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1. John Blofeld, The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet (New York: E. P. Button, 1970X pp. 61–62.

2. Garma С. С. Chuang, Teachings of Tibetan Yoga (Secaucus, N. J.: Citadel Press, 1974), p. 26.

3. Blofeld, Tantric Mysticism, pp. 61–62.

4. Lobsang P. Lhalungpa, trans., The Life of Milarepa (Boulder, Colo.: Shambhala Publications, 1977), pp. 181–82.

5. Reginald Horace Blyth, Games Zen Masters Play, ed. Robert Sohl and Audrey Carr (New York: New American Library, 1976), p. 15.

6. Margaret Stutley, Hinduism (Wellingborough, England: Aquarian Press, 1985), pp. 9, 163.

7. Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester, trans., The Upanishads (Hollywood, Calif.: Vedanta Press, 1975), p. 197.

8. Sir John Woodroffe, The Serpent Power (New York: Dover, 1974), p. 33.

9. Stutley, Hinduism, p. 27.

10. Ibid., pp. 27–28.

11. Woodroffe, Serpent Power, pp. 29, 33.

12. Leo Schaya, The Universal Meaning of the Kabbalah (Baltimore, Md.: Penguin, 1973), p. 67.

13. Ibid.

14. Serge King, «The Way of the Adventurer» in Shamanism, ed Shirley Nicholson (Wheaton, 111.: Theosophical Publishing House, 1987), p. 193.

15. E. Nandisvara Nayake Thero, «The Dreamtime, Mysticism, and Liberation: Shamanism in Australia», in Shamanism, ed. Shirley Nicholson (Wheaton, III.: Theosophical Publishing House, 1987), p. 226.

16. Marcel Griaule, Conversations with Ogotemmeli (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p. 108.

17. Douglas Sharon, Wizard of the Four Winds: A Shaman's Story (New York: Free Press, 1978), p. 49.

18. Henry Corbin, Creative Imagination in the Sufism of lbn 'Arabi, trans. Ralph Manheim (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1969), p. 259.

19. Brian Brown, The Wisdom of the Egyptians (New York: Brentano's, 1923), p. 156.

20. Woodroffe, Serpent Power, p. 22.

21. John G. Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks (New York: Pocket Books, 1972), p. 36.

22. Tryon Edwards, A Dictionary of Thought (Detroit: F. B. Dickerson Co., 1901), p. 196.

23. Sir Charles Eliot, Japanese Buddhism (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1969), pp. 109–10.

24. Alan Watts, Tао: The Watercourse Way (New York: Pantheon Books, 1975), p. 35.

25. F. Franck, Book of Angelas Silesius (New York: Random House, 1976), as quoted in Stanislav Grof, Beyond the Brain (Albany, N. Y.: SUNY Press, 1985), p. 76.

26. «'Holophonic' Sound Broadcasts Directly to Brain», Brain/Mind Bulletin 8, no. 10 (May 30, 1983), p. 1.

27. «European Media See Holophony as Breakthrough», Brain/Mind Bulletin 8, no. 10 (May 30, 1983), p. 3.

28. Ilya Prigogine and Yves Elskens, «Irreversibility, Stochasticity and Non-Locality in Classical Dynamics», in Quantum Implications, ed. Basil J. Hiley and F. David Peat (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987), p. 214; see also «A Holographic Fit?» Brain / Mind Bulletin 4, no. 13 (May 21, 1979), p. 3.

29. Marcus S. Cohen, «Design of a New Medium for Volume Holographic Information Processing», Applied Optics 25, no. 14 (July 15, 1986), pp. 2288–94.

30. Dana Z. Anderson, «Coherent Optical Eigenstate Memory», Optics Letters 11, no. 1 (January 1986), pp. 56–58.

31. Willis W. Harman, «The Persistent Puzzle: The Need for a Basic Restructuring of Science», Noetic Sciences Review, no. 8 (Autumn 1988), p. 23.

32. «Interview: Brian L. Weiss, M. D.», Venture Inward 6, no. 4 (July / August 1990), pp. 17–18.

33. Из личной беседы с автором 9 ноября 1987.

34. Stanley R. Dean, С. О. Plyler, Jr., and Michael L. Dean, «Should Psychic Studies Be Included in Psychiatric Education? An Opinion Survey», American Journal of Psychiatry 137, no. 10 (October 1980), pp. 1247–49.

35. Ian Stevenson, Children Who Remember Previous Lives (Charlottesville, Va.: University Press of Virginia, 1987), p. 9.

36. Alexander P. Dubrov and Veniamin N. Pushkin, Parapsychology and Contemporary Science (New York: Consultants Bureau, 1982), p. 13.

37. Harman, Noetic Sciences Review, p. 25.

38. Kenneth Ring, «Near-Death and UFO Encounters as Shamanic Initiations: Some Conceptual and Evolutionary Implications», Re Vision 11, no. 3 (Winter 1989), p. 16.

39. Richard Daab and Michael Peter Langevin, «An Interview with Whitley Strieber», Magical Blend 25 (January 1990), p. 41.

40. Lytle Robinson, Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man (New York: Berkley Medallion, 1972), pp. 34, 42.

41. Цитата из Ланкаватара-сутры, приведенная Кеном Уилбером в главе «Physics, Mysticism, and the new Holographic Paradigm». — Ken Wibur, The Holographic paradigm (Boulder, Colo.: New Science Library, 1982), p. 156.

42. David Loye, The Sphinx and the Rainbow (Boulder, Colo.: Shambhala Publications, 1983), p. 156.

43. Terence McKenna, «New Maps of Hyperspace», Magical Blend 22 (April 1989), pp. 58, 60.

44. Daab and Langevin, Magical Blend, p. 41.

45. McKenna, Magical Blend, p. 60.

46. Emanuel Swedenborg, The Universal Human and Soul-Body Interaction, ed. and trans. George F. Dole (New York: Paulist Press, 1984), p. 54.

47. Joel L. Whitton and Joe Fisher, Life between Life (New York: Doubleday, 1986), pp. 45–46



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