_reciprocal_styles_of_teaching_in_primary_school_physical_education


Practical lesson #15


Topic: Scientific and pedagogical researches of elementary education

Aim: to form students’ knowledge about scientific and pedagogical researches of elementary education in Kazakhstan and world.

Key special words: research, science, integration, theory, inclusion, inclusive education, exclusion, general education, team-teaching, problem, primary/elementary education, scientific and pedagogical researches, modern technologies, author’s methods of teaching.



1. What are modern scientific and pedagogical researches of elementary education in Kazakhstan?

2. What are modern scientific and pedagogical researches of elementary education in the world?

3. What is general education?

4. What is separate education?

5. What is inclusive education?

6. What is inclusion?

7. What is integration?

8. What types of inclusive education are there?

9. What are benefits of inclusive education?

10. What are main principles of inclusive education?

11. What contemporary author’s methods of teaching do you know?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the “Scientific and pedagogical researches of elementary education”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #15)


Grammar: Review. Final test.


1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – М.:Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. SES RK 6.08.059-2010
5В010200 – Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2010.

5. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2007.

6. State Program of developing education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.

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