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Глава 14
Baldwin Т. Revenge of the Battered Generals // Times. London. 2006. April 18.
Britain's Ranking on Surveillance Worries Privacy Advocate // New York Times. 2006. November 3.
Gross D. The Homeland Security Bubble. 2005. June 1, Slate.com.
Burns R. Defense Chief Shuns Involvement in Weapons and Merger Decisions to Avoid Conflict of Interest // Associated Press. 2001. August 23.
Burgess /. Tuning in to a Trophy Technology // Washington Post 1992. March 24; TIS Worldwide Announces the Appointment of the Honorable Donald Rumsfeld to its Board of Advisors // PR Newswire. 2000. April 25; Lean G, Owen J. Donald Rumsfeld Makes $5M Killing on Bird Flu Drug // Independent London. 2006. March 12.
Bush G.W. Bush Delivers Remarks with Rumsfeld, Gates // CQ Transcripts Wire. 2006. November 8.
Galloway J.L. After Losing War Game, Rumsfeld Packed Up His Military and Went to War // Knight-Ridder. 2006. April 26.
Birnbaum J.H. Mr. CEO Goes to Washington // Fortune. 2001. March 19.
Rumsfeld D.H. Secretary Rumsfeld's Remarks to the Johns Hopkins, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. 2005. December 5, www.defenselink.mil; Peters T. The Circle of Innovation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997. P. 16.
Информация, приведенная на следующих двух страницах, взята из: Rumsfeld D.H. DoD Acquisition and Logistics Excellence Week Kickoff— Bureaucracy to Battlefield. Speech made at the Pentagon. 2001. September 10, www.defenselink.mil.
Skorneck С. Senate Committee Approves New Base Closings, Cuts $1.3 Billion from Missile Defense // Associated Press. 2001. September 7; Rumsfeld D.H. DoD Acquisition and Logistics Excellence Week Kickoff.
Неттег В., Mclntyre J. Defense Secretary Declares War on the Pentagon's Bureaucracy // CNN Evening News. 2001. September 10.
Rumsfeld D. Tribute to Milton Friedman // Washington, DC. 2002. May 9, www.defenselink.mil; Friedman M., Friedman R.D. Two Lucky People, p. 345.
Friedman М., Friedman R.D. Two Lucky People, p. 391.
Gruber W. Rumsfeld Reflects on Politics, Business // Chicago Tribune. 1993. October 20; Hedges St.J. Winter Comes for a Beltway Lion // Chicago Tribune. 2006. November 12.
Schneider G. Rumsfeld Shunning Weapons Decisions // Washington Post 2001. August 24; Cockburn A. Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy. New York: Scribner, 2007. Pp. 89-90; Ramesh R. The Two Faces of Rumsfeld // Guardian. London. 2003. May 9; Behar R. Rummy's North Korea Connection // Fortune. 2003. May 12.
Данные о Tamiflu противоречивы. Имеется все больше задокументированных случаев, когда у молодых людей после приема лекарства возникают дезориентация, параноидальные состояния, бред и склонность к суициду. Между ноябрем 2005 года и ноябрем 2006 года в мире констатировали 25 смертей, которые связывают с побочным действием Tamiflu, теперь в США лекарство выпускают с предупреждением относительно «повышенного риска саморазрушительного поведения и состояния замешательства», а пациенту предлагают «тщательно следить за любыми признаками необычного поведения».
Рака J. Salk Polio Vaccine Conquered Terrifying Disease // National Public Radio: Morning Edition. 2005. April 12; Oshinsky DM. Polio: An American Story. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Pp. 210-211. FOOTNOTE: Weeks C. Tamiflu Linked to 10 Deaths // Gazette. Montreal. November 30; Griffith D. Psychiatric Warning Put on Flu Drug // Sacramento Bee. 2006. November 14.
KEI Request for Investigation into Anticompetitive Aspects of Gilead Voluntary Licenses for Patents on Tenofivir and Emtricitabine // Knowledge Ecology International. 2007. February 12, www.keionline.org.
Stanton }. Big Stakes in Tamiflu Debate // Roll Call. 2005. December 15.
Материалы для следующих двух абзацев взяты из: Miller Т.С. Blood Money, pp. 77-79.
Didion J. Cheney: The Fatal Touch // The New York Review of Boob. 2006. October 5.
Briody D. Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2004. Pp. 198-199; Hackworth D.H. Balkans Good for Texas-Based Business // Sun-Sentinel Fort Lauderdale. 2001. August 16.
Juhasz A. Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time. New York: Regan Books, 2006. P. 120.
Salant J.D. Cheney: Г11 Forfeit Options // Associated Press. 2000. September 1.
Lynne Cheney Resigns from Lockheed Martin Board // Dow Jones News Service. 2001. January 5.
Werner T. Lockheed and the Future of Warfare // New York Times. 2004. November 28. Все крупные производители вооружений в тот период начали помогать правительству в управлении. Computer Sciences, поставляющая военным информационные технологии, включая биометрическую идентификацию личности, получила контракт на 644 миллиона долларов от округа Сан-Диего на полное информационное обслуживание — один из крупнейших контрактов подобного рода. Окружные власти были недовольны работой Computer Sciences и не возобновили контракт, однако передали его другому монстру военной промышленности — компании Northrop Grumman, которая производит хитроумные бомбардировщики Б-2. McDonald J. City Looks at County's Outsourcing as Blueprint // San Diego Union-Tribune. 2006. July 23.
Verhovek S.H Clinton Reining in Role for Business in Welfare Effort // New York Times. 1997. May 11; Vobejda B. Privatization of Social Programs Curbed // Washington Post. 1997. May 10.
Breyer M., Ward M. Running Prisons for a Profit // Austin American-Statesman. 1994. September 4; Greene J. Bailing Out Private Jails // The American Prospect. 2001. September 10; Baro M. Tape Shows Inmates Bit by Dogs, Kicked, Stunned // Associated Press. 1997. August 19.
Moffett М. Pension Reform Pied Piper Loves Private Accounts // Wall Street Journal. 2005. March 3.
Governor George W. Bush Delivers Remarks on Government Reform // FDCH Political Transcripts. Philadelphia. 2000. June 9.
Elliston J. Disaster in the Making // Tucson Weekly. 2004. September 23.
Allbaugh J.M. Current FEMA Instructions & Manuals Numerical Index // Testimony of Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Joe M. Allbaugh before the Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee. 2001. May 16.
Harris J.E, Milbank D. For Bush, New Emergencies Ushered in a New Agenda // Washington Post. 2001. September 22; Aviation Security: Long-Standing Problems Impair Airport Screeners' Performance / United States General Accounting Office. 2000. June. P. 25, www.gao.gov.
The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States // National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. 2004. P. 85, www.gpoaccess.gov.
Manning A. Company Hopes to Restart Production of Anthrax Vaccine // USA Today. 2001. November 5.
McLane J. Conference to Honor Milton Friedman on His Ninetieth Birthday // Chicago Business. 2002. November 25, www.chibus.com.
Ryan J. Home of the Brave // San Francisco Chronicle. 2001. October 23; Bush G.W. President Honors Public Servants // Washington, DC. 2001. October 15.
Bush G. W. President Discusses War on Terrorism // Atlanta. Georgia. 2001. November 8.
Harris J.E, Milbank D. For Bush, New Emergencies Ushered in a New Agenda.
Отсутствие конкуренции при выдаче контрактов было одной из характерных особенностей правления Буша. Аналитики газеты New York Times в феврале 2007 года выявили, что «меньше половины всех "контрактных акций", то есть заключения новых контрактов или выплат по существующим, сегодня производятся в условиях полноценного открытого соревнования. В 2005 году такие открытые акции составляли лишь 48 процентов, тогда как в 2001 году — 79 процентов».
Bacevich A. Why Read Clausewitz When Shock and Awe Can Make a Clean Sweep of Things? // London Review of Books. 2006. June 8; Shane S., Nixon R. In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever // New York Times. 2007. February 4.
RatliffE. Fear, Inc. // Wired. 2005. December.
Shane S., Nixon R. In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever.
Richtel М. Tech Investors Cull Start-Ups for Pentagon // Washington Post. 2007. May 7; An Overview of the Defense Venture Catalyst Initiative // Defense Venture Catalyst Initiative, devenci.dtic. mil.43; Ratliff E. Fear, Inc.
Ratliff E. Fear, Inc.
Vest J. Inheriting a Shambles at Defense // Texas Observer. Austin. 2006. December 1; RatliffE. Fear, Inc.; Lt. General (Ret) USAF Kenneth A. Minihan // Paladin Capital Group. Paladin Team. 2003. December 2, www.paladincapgroup.com.
National Strategy for Homeland Security // Office of Homeland Security. 2002. July. P. 1, www.whitehouse.gov; Suskind R. The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside Americas Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006; Terror Fight Spawns Startups // Red Herring. 2005. December 5.
Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration // United States House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform — Minority Staff, Special Investigations Division. Prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman. 2006. June. P. 5, www.democrats. reform.house.gov; Shorrock T. The Corporate Takeover of U.S. Intelligence // Salon. 2007. June 1, www.salon.com; Monahan R.t Beaumont E.H. Big Time Security; World Fact Book 2007, www.cia.gov; US Government Spending in States Up 6 Pet in FY'03 // Reuters. 2004. October 7; Rich F. The Road from K Street to Yusufiya // New York Times. 2006. June 25.
Monahan R., Beaumont Е.И. Big Time Security; RatliffE. Fear, Inc.
Такие цифры приводит Роджер Кресси, бывший служащий администрации Буша, занимавшийся проблемами борьбы с терроризмом, ныне президент Good Harbor Consulting. Evans R., Mostrous A. Britain's Surveillance Future // Guardian. London. 2006. November 2; Johnson M. Video, Sound Advances Aimed at War on Terror // Associated Press. 2006. August 2; McCarthy E. 8 Firms Vie for Pieces of Air Force Contract // Washington Post. 2004. September 14.
Bergstein B. Attacks Spawned a Tech-Security Market That Remains Young Yet Rich // Associated Press. 2006. September 4.
Dickie М. Yahoo Backed on Helping China Trace Writer // Financial Times. London. 2005. November 10; Cauley L. NSA Has Massive Database of Americans' Phone Calls // USA Today. 2006. May 11; Boeing Team Awarded SBInet Contract by Department of Homeland Security Press release. 2006. September 21, www.boeing.com.
O'Harrow RJr. No Place to Hide. New York: Free Press, 2005.
Terror Fight Spawns Startups.
Rood }. FBI Terror Watch List «Out of Controb // The Blotter blog on ABC News. 2007. June 13, www.abcnews.com; Ed. E. Pilkington Millions Assigned Terror Risk Score on Trips to the US // Guardian. London. 2006. December 2.
Anderson R. Flog Is My Co-Pilot // Seattle Weekly. 2006. November 29; Mayer J. The C.I.A .S Travel Agent // The New Yorker. 2006. October 30; Knowlton B. Report Rejects European Denial of CIA Prisons // New York Times. 2006. November 29; Grey St. Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Torture Program. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2006. P. 80; Milton P. ACLU Files Suit Against Boeing Subsidiary, Saying it Enabled Secret Overseas Torture // Associated Press. 2007. May 31.
Buncombe A. New Maximum-Security Jail to Open at Guantanamo Bay // Independent. London. 2006. July 30; Chatterjee P. Intelligence in Iraq: L-3 Supplies Spy Support // CorpWatch. 2006. August 9, www.corpwatch.com.
Paul M. Guantanamo Prisoners for Sale // Associated Press. 2005. May 31; Simpson /. No Surprises in the War on Terror // BBC News. 2006. February 13; Mintz J. Detainees Say They Were Charity Workers // Washington Post. 2002. May 26.
Узника, о котором шла речь, звали Адель Фаттух Али аль-Газзар. Gilson D. Why Am I in Cuba? // Mother Jones. 2006. September-October; Simpson J. No Surprises in the War on Terror; SelskyA.0. AP: Some Gitmo Detainees Freed Elsewhere // USA Today. 2006. December 15.
Stoller G. Homeland Security Generates Multibillion Dollar Business // USA Today. 2006. September 10.
Anderson S., Cavanagh }., Collins С, Benjamin Е. Executive Excess 2006: Defense and Oil Executives Cash in on Conflict. 2006. August 30. P. 1, www.faireconomy.org.
Ratliff E. Fear, Inc.
O'Harrow R.Jr. No Place to Hide, p. 9.
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