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Text 1. Fire Protection Systems

A fire aboard an airplane is an emergency and the sooner a fire is detected, the better. The present-day advanced technology helps us fight the fire rapidly and reliably. So there must be special airborne equipment and means to detect, warm and prevent fire.

The aircraft fire-fighting equipment consists of the stationary fire-extinguishing system and portable fire-extinguishers. The fire-extinguishing system serves for detection of fire, fire warning and fire suppression. The stationary fire-extinguishing system includes the fire warning system, fire-extinguishers, pipelines, distribution valves, sprayer manifolds, indicators and controls.

Fire-extinguishers are used to store the fire extinguishing agent in pressurized containers (bottles) on board an airplane. Fire-extinguishers are charged at pressure with an extinguishant. The Halon 1301 gas is the most popular extinguishing agent in use today because of its high fire fighting efficiency and relatively non-toxic nature. The function of the pipelines is to supply the extinguishant to the danger points that require protection. Distribution valves serve for distributing the fire extinguishing agent. Sprayer manifolds are used to spray the extinguishant at pressure into hazard zones. The fire-extinguisher discharge controls serve for response of fire-extinguisher cartridges. There is two-discharge or “two shot” fire extinguishing system and a single discharge or “one shot” fire extinguishing system.

The fire extinguisher discharge indicators illuminate when the extinguishing agent has been discharged. The fire warning system contains fire detectors, installed in the compartment, actuating units, the fire control panel and the fire warning bell. The function of the fire detectors is to detect fire or overheat. Some of them detect high temperatures and some detect smoke. Extinguishing takes place automatically when fire is detected. Actuating units are used to amplify and process signals. The main purpose of the fire control panel is to warn the place of fire or overheat. The fire warning bell is used to attract crew’s attention.


Exercise 3. Translate word combinations with the term fire.

a) Inflight fire, cockpit fire, ground fire; wheel-well fire, engine internal fire, aircraft fire; auxiliary power unit compartment fire, body gear fire, nacelle fire;

b) fireproof, firewall, fire-fighting, fire safety, fire risk, fire prevention, fire suppression, fire-hazardous, fire-extinguisher, fire warning, fire extinguishing agent, firefighting, efficiency, fire warning bell, fire control panel.


Exercise 4. Match the synonyms.

aboard two-discharge fire extinguishing system

cartridge on board

fire extinguishing extinguishant

fire risk actuation

fire extinguishing agent signalling

response danger of fire

warning fire suppression

“two shot” fire extinguishing system squib


Exercise 5. Match the equivalents.

fire extinguisher распределительный клапан

distribution valve распылительный коллектор

actuating unit опасная зона

hazard zone противопожарное оборудование

fire fighting equipment исполнительный блок

sprayer manifoldогнетушитель

Exercise 6. Translate the following words used both as verbs and nouns.

To fire – fire, to fight – fight, to charge – charge, to discharge – discharge, to board – board, to service – service, to line – line, to spray – spray, to store – store, to function – function, to point – point.

Exercise 7. Make up sentences with the following terms.

To detect fire, to warn fire, to suppress fire, to extinguish fire, to fight fire, to catch fire, to isolate fire, to prevent fire, to amplify signals, to use portable fire- extinguishers, to store the fire extinguishing agent, to charge at pressure, to supply the extinguishant, to spray the extinguishing agent, to detect high temperatures, to process signals, to warn overheat, to attract crew’s attention.

Exercise 8. Fill in this table using words below.

Fire extinguishing system Fire warning system

Fire-extinguishers, fire detectors, smoke detectors, actuating units, fire control panel, fire warning bell, distribution valves, sprayer manifolds, controls, pipelines, indicators, fire warning panel.

Exercise 9. Put questions of different kinds to the following sentences.

1. The aircraft fire-fighting equipment consists of the stationary fire-extinguishing system and portable fire-extinguishers. 2. The stationary fire-extinguishing system includes the fire warning system, fire-extinguishers, pipelines, distribution valves, sprayer manifolds, indicators and controls. 3. The Halon gas 1301 is of high fire fighting efficiency and relatively non-toxic nature. 4. The fire extinguisher discharge indicators illuminate when the extinguishing agent has been discharged. 5. The fire warning system contains fire detectors, actuating units, the fire control panel and the fire warning bell. 6. Extinguishing takes place automatically when fire is detected. 7. The present-day advanced technology helps us fight fire rapidly and reliably. 8. The firewall or fire-resistant wall separates an engine from the rest of the aircraft structure to prevent the spread of fire from the engine compartment.

Exercise 10. Use the correct from of the verb to be.

1. A fire aboard an airplane (to be) an emergency. 2. There must (to be) the special airborne equipment and means to detect, warn and prevent fire. 3. Fire-extinguishers (to be) used to store the fire extinguishing agent in pressurized containers on board an airplane. 4. Fire-extinguishers (to be) charged at pressure with an extinguishant. 5. The Halon gas 1301 (to be) the most popular extinguishing agent in use today because of its high fire fighting efficiency and relatively non-toxic nature. 6. The function of the pipelines (to be) to supply the extinguishant to the danger points that require protection. 7. Sprayer manifolds (to be) used to spray the extinguishant at pressure into hazard zones. 8. The function of the fire detectors (to be) to detect fire or overheat. 9. There (to be) single discharge and two-discharge fire extinguishing systems.

Exercise 11. Change the following sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive Voice according to the model.

Model: - Fire detectors detect fire or overheat. - Fire or overheat is detected by fire detectors.

1. Pressurized containers store the fire extinguishing agent. 2. The designers introduced the first Addressable Smoke Detection system on the Airbus A 320. 3. Sprayer manifolds spray the extinguishant. 4. The fire warning system provides an immediate warning of fire or overheat. 5. The fire warning system requires a minimum of electrical power. 6. We usually install smoke-detection systems to monitor the condition of the air in cargo and baggage compartments. 7. The smoke detection system detects smoke in the avionics bay, cargo compartments and toilets. 8. The Smoke Detection Control Unit processes all signals from the detectors. 9. This system monitors the cargo fire extinguishing system.


Exercise 12. Complete the following sentences.

1. The aircraft fire-fighting equipment consists of …. 2. Fire-extinguishing system serves for …. 3. The stationary fire-extinguishing system includes …. 4. Fire-extinguishers are used to …. 5. Fire-extinguishers are charged at … with …. 6. The function of the pipelines is to supply …. 7. Distribution valves serve for …. 8. Sprayer manifolds are used to …. 9. The fire warning system contains …. 10. The function of the fire detectors is to …. 11. The main purpose of the fire control panel is to …. 12. The fire warning bell is used to ….



Exercise 13. Answer the questions on text 1.

1. What does the aircraft fire-fighting equipment consists of? 2. What does the stationary fire-extinguishing system include? 3. What are fire-extinguishers charged with? 4. What is the most popular extinguishing agent used today? 5. What serves for distribution of the fire-extinguishing agent? 6. What is used to spray the extinguishant at pressure into the hazard zones? 7. What illuminates when the extinguishing agent has been discharged? 8. What does the fire warning system contain? 9. What is the function of the fire detectors?


Exercise 14. Rearrange these series of words to form sentences.

1. Discharge indicators, visual evidence, provide, immediate, of, container, discharge, on, fire extinguishing systems.

2. Containers, a liquid fire extinguishing agent, store, pressurized, with, nitrogen gas.

3. Include, the fire protection equipment, und, liquid agent containers, portable fire extinguishers.

4. And, fire suppression, fire warning, detection of fire, for, serves, the fire extinguishing system.

5. Are, fire-extinguishers, used, to store, the fire extinguishing agent, in, containers, pressurized.

6. Of, fire extinguishers, cartridges, response, for, serve, the fire extinguisher discharge controls.

7. Used, are, to spray, the extinguishant, into, the hazard zones, sprayer manifolds.

Exercise 15. Translate into English.

1. Система пожаротушения состоит из огнетушителей, трубопроводов, распределительных клапанов, распылительных коллекторов, органов управления разрядкой огнетушителей, средств сигнализации разрядки огнетушителей.

2. Огнетушители предназначены для хранения огнегасящего вещества на борту самолета.

3. Трубопроводы служат для подачи огнегасящего вещества в пожароопасные отсеки.

4. Распределительные клапаны обеспечивают распределение огнегасящего вещества по пожароопасным отсекам централизованной системы пожаротушения.

5. Функция распределительных коллекторов – распылять огнегасящее вещество под давлением в зоне пожара.

6. Органы управления разрядкой огнетушителей предназначены для срабатывания пиропатронов огнетушителей.

7. Система пожарной сигнализации включает датчики обнаружения пожара, блоки управления и контроля, светосигнальное табло в кабине экипажа, звуковую сигнализацию.

8. Датчики обнаруживают пожар или перегрев.

9. Блоки используются для усиления и обработки сигналов, поступающих от датчиков.

10. Светосигнальные табло предназначены для информирования экипажа о месте пожара, перегрева или отказе системы сигнализации.

11. Функция звуковой сигнализации – привлечь внимание экипажа.

12. Системы пожаротушения бывают с одной или двумя очередями срабатывания.

Exercise 16. Translate into Russian.

1. Special consideration for fire protection has been provided in the 737 by isolating the engine from the wing. 2. A stainless steel firewall and a separate thermal insulation blanket isolate the wing structure from each engine compartment. 3. The fire protection equipment includes fixed system liquid agent containers, system components and portable fire extinguishers. 4. Containers store a liquid halogenated fire extinguishing agent, pressurized with nitrogen gas. 5. Containers use a reliable cartridge and frangible disc type valve in the outlet. 6. Dual (overheat and fire) thermistor-type or pneumatic pressure-sensing type detectors are used on the engines and firewalls to detect overheat or fire conditions and provide the appropriate warning. 7. Should a fire occur, both the overheat and fire warning lights will illuminate. 8. Two dual detectors are mounted on engine fan case and one detector is mounted on the engine core case. 9. The discharge system consists of stainless steel tubes which direct the suppressant info the nacelle and control the distribution of the suppressant in the nacelle. 10. The extinguisher bottle can be discharged from either the flight desk or the wheel well.


Exercise 17. Read, translate text 2 in writing.

Text 2

The engine fire extinguishing system consists of two extinguisher bottles mounted in the wheel well and connected to the fire zones by steel and aluminum tubing. Either bottle can be discharged to either engine by pulling the appropriate fire handle and turning it either left or right. Engine “bottle discharge” lights on the control stand illuminate when the extinguishing agent has been discharged. A test switch and lights provide a continuity test of the extinguisher discharge circuits.

The APU is located within a fire protection shroud in the tail section of the airplane. A thermistor-type or pneumatic pressure sensing-type fire detector and a fire extinguishing system are incorporated. When the detector senses a fire, the APU automatically shuts down, red fire warning lights illuminate (flight deck and wheel well) and a bell sounds in the flight deck. When the airplane is on the ground a horn is also activated in the wheel well. A fault in the detection system causes the “APU DET INOP” light on the fire control panel and the master caution lights (OVHT/DET) on the glasshield to illuminate.

The APU can be shut down and the extinguishing agent released from either the flight deck or the wheel well.

Note: glareshield- противобликовый экран.


Exercise 18. Translate text 3 using the scheme.

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