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The way in which organisms obtain energy to power their life processes is called respiration, and this takes place in their cells. Respiration takes the energy stored in foods (such as glucose) and changes it into a form that can be used by the cell. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell; they release all the energy it needs. Glucose enters the mitochondria and combines with oxygen. This process gives off energy in the form of a chemical called ATP. Carbon dioxide and water are the waste products. 9. Read the text and find English equivalents to the Russian words: Происходить, отходы, процесс избавления, скапливаться, выделять, распад, излишний, пища, испражнение. Excretion The chemical reactions that take place inside cells produce waste products. Getting rid of these is called excretion. Excretion is necessary because if the waste products were allowed to build up, they would poison and kill the organism. Plants and animals excrete carbon dioxide from respiration. Plants also excrete oxygen, a waste product of photosynthesis, during the day. Animals need to get rid of waste from the breakdown of excess proteins in their diet. Expelling waste matter after digestion is defecation, not excretion.
Read the text and answer the questions. Growth When an organism grows it adds more cells to itself and becomes more complex. Once an organism has grown, it cannot return to its original size. Growth occurs by a process called mitosis, during which the chromosomes in a cell double and divide, and then the cell splits into two. In this way each new cell ends up as an exact replica of the original cell. 1. What is “mitosis”? 2. What is growth?
Read the text and tell about homeostasis. Date: 2015-04-23; view: 661; Нарушение авторских прав |